Python 4 still missing from Barak II

You’re suggesting that one nation should get a much better IR missile compared to others in game alongside ARH missiles. Regardless of how you feel about how it should perform, it doesn’t make sense from a perspective of fairness.


Because you can use multipath against MICA EM not against an IR missile, think for 2 seconds. Also i’m plain okay to have the Python 4 in game as long as France gets it’s real Magic 2 performances(50G, 10000N of booster for 5.5 seconds and Seeker Shut off as well as 0.4° IFOV) and the Magic 2 Mk2(Improved Magic 2 with better engine and kinematics improving it’s max range to 25km).


It already does 50G lol

Should at all times not when pulling in diagonal just like a Python 4 and 5 do 70G at all times. Currently Magic 2 is 35G lateral, 35G vertical and 50G in diagonal it should pull 50G at all times thanks to the use of dual plane maneuvering.

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Yeah but the Magic II is already really good as it is, Python 4 is still very doable.

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ive used the MAA-1 missile in the dev server, all it takes is a single flare and it breaks lock

Bro it’d be the only missile with INS being able to have 2 hit chances. I don’t know if you know how strong this is it means the missile can hit someone that decoyed it a first time. I don’t see in what world this is fair as no one has INS missile in game atm. So no it isn’t doable. It’d have close to no weakness.
IFOV IRCCM + Seeker shut off IRCCM + INS in case of miss + 50G to 70G of maneuverability depending on which axis it pulls. If that is what you call balance…

And don’t bring R73 or MICA EM again. R73 can’t have second hit chance and MICA EM can be defeated by going low.


You need to calm down. You can be from anywhere are still use nationalist arguments. Those advocating for ANY nation to having stronger stuff just because they want it to be stronger then others are wrong.

The fact of the matter is Gaijin is not willing to add the next round of more capable IR missiles yet. They are willing to add the next round of more capable radar missiles, hence the upcoming patch. You need to stop trying to make the false equivalence of comparing the upcoming ARH missiles with the python 4, which is not ARH.

It will likely be added with the next round of IR missiles so you can chill out. You don’t see people throwing a fit about the F16C not carrying the Aim-9X, it’s called game progression.

And please, acting juvenile and throwing insults will not make you or your point more appealing.


R73 is by far the best IR missile in game, as long as I have been playing there are always particular vehicles or weapons that are next level, Israel has one of if not the most advanced military in the world so it’s not out of line that they have the best of something…

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I would argue with that myself actually. It’s good, sure, but it’s got some pretty big flaws once you know how to defeat it.

Defyn just made an entire video on just how to do it, and I would say overall the 9M is better mostly because of the fact it doesn’t leave a smoke trail which is one of the R73’s biggest downsides. Once the motor on the 9M burns out, you no longer get the missile diamond, and there’s no smoke trail revealing it even exists.

Adding the Python 4 would simply be out of the question in the current state. As others have pointed it, it would not only have an IRCCM seeker which would be currently near impossible to flare without electronic countermeasures, but it would also have the highest gimble seeker which is what allows it to turn 180 degrees and attack a target at two separate points in flight interception. Something like the R-74, AIM-9X, and a proper AAM-3 would be the answers that come to mind but, that should still be some ways away.

The more pressing issue would be the overall state of compression and grinding at the upper tiers, especially with early jets. I would argue it is more important the BR’s get sorted before any such boost in IR capacity should be made if only because the tiers directly under these missiles would become even more suffocating to try and deal with as a whole.

What a joke.

The R73 is strong from rear aspect, but is defeated by 2-3 flare pops and AB off.

The Aim9M is much stronger. Takens 8-9 pops, AF off, and at least 90 degrees of turning. That, it’s smokeless aspect, and the fact that it has 1.5x the range makes it a much more meta missile. Lacking HOB capabilities means very little when most kills in this game are not up close anyways.


Aren’t most of the missiles, whether infrared or radar missiles, implemented at the top tier weaker than they actually are?
Just implement a weaker version of the Python 4 as well.

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That would require gimping to such a degree it wouldn’t really be a Python 4 at all. Again, it’s biggest selling point is the massive gimble angle range and the thrust vectoring nozzle on the end if memory serves. Thus, as mentioned, it can line up for two potential points of intercept while tracking the target the entire time. Gimping the seeker is hardly the only measure.

Hasn’t gaijin continued to implement such an implementation until now?
Skyflash without monopulse seeker is such a change that it can’t even be called skyflash.
Even infrared missiles, such as the R60, which in the past only demonstrated a turning capability of 18G.

The difference would be something more than just a little change in the numbers and a flicking of a switch. The entire missile would have to be redone depending on what implementation they want and, frankly as it stands now, Israel isn’t in terribly strong need to get that sort of missile in this stage of the game and with this level of BR compression still being oppressive.

It is implemented with total disregard for the fact that it is not simply a numerical change with or without a monopulse seeker, but a fundamentally different guidance system.
This has been done for years with all western radar missiles since Skyflash and all R23R transition eastern radar missiles.
And AAM3 should never have been needed in Japan where AIM9M exists.
This kind of logic is not the issue.

the Python-4 does not have Thrust vectoring for the love of god.


Welcome to the forums, where I saw a guy asking for a USSR corsair premium bc a ChatGPT image of one looked cool to him, even tho it didn’t exist ofc

Also saw another guy saying the AAM-4 was a US missile…


Really doesn’t matter.

It would be by far, the best IR missile in the game in nearly every single metric and give Israel a very unfair advantage.

this people is giving me a real brain pain reading all the bullshit that they are talking right now, knowing shxt about israeli stuff.