R-77-1 but no AIM-120C-5?

USSR was using the r-77 while (nearly) all other nations are getting AIM-120Bs, you gotta survive with that.


Currently spading the UK Gripen with R-Darter.
Frustrating AF so i have to laugh at player crying over a plane getting a better missile

120B is only diffefent skin to 120A.
R-77-1 performs better than R-77.


Sounds like more of a AIM-120C-7 to 9 kind of deal perhaps then (with the little information i have).

There isn’t much information on it since it’s still in development or produced in small numbers for the Su-57.

Biggest change is that it doesn’t have grid fins.

Well according to gzhabis missile spreadsheet
R77-1 has a delta V of 1123,29
Aim-120B has a delta V of 888,24
Aim-54C has a delta V of 1158,69

it also gets high-off bore capability which the US doesn’t have in game yet meanwhile everyone else does.


Everyone that uses Aim-120 as their primary ARH. Which includes US, Britain, Italy, Germany, Israel, Japan and Sweden.

Only France with the MICA and China/Soviets with the R-77 have good short range dogfighting ARH which can be used effectively off-boresight.


Taking into account that the target flies straight (mostly F-14A) because when it turns the slightest the AIM-120 will match it since it loses less energy while the R-77-1 has more.
Not forgetting that R-77-1 is in the second plane with the worst FM for BVR (First Su-34)

clear marketing lie

120b got better seeker than 120a, its not just cosmetic or some its actually better

delta v isnt everything man, also theres the drag issue

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IRL - maybe
In game - it didnt.

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ingame they perform identically


All ARHs in-game (with the exception of the AIM-54 and Fakour) are modeled with the same seekerhead.

source or proof for that claim? like why would they add the b variant if its literally 1:1 to the a variant?

They added just because they can


ill take a look at this later thanks!

I’m not sure if I’d call 140% boost in range “Just a few KM” and about that “a bit better radar lock” R-77-1 gets the improved 9B-1348M with a much better ECCM capabilities

Now about energy retention of AIM-120C-5, yes it has much better energy retention but we’re talking about a missile with ~105KM range being launched from low alt and a mach 1.2 platform against a missile with ~110KM range being launched from a mach 2.0 platform that can actually launch from hight altitude and they both pull roughly ~40G
Without this missile F/A-18C is as many said dead on arrival

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I was referring to effective range and not max range but i can see how that might have been unclear.

Which i honestly don’t mind. currently in air-RB i get shot down way more often by the AIM-120B than the R-77, so giving the R-77-1 to them will likely just make them on par or at most slightly better than the AIM-120B (regardless of platform, i’m referring to identical launch conditions)

You do have a point here, but it’s also a very theoretical point.

How often in game do you manage to get above ~Mach 1.3-1.5 before launching your missiles and how often do you do so at above 8-10km? The likely scenario is that both sides will have an average launch speed and launch altitude far below those listed and thus the average probability of hit is likely going to be about the same for the R-77-1 and the AIM-120B. The average probability of hit for the AIM-120C-5 is going to be quite a bit higher than any other missile in game given the average launch conditions in any given match.

The AIM-120B has been the best missile in the game for a while now, i don’t mind the possibility of the R-77-1 being the best for a while before even newer missiles are introduced.

Don’t write it off before you’ve tried it :)