You’re in test server bro, joining a match 10 minutes late when everyone are already up high. Start a match at the same time as the others you’ll be just fine
*you can turn off connecting for started battles. It worked some time ago on dev, now idk
you accelerate too slowly for it to matter. by the time you’re going mach 1.2 at 10km, a eurofighter or f15e is already at 12km doing mach 1.5 or better. the “nez” of an aim120 in those perimeters is over 50km. r77-1 has too much drag for super long bvr shots.
Also i turn off joining matches late so nice try.
What an absolute brick take. Use the thing in between your ears and tell me when’s the last time anyone launched an R-77-1 at 110km and it actually hit that range.
Best maneuverability? For 0.5 seconds, then it’s stalled out and dead.
Best speed? Acceleration is what matters.
Longest range? If the target is flying at high altitude, AFK in a straight line.
Your missile has enough energy to be launched at 7-8000 and it will start lufting itself
See? Still missile wasn’t the problem you’re the problem you dont have the engine too shoot it from space but you have the missile to shoot it from 7-8KM above ground and it will hit a target at 50KM with ease
Except it wont, at 7-8km alt doing mach 1.2 your missile only has a nez of less than 35km.
he doesn’t know how the r77/-1 or sukhois in general perform because he doesn’t own them, If he knew something, he wouldn’t be saying these things
You don’t even have to own or have used them. You just need to be able to use critical thinking.
Its the maximum range of it have you ever seen anyone hit a AIM-120 from 80KM? Me neither but the effective range of a R-77-1 is around 50-60KM which is 50% above what we already have in game
this is also true lol
Learn to control your energy
It’s not, targets do not fly in straight lines. The R-77-1 is extremely draggy and will bleed all of its speed, thus rendering unable to hit said target at 50-60km.
Please, enlighten us. Show us a video of you using TVC at 700 kph and not dipping below 400kph.
BVR lesson one: If you climb at a sustained rate, by the time you get to 7-8KM above ground youll be at mach 1.4 and you can stay in that altitude and gain even more speed
Yeah I haven’t grinded soviet tech tree yet still I played it with my friends account so Im not sure what are you talking about
If you learn how to use them you can easily shoot down targets around 40KM (If they guy is actually trying to dodge) in the same situation AIM-120 can do the same around 20-25KM
Even at mach 1.4 you still have a nez of less than 40km.
Really? The whole thing was made for stall speeds you use that in 700kph youll rip your wings off and transform into a pencil with two engines
Incorrect, you are pulling these numbers out of air.
Here is a comparison of drag
Vs a comparison of time to reach target
In a perfectly straight line the R-77-1 will reach the target 3 seconds faster than the AMRAAM. In an actual scenario in which the target is defending it will not because of its extreme drag.
700 kph is within the maximum speed bounds to use TVC. Educate yourself before spewing this nonsense.