Puma S1/VJTF Dev Thread

Puma S1/VJTF Thread

Tech Tree Placement


Current Puma Bugs

No Label


Passed as Suggestion



Initial testing suggests that the armour hasn’t changed from the previous Puma, hence why the previous bug reports are relevant. Previous Puma bug thread: Schützenpanzer Puma IFV: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly. Part 2!

For documents/resources, bug report discussion, or general WT discussion (mainly about Germany) come join the German Armour Discord server


I think that the Spikes-LR are ridiculous.

They do climb but they never hit from a top, always in level. Gaijn is unable or unwilling to code those “top attack” missiles properly.


they even have the top attack trajectory coded for other missiles but they wont copy and paste


I have found MUCH better success with the Spikes if you tag them, then raise the launcher high, then fire. The success rate went from like 5% hit/damage to 25% hit/damage and MAYBE a kill. Giving this one only 4 spikes is incredibly disappointing to see, unless they can manage to fix their flight paths.


on the vilkas, currently the only german spike carrier, the laucher is static (fixed elevation)

Kinda weird that this isn’t foldered under the normal Puma


tbf kinda true but its an end of the line vehicle so gaijin isnt gonna do that apparently

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Damn is it? I guess I didn’t realize, but I SWEAR I am having much better success raising the canon before firing. Could be placebo.

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you sure you arent confusing with the namer or something?

Nah. I have the full German tank/plane done, only using the Vilkas with spikes. I’m gonna do some “testing” when I get home, but if you have the Vilkas, (or any spike launcher) try raising before shooting.

imma see if this actually works lol

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Lemme know, cause i hope I’m not crazy lol. Someone in a Spike topic mentioned it.

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just tested…
its the same with or without raising the gun
maybe you fired while the vilkas itself was at a slope?

Maybe, but I’ve been using it pretty extensively the last like week or two to get it spaded. Been killing a lot more Abrams-looking tanks raising it. Could just be placebo.

AKA just PUMA with higher BR and unusable spikes

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Hey. Just to clarify so you can keep the list updated, this report is not open. It was closed with a response from a developer :

“The rear plates of the combined armour are present in DM. They are made in one block (more simplified) to optimize DM”


This report was resolved marked resolved with this major update.


It definitely is not getting a launch warning on the dev server


the armor seems to still be using wrong materials such as structural steel instead of RHA and NERA for the looks of it though, for more clarification it uses AMAP-B layout wich is a combination of this materials


are you aware if any of the other reports is about to get adressed, but just not be implemented in the initial dev server patch yet?

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