Puma/KF41 Rate Of Fire

I have made a bug report about the fire rate of the Puma and the KF41 on how their main gun the MK 30-2/ABM. Currently in-game, both IFVs have their rate of fire at 200 rpm. However, I found multiple sources stating that the MK 30-2/ABM has another rate of fire at ~700 rpm, yet when providing numerous sources to prove my point, I get a short and disappointing response to which I was/am unable to respond to in order to help my case.

Here is my bug report: PUMA/KF41 Rate Of Fire // Gaijin.net // Issues

and here is the link to the disappointing response: PUMA IFV missing burst fire setting // Gaijin.net // Issues

Why do we as a community have to provide multiple sources to have the bug report accepted and potentially reviewed, while they get to say “yeah I emailed the head of the German Army and you’re wrong”


I think on the Skyranger variants the fire rate was increased to 700 rpm but for the PUMA and Lynx its limited to 200 rpm

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1000 shots per minute, also have a mod for 200 shots per minute

This is límited to 200 rpm by fabricant and can’t be changed by gunner

Skyranger 30 fires at 1200 rpm it uses a different cannon

Little info! The 200 shots per minute are implemented incorrectly in the game… You can simply test it and count how many shots come out per second. I already made a mistake report but once again we ignore it…

If Budeswehr the user of those vehicles says that it’s 200 rpm i think it’s quite clear and no amount of secondary sources should change that.


Reinmetall themself list the Puma Infantry Fighting Vehicle as an example when they show the gun statistics. They list the 600rpm as optional on request. Its possible to configure the gun this way. Its probably just not used on any of the tanks the germans have ordered due to not meeting the requirements on accuracy. I would be happy to have this as an “experimental module” on the tank that ruins accuracy on long range

page 3:

accuracy requirement not fullfilt (secondary source):

The MK30-2/ABM has a fire rate of 700 rounds per minute but had to be limited to 200 rounds per minute to meet the required accuracy. It can further depress to -10° and elevate to +45°. The turret itself has a magazine for 200 rounds.


the issue is that its physically limited by the countries who asked for the cannon aka germany and hungary have it limited to 200 RPM on purpose and cant be changed by the gunner

Yeah, what if I told you tech moderators are wrong. Check this out.


The PUMA’s ZBG definitely has three firing modes. KNDS explicitly states they can configure the ZBG to have an interface to meet the customers requirements.

PUMA’s ZBG has 3 modes on the dial to select from. The showcase for the PUMA, the MK30-2/ABM conveniently state 3 firing modes.


Is a secondary article source seriously what the moderators firmly believe on versus clear proof of the ZBG having three firing modes? Like even these articles cannot source the fire rate limitation, where is this coming from, I cannot even find anything on the net in German covering this limitation or when it happened and I’ve extensively went through the entire Rheinmetall’s/KMW’s/KNDS’s archives from 2003 to 2019 and there is zero mention.

Only words of limitation spoken by KNDS is of safety standards conforming to STANAG 4369 and AOP-22 which have zero relation to the maximum fire rate???


Firing modes:
Single fire
Controlled rate of fire 200rds/min
Burst fire (optional on request) 600rds/min

This is moot, ZBG on the PUMA physically has three firing modes.

There’s literal pictures of present PUMA’s having all three firing modes on the panel.

This does not say, “The Bundeswehr’s PUMA does not have the optional firing mode”.

Every. Single. Source-Even from PSM supply images of the ZBG having all three selectable firing modes.
MK30-2/ABM PDF only further reinforces the Bundeswehr’s PUMA has burst firing capability.

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Oh and there’s this too. Initial Boxer IFV’s were rated to have a full 600 rpm lance turret as well.



Eyo somebody hit up the Bundeswehr we need that puma buff


Found right gun. Puma and skyranger gun isn’t same

the PUMA and KF-41 guns are a simplified version of the sky ranger gun, and indeed only have a fire rate of 200 RPM. Only the sky ranger has a selectable RPM of 200-700. In short, yes, you are indeed wrong.

I believe there are other threads where this was discussed and proved wrong.

No it’s not, the skyranger cannon is a revolver cannon based on the Oerlikon KCA, entirely different design.
So there is merit to asking about the firerate, the MK30-2/ABM is indeed advertised as having an optional 600 RPM burst mode.
But there is no evidence the puma/kf can use that mode, short of actually sending an inquiry, all other avenues of suggestion were closed by devs.


Where’s that pic?
If there is indeed evidence that the optional burst fire mode is integrated that would be our best shot at getting it.
EDIT: There’s these 2 pictures of the interior of the puma, and altough the consoles are different models, i think that may be the fire control panel i squared in red.
There seem to be 4 options, safe (green/blue), single and auto (yellow) and burst (red).
BTW may just be making stuff up, you can’t make out much in terms of writing from these pictures.

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its not the skyranger 30 gun uses a revolving autocannon

After looking at the old reports that were denied and the newest report by Lollipop i think the puma should indeed get the 600 RPM mode, the reason stated for not getting it in older reports is that “The gunner can’t change the fire-rate of the MK30-2-ABM” and “There’s no mention of the puma or kf41 receiving this mode” which is false, as we can see there’s physical controls for the fire rate of the cannon installed in the puma, yes maybe doctrinally they’re not supposed to use it for accuracy/whatever reason it but the option is there.

If this really doesn’t get accepted i ain’t ever touching the puma again.