Puma S1/VJTF Dev Thread

you actually cut into something very interesting the big discrepancy between the several 30mm cannons.
while the Pumas gun has almost no spall for me, the VBCI and Vilkas can literally 1 shot T series from the side because when they spall they S P A L L

THIS is why the Vilkas will always be the better IFV in the german tree even if we get the Pubo or the sWaTrgInf they both use the Puma gun


Yea i wouldnt exactly say they S P A L L but they most certainly perform better than PUMA which feels extremely weak in comparison.

I can actually somewhat rely on the bushmaster to be able to if not kill the target im flanking or defending from then atleast cripple it enough to give me some breathing space to either reposition or disengage and let my team handle the issue.

PUMAs gun hasnt exactly given me that one bit, and im not sure if its either due to the fact that its an older vehicle with unique cannon and something in the spaghetti code results in lackluster spalling or its purposefully made worse for an unknown reason, like for example a bug.


@Smin1080p_WT I wonder what happend there, why is the Puma MELLS now only possible to move in just 2°? Because the positive elevation was correct before



noticed the same. If you now stand just slightly downhill the missle will hit the ground. So positive elevation is missing aswell

I opend an Issue about the elevation problem. Hope it will help resolve the issue.
[Dev] Puma S1 Spike Missiles not Changing Elevation when aiming


There is no real difference in spalling.
The accuracy and overheating is worse on the Puma though

MUSS now automatically rotates towards the missile, unfortunately it rotates towards the missile when it’s like 10 meters away from you and it rotates very slowly so it doesn’t jam the missile at all


Yea, and also just on the old Puma, its still not working at all on the VJTF one
pretty much when the ATGM is over the water I get the MAW Warning and the MUSS trys to deal wit it


seems like it’s also just visual, the jamming effect is still only where the turret is pointing

nah, when the Muss is allready looking in that direction, it can jam it, but at this rate its more russian roulette thing

because the MUSS trickers just now




normal test drive, i pushed the tank further away so it didn’t accidentally hit me if it did get jammed

ahhh xDDD


yeah the maws triggers way to late

@Smin1080p_WT Been a few days since that post, would you be a lad and answer?

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Well…what did you expect? Germany gets all those systems last and once they do, Gaijin makes sure they are broken. ^^


That’s a good video.

So it technically works and if they fix it so the detection range is larger and the rotation also gets sped up, we might actually get a functioning system.

Maybe I get what they were trying to do here, they set it up so late, so the system doesn’t randomly rotate away at a missile that might not be aimed at you but focuses on threats that get close. The issue with that is however that it’s too little distance for the jamming to have enough of an effect.

We’ll see. Maybe they can tweak it a bit and we get something somewhat decent to work with.

so after playing the VJTF extensively on the DEV server I can say

its shit it is exactly what I thought it would be , a bad C&P with borderline useless missiles

It feels clunky, everytime someone even .50cals your turrets your ammo cooks off, missile cook offs kill you

turning while driving slowly? NO
protection? gaijin say no
MUSS? a joke and a bad one at that

its just everything you hate about this game in one tank condensed to suck

I´ll just continue to play Vilkas

EDIT: I just realized that if we get the Pubo later it will inherit this abysmal turret and if we get the schwere Waffenträger we get another abysmal turret