R-77-1 but no AIM-120C-5?

maybe because it like every nation in the game using AMRAAM except Russia and China?
it no surprise

what newer can it be? even C-5 are decade older than R-77-1

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no because the Russians will have to mow the lawn again

Newer to the game, not IRL :P

Yeah I’m not saying USSR shouldn’t have received its R-77-1 they were lacking BVR but now its just too overpowered, AIM-120C-5 would be the perfect counterpart for this missile
Besides, the fact that you’re getting shot down way more often by AIM-120B’s is most likely because of player behaviour and EF/F-15 spam its not necessarily because its way too overpowered

tbh F/A-18C’s engines you can get nowhere near that speed and you can either get altitude or get some speed "I barely got to mach 1.17-1.2 and 3-3500m altitude and it was in one of the big EC maps but in smaller maps like Moscow you just can’t get any altitude at all, same thing can’t be said about Su-30SM it will reach around 8000m and mach 1.6-1.7 in the exact same time with ease

Im gonna have to disagree with you on this one, Su-30SM can shoot a missile from way up higher than F/A-18C thus F-18 will be between missile and ground so it can’t effectively notch/chaff because missile refuses to shut its pulse-doppler off and yes this seems very situational but its the exact same thing that will happen every single match

Now that would be correct if you gave AIM-120C-5 to F-15E or F-15C late (With PW-229s if it ever gets added) and would be absolutely unbalanced and terrible but you’re giving it to a fighter that barely reaches mach 1.2 in a very disadvantaged altitude

To be honest I did try it and all I felt was that sting of disappointment

The thing is, it really isn’t.

All it has been is a top tier skill check. Launching any ARH outside of the seekers own range gives more than enough time that any that hits is entirely the fault of the receiving aircraft either in positioning or defensive maneuvering.

The only time an ARH can’t be defeated is when it is fired in close range maneuvers, and the 120s have the worst minimum maneuvering envelope of any of the top tier ARHs.

No, it’s still a decent missile.

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Yes, decent in the sense that it is still useable unlike earlier missiles which can even just be kinematically dodged.(IE AIM-7,AIM-54,AIM-9B etc)

But its only stand out trait is max range.

Which can be completely negated by positioning and proper defensive maneuvering.

The only reason it is “OP” is because the average cro-magnan ARB player is incapable of this apparently.

Within actual effective launch range and positioning, it has the worst maneuvering envelope and one of the worst TTI, which is what actually matters for scoring hits against someone that doesn’t fail the ARH skill check.

Or because almost every TT in the game using it


my brother in christ the r77-1 in a real live match barely barely keeps up with the aim 120a/b LOL

Do they really need 2015 missile just to keep up with missile from early 90? lol that almost two decades gaps

And how is that a problem when its still worse than a 120 in a real match?.. make it make sense, year doesnt really mean much when one nation is like 20 years behind in tech for some stuff

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what does the date of ammunition’s introduction has to do with its effectiveness?..

It’s pretty evident that his post was made for mocking purposes, as he can’t contain his hatred towards a certain nation IRL.


Yeah, that’s because stat cards mean jack crap to any semblance of real gameplay.

I just find that funny that they need missile date when i was still in upper class to complete with missile that exist before i even born

This is the running opinion. The aircraft is about a year late to the game and I honestly thought the C-5 was going to be the means in which Gaijin balances it given that its slower and bleeds energy faster than most of its competitors (most, not all). Or perhaps a block 1 early gen 9X. You do get the sense its going to struggle in its current iteration.

Aim120c5 is significantly better. Let the soviets
compete for one fox 3 patch.

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100% agree but i would like the accepted bugfixes for aim120 to go forward into the game

Can’t do.

Only for range, in close fights R-77 still would be better.