R-77-1 but no AIM-120C-5?

those “what if scenarios” are what happens in top tier I dont know when was the last time you played it but thats whats going on in top tier right now, I explained fist how R-77-1 will work and second how C-5s would work and the matter of fact is that they won’t change much other than giving F-18 something to be able to compete in 14.0

I don’t know, maybe the same reason they won’t give us F-15C with its PW-229? Making the game balanced is more important than making it historically accurate ig otherwise we wouldn’t see a 1986 jet and a 2012 jet being added at the same time

F-15C MSIP II doesn’t use PW-229.
And F-18C is already the 3rd best airframe at 14.0 only beaten by Rafale and Typhoon.

Others here have said my points in other regards.

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I said F-15C not “F-15C MSIP II” bro


i guess you missed the rafale from 2019 and the mirage 2000rmv from 2021?

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Your what if scenarios took literally the best case for an engagement, which is above mach 1.5 at mid alt, on dev my closest engament to that was 1.3 at about 6k meters up. missile was dead after first crank because the issues with r-77 and derivatives has always been its drag profile, if people flew in straight lines you would have a point but they dont and havent done since multipath was essentially nixed. So explain to me how has anything I said about what you have said been incorrect.

So the older ones that existed prior to PW-220’s existence let alone PW-229’s. ;)
There is no F-15C in-game that uses PW-229s IRL, and I’m unaware of any IRL that use them as MSIP II is the last official upgrade package to my knowledge.

Though Japan is making JSI.

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Good point, these too))

You explain to me how was I wrong about C-5 being balanced professor?

Yes, IN GAME we dont yet F-15C actually got its PW-229s in 89

The only reason the R-77-1 got added is because missiles in war thunder seemingly can’t model unilinear drag. Aka the high drag of the R-77 at transonic speed kills its performance even at higher speeds.

This means that in practice the R-77-1 in game is far closer to the aim120b than to the 120c.

Plus the only plane it is on is far slower/heavier than the EFT or the F-15E. If it was on the Su-27SM it would have been far more dangerous at long range, but the Su-30 is too slow to accelerate/climb well enough.


I haven’t seen you in a while lol, welcome back o7


thanks m8 !

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Never talked about the 120-c5 because im not knowledgeable on its capabilities or how it would impact the game, ive just pointed out that unlike myself youve been spouting nonsense claims on how the R-77-1 will perform in game (divorced from the reality we can already see on dev) based on what i can only assume are assumptions based on a dream you had the night dev opened because in no reality does the su-30sm or r-77-1s perform the way you think it does, which is further compounded by the fact youve never played a flanker/fulcrum or used base r-77s and therefore also have not even the barest minimum of an idea on what its currently like to play into BLUEFOR.


Holy yap bro you look really hurt and emotional there

Alright Shakespeare… if you really wanna talk about dreams I had some that night that I definitely can’t share here but the day after, though? I actually played both the F/A-18C late and Su-30SM, my takeaway? The Hornet is severely underpowered compared to other 14.0s, and the only real solution that doesn’t break the game’s balance is adding the C-5

Except, y’know, I have Like I said I’ve played all of them on other accounts
But go off, professor any other expert opinions on my previous comments?))

I can say the R-77-1 doesnt feel any different conpared to the R-77 during gameplay. Ive still not gotten any kills outside of against people not paying attention, or merged too close and got the first shot off.

Theres a lot of assumptions and nothing conclusive in this thread about the balance between missiles but gameplay wise it plays no differently.

Anyone flying low and your R-77-1 will miss 100% of the time.

NATO aircraft will fire before you do 100% of the time as usual, and youll still be defending far more often. Youll get 1-2 R-77’s off the rails and die with 10 still on pylons because you’ll never have had the room to re-engage anyways.

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Its subject to change and I hope they actually give it its full potential

NO F-15Cs are compatible with the PW-229, period.

The only none Strike Eagle that you could argue for PW-229s would be the NASA F-15B which also conducted the STOL/MTD and ACTIVE tests.

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it does not have “twice the range” u buffoon like be fr bro lmfao this is an obvious fake crying for a nerf cuz youre starting to get a competition finally😭😭

yeah thats true nato aircrafts always launch their amraams very soon all the time like at 50kms i already get hella rwr missile launches warnings