PUMA shouldn't be at 10.0

PUMA shouldn’t be at 10.0. It has a single low fire rate 30mm with 120ish pen while light tanks at that br has 400-500 pen with the same thermals. Give PUMA spike missiles.


:'( oh nyoo

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Will get his Spikes soon. So 10.0 is ok.


youre right!! puma back at 8.7 woud be funny XD

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PUMA does very well as it is. It is only being raised because of decompression. Learn what the word means btw. Spell it out multiple times, sound it out a few times, get a good feel for it… because I’m tired of explaining it 1000x to you people.


120mm of pen is pretty good when mbts have like 50mm on the sides and their barrels can be taken out pretty quick. Not to mention that the PUMA is able to effectively hunt helis do to its tracker and anti-air rounds.


Almost all light tanks at this br gets a 105mm cannon(tam2c,cv90105)or missles(m3a3,bmp2m,Freccia,Dardo,9040/Bill),and PUMA gets nothing but 10.0 br.


You cant really judge the ability of the gun just by the size of the round. Missiles were nerfed so they are not as big of an advantage. You shouldnt be fighting mbts head on in a light tank anyway but if you do, it can take out the barrel/breach decently quick so you can track it and flank.

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Oh no Puma we have currently in game never had them even equipped so no

I list these light tanks just to show that PUMA doesn’t have any special advantages at this br.Other vehicles can do the same and even better.Another example,9040c,10.0.(maybe will be changed?idk)It doesn’t have missles either,but it can fire shells with proximity fuze.

It has ERA and an unmanned turret.

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PUMA is fine at 10.0BR.

Git Gud. Learn to use light tanks properly.

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isnt it 9.7?

ERA on its sides which doesnt really help from the front

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yeah no they nerfed the PUMAs APFSDS against barrels so you need around 3-5 shots to take it out from front aspect. side aspect you can do it in 2-3 shots but side aspect isnt the issue. many other IFVs (looking at you BMP-2) can take out MBTs from the front no issue.

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puma at 10.0 is deserved, that thing is a pain in the back to deal with in realistic. unmanned turret, APDSFS and ERA. learn to scout and ambush.

On a good note for stock grinders, they are removing the HEI-T rounds of the ammo belt, meaning the Puma will fire pure APDS as stock, now they only need to fix the other X problems about it and it will reach it deserved greatness

When that thing came out as a bloody 8.3 it destroyed the game to such a massive extent that even now I struggle to have any sympathy about it being nerfed.

there is no reason to ever take the puma over the begleitpanzer…

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those anti air rounds suck and are barely worth carrying tho