R-77-1 but no AIM-120C-5?

Russia got active ECM on a jet first no? When it should’ve been US with AN/AAQ-8 on F-4C and F-4E

Chaff is there to fool radars and radar missiles. Active decoys do the same thing but better.

Oh. So like of you have a dispenser for 128cm, you can have 128 of them?

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we dont have active ecm in the game…, that’s why i said the those towed decoys needs of a completely new mechanics.

If it means anything, it was accepted as a suggestion.

If its added, i could see it being put on the f4c due to it needing it far more than the f4e

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Towed decoy just mimic radar signature and magnifying it a bit no? This could be done easily ingame I think.

I think so. For a lot of the dispenser there are differences in the size (like 30 std vs 15 large on the same dispenser) but I think gen X fits on the std CM ones

It can be done but it still is something new and in my opinion they should start with jammers which are far common and there probably is more info about them than on the towed decoys.

But GEN-X, Britecloud, and towed decoys are very common?

not compared with jammers

This is the bias towards USSR I am talking about. Always opposing new additions if USSR can’t get a piece of it.

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Is the USSR the only nation in game? the only ones that seems to have a bias is you buddy…

Every EFT operater gets access to towed decoys. Sweden can get Britecloud on Gripen. US can get ALE-50, ALE-55, GEN-X and Britecloud. I’m sure there are others too

Well every new and op mechanic seems to be coming to soviets first. Or at least they’re getting a piece of it.

Such as?

So it isn’t as common… jammers can be found on more platforms, like those same aircraft that you mention and older ones

ERA, long range Fox 1/2, damn Aesa or whatever it is on pantsir, TWS on SPAA. Missile capable of being fired outside of the range of any SPAA (except for their own). TVC. Ground radar, double mode ATGM (heli). MLRS and afaik Ground radar mode on a plane. Oh yea, TVC missile as well.


Anything US with ALE-47 and 39 could take GEN-X (a lot of jets, and older ones too)

Anything US with ALE-47 can take Britecloud as well.

So it is a very common type of thing

Nope, the rise p was added first…

not a mechanic, also fox ones were in fact introduced first in the us tt…

Nope, the asrads was before.

Not sure how is this a mechanic whatever, but keep in maind that the agm 65d are added before the pantsir, and they easily outranges the tunguska

On helicopoters was added at the same time as the ah64D

The sraams are a thing…

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So anything after the 2000s us? the ALE 47 isnt even that old… there is jammers for much older aircrafts.

ALE-39 is from 70’s, and GEN-X is from 80’s