R-77-1 but no AIM-120C-5?

He was supposed to give you the OP stuff the Soviet received first, not only is he mostly wrong on them receiving it first, he is also mostly wrong about it being OP.
The only valid ones are the Khriz bringing a so far exclusive G2G radar to the Soviet tree (very dominant vehicle clearly), and the Pantsir being a semi exclusive, semi threatening SPAA (the Tor was first, but at this point we expected it, and he probably conflates the Soviet and Chinese tree anyway).

His whole shtick is seething about the Soviet tree.

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Arent those just for the navy, so not a common system either…

AF and Navy can transfer equipment, and it can interface with ALE-47 to be programmed to match the aircraft

thats just speculation…

It literally says it’s programmable with ALE-47 in brochure

again im saying with the ale 39s, the ale 47 is from the late 90s

We have ALE-47 jets, but yeah unless it’s a later ale-39 I don’t think any USAF jets can take it

GEN-X is still in service too

Please don’t use red text (this counts as red too) as it is meant for staff purposes

yes we have jets with the ale47, but they arent as common as jammer in other aircrafts, even in the US tt there are more things that could have jammers but doesnt have the ale 47, and the things that have the ale 47 can also use jammers.
Again my premise that jammers are more common that ecm decoys is undeniable, btw isnt the gen x a free fall decoy not a towed one?

Yeah your not wrong. But they should at least add the decoys at same time

Oh yea, just casually the only missile you can BVR with. Casually without any bugs and stuff like that, casually having datalink.

It’s a search radar, hardly different from any other.

Nerfed tunguska*

I mean ground to ground.
Everything mentioned gaijin also has tendency of giving other candies while building a gingerbread house for soviets. You know why I forgot that Rise got his ERA first? Because it never mattered, all the problems started when soviets got their magic era with KE protection. Same with Tor. At the same time they had to gimp Hellfires, never give any alternatives to maverics for US, butcher brimmstones and refuse to elaborate why pantsir is still the only spaa capable of suppresing CAS, somewhat.

the data link only improves the launch range otherwise all the impriovemnts over the other fox 1 is dues to the ins, which isnt a common feature on fox 1 missiles to begin with.

the tunguska never had over 10 km of range, even today it gets outranged with agm 65D

And the ground radar of the krizantema or rockets matters a lot… right.

the russians doesnt have the tor in game…

so which is the exact issue of the k-5 having ke protection exactly?, i could understand to desagree with the values, but the k5 does in fact offers ke protection there is nothing magical about it

yeah, like when they got for several moths exclusive use of flares… oh wait that was the us not the ussr


BVR was a meme in the day and age of 100m multipath height.
It’s funny how that got reduced to 60m the very moment ARHs such as AIM-120 were added and western jets got competitive when it comes to that.

ERA at those ranks still matter to this day due to HEAT weapons still being in use.
You forgot how commander override for tanks was added that mostly benefited western tanks, as early USSR tanks didn’t have that option.

Thinking USSR gets privileged treatment is laughable.


I like how all that bias is still making their things mediocre, especially in air.

So because Gaijin is allegedly biased toward USSR, Mig-21s don’t have their ECM pod functionality yet…
As for Hammer/Kh-38/PGM_3, their ability to be OP will remain, and also isn’t Soviet bias.

Perenthese() is staff only?

No, anyone can use it. I just put them in perenthese because some could see the Red as a mixture of Red and Pink, however it still counts as Red, hence why

Oh the whole thing was white for me on mobile

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That is probably why it is not in the game.

Beening able to take more flares because your decoys will just make you near immune to arh.