You’re right, the CRV turret isn’t lance 2. It’s just manned lance.
Lance 2.0 can be manned or unmanned Germany has in fact recieved a boxer with a lance 2.0 it’s the boxer heavy weapons Carrier or schewrer waffentragger
Well, that’s that, only way puma is going to get better is maybe they fix spikes or a 0.3 br drop.
just add this issue on top of the like 10 other ones that are still open for BOTH the Pumas
Here’s an image, he’s beautifull, the vilkas looks meh by comparison, hope we get more spikes in exchange of manned turret at least, or even better maybe an event 35mm version.
Well, no 35 mm for boxers (i secretly hope. Also hope for more then 35 shots in a belt). But prototype lynx with 35 mm maybe
Like. I’m sorry but is this Email real??? First, an email stating it is “reduced” at 200 rounds per minute, and also coincidently acknowledge “burst fire” however they have a magazine ON THEIR WEBSITE stating 700 rounds per minute, not once, but TWICE?
Like am I crazy or is this Email rather worded very weirdly, as if the conversation is taken out of context and in snippets?
The cannon is said to have three fire modes, and we have three fire modes on the ZBG, if it’s just fast single and single, why is there a third fire mode?
None of this makes sense. Why would the Bundeswehr post a magazine detailing their PUMA having a maximum fire rate of 700 rpm then also Email saying it doesn’t and it’s reduced to 200 rpm?
Hmm, coincidently the “Email” response is an edited copy and paste from Tankograd’s publishing. So I guess this is what Gaijin is using source wise for fire rate.
And I’m somewhat inclined the last part about “Der Richtschütze kann die festgelegte Schusskadenz somit nicht verändern.” is artificially added by the technical moderator.
the rate of fire could also be the rate of fire of the hyperburst mode or burst mode?
yes the gun is capable of 700rpm but only in burst mode?
Like the AN-94 has a hyperburst mode fires 2 shots and the rpm is 1600 decreasing to 600rpm
Normal cyclic rate in auto
I mean, even in the book that gaijin quoted as an “email” and modified, it says the “gun fired at an intrinsic rate of 700” which i take as that’s how fast the gun fires on gas actuation, without electronic fire control.
The MK30-2’s installed on the PUMA have an original 700 rpm “continuous fire” mode, not burst fire.
Burst fire is for the KF41’s ZBG not yet posted or documented, I assume it’s classified. But it’s rated at 600 RPM. 600 RPM is rated for WOTAN on the KF41 which has an optional burst fire mode that can programmed into the gun since it is electrically driven compared to the MK30-2, which uses electrical ignition but is gas-operated.
From my research there is no such thing as a 600 rpm mode for the MK30-2, only 1/200/700. Even the “email” states a fire rate of 700 rpm so that in itself confirms that. Recent Rheinmetall PDF’s I believe are just understating it for marketing purposes but everything they previously have posted cite 700 rpm.
That’s from all information sourced from Rheinmetall.
MK-30-2 Fire Rate Figures
This text will be hidden
Rheinmetall Defence
Rheinmetall Defence - 23.05.2003: Mauser MK 30-2 wird Bordwaffe des neuen Schützenpanzers für die Bundeswehr
KF41 Interior
Rheinmetall cites it as “continuous fire” not burst. There was INITIALLY one video of a PUMA firing at the full 700 rpm back in 2022 but the video was scrubbed from the old forums, why? I don’t know. I’ve been trying to search for it because its pretty hard evidence.
And I’ve specifically posted this-Which still apparently isn’t enough.
Again additionally, 2004 Press Post from Rheinmetall on the new PUMA, citing single, fast-single, and continuous fire.
I’m not sure why the technical moderators want to act like the third mode does not exist.
Yeah, at this point the only way gaijin will consider giving the puma the higher fire rate is either video evidence or the manual.
The ZBG CCU is physical proof, clearly that wasn’t enough. They simply ignored the fact it has three modes and could not explain the third mode.
We can infer from the pictograms clearly, from the Machine gun and Machine cannon that red is full-auto or unlocked. The yellow ones are rated modes, fast-single and single shot, which lines up with Rheinmetall’s information on the gun previously from 2006. Three modes.
Green obviously meaning safety, if I needed to explain that.
That alone tells me everything that whichever technical moderator is handling it refuses to let the issue go for consideration.
It was at first difficult to determine what the console on the PUMA had on it originally and we used AI upscaled images to no success two years ago but now that KNDS electronics publicly has documentation on the ZBG it can be easily discerned there are infact three firing modes. Right side of the panel is MUSS and MELLs.
Additional glass covered buttons are reserved for newer platforms such as TSWA and other unknown upgrades not published yet, PSM from my understanding still has at least one more major upgrade that has not been publicized yet.
If it really takes me to call, email, or visit Germany myself to affirm the fire rate of the vehicle I’m very well tempted to do so. I’m already very interested in visiting their museums on other vehicles from the cold-war, since information on the net is rather grey and I desire to know more and maybe even document it myself.
From the manufacturer for PUMA
You can see that even the manufacturer themselves shows a fire-rate of 200rpm, without even so slightly mentioning higher fire rates.
Proving the fact the gun can have an higher fire-rate does not directly prove this has been done on PUMA, you need to find evidence of this being explicitly done on PUMA.
A bit off topic, but is there a statement from the manufacturer about both tracks self-destructing upon ammo cook-off?
the spikes in the launcher get nuked too
Bug-report accepted as usual…
I cant wait for the day where they FINALLY fix the name…
Its Not PUMA, its Puma
That happens on the Vilkas right now too (i think maybe only when your spikes get hit), it’s so funny to get ammo racked and your wheels just pop off, it looks like a cartoon.