Puma S1/VJTF Dev Thread

Ehhh what, The Puma has Extreme Protection, Good mobility, Now with spikes, Gen 3 thermals And much better sights then both the BMP and 2S38. Its an awesome support light tank. If you just play as an support vehicle you will have fun

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Extreme zoom is actually a disadvantage in WT because it narrows your FOV and most maps are small.
Also the gun is noticeably less accurate than the BMP and 2S38 so using those sights at long range to actually shoot isn’t that fun to begin with.


Why are we being forced to have a horrible module installed onto our vehicle that only increases its vertical profile and acts as a weakspot to HE overpressure and doesnt give anything back???

The kind of missiles that you have said dont have jamming/countermeasures or are not laser guided are literally all on BRs that this vehicle can never see unless for some unknown reason the enemy player decides to bring such a vehicle into a BR where its massively disadvantaged.

If the MUSS provides no additional protection to missiles that exist on the battlerating this vehicle faces, then theres is absolutely 0 reasons as to why this should be a mandatory part of the vehicle instead of an opt in module like mine protection modifications on Leopard 2A7V and similar.

In real life depending on situation the PUMA can face older, less effective ATGMs where the MUSS 1.0 could matter but in this game the chances that that will happen are extremely low.

Please give us the option to disable this utter horsesh*t of a module that only exists to make the PUMA easier to spot and kill via overpressure.



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The Fov on the Non zoom is great. No shit that it the puma doesnt work for you if you go for close combat. Just learn the vehicle? The zoom is great for you as an ifv.

@Sahilku010101 got Acknowledgeg

  1. Muss doesn’t work & this 2.39 update will fix it but PUMA VJT is at a br where it won’t be able to stop laser guides atgms, so it’s useless. It’ also increases the profile of the vehicle so much and makes you much more visible to enemies.

  2. Any hit on the turret blows up the ammo, destroys the horizontal and vertical traverse and electronics, making you completely useless. Sure this tank has “a lot” of NERA armor, yet if you get hit once you either get one shotted, completely disabled, or you lose the ability to fire. There is no in between like just losing the engine or tracks. Also some armor r is implemented as structural steel rather than NERA on parts found at the front of the vehicle, arguably the most important part of the vehicle that needs protection

If you hit the ammo in any tank, it will blow up. The Puma has blowout panels. The Puma will win against every IFV you encounter. For me, the ammo is super tricky. I have survived countless shots from Abrams, T-90s, etc. If you shoot the 2S38’s turret, the spalling is insane. I’ve one-shotted them loads of times. I’ve never been one-shotted when just peeking out with my turret. The MUSS has actually been useful because I’ve been able to bait enemies into shooting it, allowing me to take out their barrel or hit their weak spots if I can penetrate them.

Excuse me, can the Leo2A7V’s double armor at the neck now bounce at the designed Angle?(Sorry, English is not my native language. My description may be difficult to understand.)

Yes it can now.

thx bro :)

no atm the Puma VJTF gets blown up by ammo hits as they simply C&P´ed the old dev server Puma model and slapped the missiles on it so it has the same bug of blowing up

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Well it should not blow up so

well it shoudlnt but it does atm xD

it is also missing armor, CLARA is missing kinetic protection, its missing NERA on the sides and many things more

all of that is known by gaijin but they dont care

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My Masterwork is done



Will a theoretical pen increase help the post pen aswell?

i have no idea,

that i got this report of is half a wonder

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For me post pen is the biggest issue for the spikes. Would be nice if that would be higher aswell.

post pen is linked to warhead size/ mass / tnt equivalent, since that didnt change i dont think it will realy get affected

Its weird that both of us have such a wildly differing experiences with the PUMA, despite the fact that ive poured over 660 matches into the vehicle the general feel of PUMA is extremely underwhelming. Mind you one of my favourite class of tanks in this game are light tanks so im not green when it comes to playing them but the PUMA does have quite a lot of issues, especially after last update adding more vehicle modules to the vehicle.

MUSS is a HE attractant, to the point that you might even get blown up in solid cover just because the enemy T80 saw your IR lighthouse and decided to throw close to 5kg of TNT at it, resulting in overpressure killing the entire crew “somehow” (this is actually more common than youd think)

The added modules turned the light tank from being able to get shot and possibly survive long enough to return fire into what it is now, every single hit is either a crippling one or it is a killing one.
The crew is too close to one another that killing one person has extremely high chance to kill other person *(i forgot to add that while that was always the case since the crew positioning didnt change, adding FCS however infront of the crew did get changed, so what i was meaning is that if they outright dont die, the FCS pannel will most likely be compeltely trashed and so you cant do absolutely anything. Additionally since all of them are huddled next to the engine, the chance that when FCS is damaged so it the engine and vice versa is almost 100%). Getting hit into turret now instantly disables it when hit anywhere and if the ammunition explodes via blowout panels it will magically destroy the tracks of PUMA making you be a dead fish in the water.
You cant shoot, you cant run, you can only hope they are an idiot and miss and your teammate might save you.

When it comes to the gun specifically i actually have an extremely unreliable experience with it. It either kills a T72 with a single round to the fuel tanks or ammo OR more often than not, the round penetrates the flat side of T80 (B, U, UK, UD, BVM, take your pick really this happened so often im not even surprised anymore) and doesnt create a single bit of spalling, it feels like im using APCR ammunition where the post spall is horrendous.
This has especially become extremely noticable after i bought the vilkas recently which uses same caliber gun but its bushmaster with rounds that have less penetration values and weigh less yet actually deliver on the spalling. The PUMA round is pen wise better and weighs more* but its effectivity seems reduced after playing both it and Vilkas.

Also when you said that you like having MUSS, that is your opinion, if you feel like it helps you by maybe baiting shots then thats great, but it should be an optional modifications so that people like me who dont like to have the MUSS as it lacks functionability and often results in pointless deaths or just makes you easier to spot since it adds so much height can decide to not bring it while people like you that like having it have the option to bring it.