R-77-1 but no AIM-120C-5?

you really should stop trying to “teach” people something when your most played high tier plane is the f15c at 13.7 and has 1.3 kd, that is NOT something to be THAT proud of because this was THE meta plane when it was released and it is still one of the best 13.7 planes, so stop acting like you know everything in the game.


Not really, the thing is in a real situation your target wont receive any RWR warning until like 18KM and he wont expect a missile to close in that fast into the game so he wont start manoeuvring rightaway, so you have a missile that will go 40KM stright without your target even expecting it so no it wont lose that much energy

I have the damned plane. I have the missiles. I know the nez. you’re just making crap up.

Are these from the game itself or these are comparations of IRL versions? Because thats not how AIM-120 actually works in game

It’s unbelievable how much usamain can’t stand the fact that they don’t have the best fox3 right now. Up until now, US aircraft have dominated air rb. Now, too, just now one other nation has come closer. It’s funny to read the cries of so many brain-dead usamains


It is made using data from game files

Run it for yourself. Hilarious that you believe it’s lying.

tbh, they still do, cause the planes that carry the aim120 are way faster than the su30sm, so they can boost the aim120 better and the aim120 bleeds less speed when maneuvering compared to the r77-1


The thing is you never had “Best fox 3” IRL I mean ffs you’re comparing a missile from 2015 to a 90s missile 😂😂
And its not just US mains that had “the best fox 3” the whole damn nations had them and that was the whole point but now we have soviet mains crying over the fact that they dont wanna understand that this missile is too overpowered
The matter of fact is the whole point of this topic is to get AIM-120C-5 to F/A-18C, it literally is a jet flying at mach 1.2 and cant get any faster whatsoever so if you’re saying your Su-30SM cant use R-77-1s full potential you should understand the fact that AIM-120C-5 isnt just about balancing F/A-18C and Su-30SM, it will be still underpowered compared to a Eurofighter or a F-15E too
As I said before R-77-1 isnt even the problem here soviet deserved a better BVR missile they were the only nation that didn’t have any yet you’re still here crying over why Su-30SM deserves its R-77-1 WELL IT ALREADY GOT IT whats all this thing even about?

Oh didn’t know statshark actually added dev server too

Yes, although some files such as the PL-9 and AIM-120C-5 are incomplete and not fully modeled yet.

Not anymore but I think R-77-1 is know how to work with it

If this topic is about the addition of Aim-120-C5 why is it not titled and tagged as such, instead its a debate thread in the section meant for USSR vehicles and armament. You literally have no idea what your talking about be it missile performance in game, aircraft or now the forums itself. If this was the old forums you would have been inundated with confused emojis hours ago.

Yeah I know that but I just didnt check if they added dev server stuff yet, its nice to know

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Did you even read my messages? Did you even read the same message you just replied to?

Not really, I really hope they dont buff AIM-120s because now they’re perfectly balanced with R-77-1s with just a bit difference

I dont care your massive copium.

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The whole reason Im even writing here is that just F/A-18C is underpowered compared too all other 14.0s even with AIM-120s because its not nearly as efficient with it as something like F-15E or Eurofighter thats why I think it should get AIM-120C-5 and thats the reason I still think it wont be overpowered at all

oh I did, i focused in on your claim the second paragraph cause thats the bit that stood out. I skimmed the rest of your recent posts in this forum and it mostly boils down to cherry picking numbers and magical what if scenarios that dont line up with how things play out in game and ignoring the crux of the issue with r-77s and why r-77-1s are being floated and more importantly why further 120 variants arent.


are you kidding? your whole bad responses were because the useless damn f18c isnt getting a better aim120? you should have said that early, why would gaijin only add the aim120c-5 for the f18 and not for the f15s too? you cant just assume that they will only give that to the f18.