Question about Chinese F-16A MLU and the ADF varient still sit at 13.0 in Current state of the game

still sit at 13.0 in Current state of the game
even there is a FOX-3 Carrier like Iranian F-14 with Fakour-90 in 12.3
J-8F that have HMS with PL-12 in 13.0
US F-16A ADF and Chinese MLU sit at 13.0 with no reason
still having AIM-9L(which right now is kinda unreliable) and AIM-7M/F kinda ok but you fight against FOX-3 most of the time since you sitting at 13.0
how are you suppose to fight in an uptiered with SARH AIM-7 while the other using ARAAM and R-77
“if you got a downtiered you having a blast” sure do if you do get that much type of the match when you get like 80% that matchmaking gonna put you into uptiered match


F-16 can’t go down. Rather the surrounding planes should go up in BR. Ideally there should be a hard barrier where planes without ARH can’t meat SARH. Even better, F-16MLU should go up and recieve AIM120.

Raise the BR Cap from 13.7 to 14.7 and thats it
and minimum BR for FOX-3 should be 13.3(Cry harder F-14 Spammer)

I don’t understand why do you have to be so toxic. In the other thread you made, a player agreed with you and you attacked him. Here I agree with you and you tell me to cry harder.

Are you OK? Do you feel fine in the head?


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Same for the F-20A at 12.7 and getting constantly uptiered…its no fun.

However, even worse is the 11.3 bracket, I stopped grinding the Italien Tree until this gets fixed.