Python 4 still missing from Barak II

oh yes sure because israel is going to be the most broken nation with the Python-4 sure buddy!!! eyyy yooo watch israel becomes better than russia and america!!! be careful guysss!!!


In ARB, it absolutely would be with the Python 4.

There’s always a counter to everything.

Get better.

Eyyyyyyyyyyyyy yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hahahaha israel being the most broken nation in gameeeeeeeeeeeeeee ohhh shittttttttttt hgahahaahah you gotta be kidding me, get gud hommie jesus fkn christ, this is literally the most stupid shxt i´ve ever heard today and even in the last couple of days.

Really is funny you think that you can logically argue that it being extremely difficult to dodge a 50/70G, 2 hit chance, UV/IR IRCCM missile would be a skill issue.


well at the end of the day it is.

There’s a counter to everything…

It might be inconsistent and difficult…

Still a counter…

in the first place why you are going to put your self in a position when you know that the missile is a %100 chance of kill, for the love of god men use your damn brain god gives you the brain to think, to search tools to fix some problems not to search more problems in the problem. jesus man.

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To be fair, they would be the most powerful IR guided air to air missiles ingame. 50G/undodge-able, stinger IRCCM (un-flareable* majority of the time), long range, 180 turns (if they stay in view) and the fact of HMD pairings with the Dash helmets would make is a extremely formidable foe.

It’s the Israelis equivalent of the Aim-9X block 1, the R-73M, and IRIS-T if I’m not mistaken, but ofc the Python-5 is closer to being on those levels than this one is. Sure it could be added a bit early, but we’ll need a bit of time before it can come in. Either than or they’ll do what they did to the AAM-3 and give it a different IRCCM than what it’s supposed to have.

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Would you argue that the AIM9X, Mica IR, R74 and PL10 should be added too, or is your national bias the backbone of your reasoning?


++ Of course they should all be added as soon as all viable platforms are in

am not gonna argue for those because those are way better than the Python-4, in performance and in IRCCM technology, again you cant compare a Dual-waveband seeker with an IIR seeker, and the most experienced people in the subject can tell you this too.

The game is balanced not based on what vehicles can actually carry, but a balancing act of the inherent strengths and weaknesses of the trees in general.

Obviously, this is not always done successfully or even faithfully. But adding the Python 4 would be just another, much farther, step out the door of reason.


You also cannot compare any of the IR missiles in game with the Python 4. So what’s your point?

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Well imo and as I only play air sim,

Air is 10000% balanced and there is an absolute counter to everything in its current state pre seek & destroy.

And personally I am open to all and more historical additions I do not care how good x and or y is it will add more content and make the game more fun at the end of the day imo!

Also I said viable platforms as you mentioned a bunch of missiles and if all platforms are in game then why not add all missiles!

@Gotchaツ @NАТO @Mati_42 Clam down, You don’t worry

In my opinion, I might want gaijin nerf flare resistant Python 4. but flare resistant slightly better AIM-9M & AAM3

x6 AIM-9M exchange with Python 4 on F-16D Block 40 Barak and F-15C Baz Meshupar (Improved Baz)

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Uhmmm… what?

basher, the G load does not matter, a missile with 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 or whatever overload it have is going to kill you anyways if the missile is well launched and the IRCCM is good your are totally fcked no matter what, and people is over reacting to much because a 180 degree shot can happens in a 1v1 scenario, in a normal match you are not going to see everybody doing 180 degree shots because the gameplay itself dont allows us to make that bullshitery soo… i see no point to complain about this, second: the Python-4 is not a 9X counter, is not an IRIS-T counter and is not an R-73M counter those missiles have much newer technology than the Python-4, remember the Python-4, and the AAM-3 are actually “transition missiles” this means that those 2 are the bridge to the newer and the most dangerous ones, and i need to remember you guys the AAM-3 have a dual waveband seeker like the Python-4 and here we are.

But what’s the point?

So it can carry a missile it historically could?

A lot of planes in the game can carry better missiles, so why shouldn’t they, applying that logic? Do you not see the fallacy?

The Aim-9M and AAM-3 currently don’t have any flare resistance, they have a certain type of IRCCM that thugs off the seeker when flares appear within the seekers view, and turns back on after a set amount of time. The Python-4 has a type of IRCCM that would make it highly effective in rear aspect, similar to the R-73, except even more effective with dual waveband.

Second, yes the Aim-9Ms should go, I don’t even think Israel ever had or used them, they should be swapped out for the pythons.

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israel never had and bought 9Ms for their F-16s and F-15s, soo right now those loadouts are not historical correct. even the F-15A Baz should not have the 9M.