Puma/KF41 Rate Of Fire

buddy you are just plane wrong and hallucinating.

The Puma does not have an increased Fire Rate Mode like you think.
The “Controlls” showing it doesnt mean a damn thing, its just reuse of the general controlls for easier logistics instead of developing a special weapon controll for each new vehicle.

Did you ever looked into the Cockpits of sth like the swiss or finnish F/A18C ?. They dont have A2G armaments / cant use them. But the Cockpit still has the Controlls for it because its easier to produce instead of new production lines for parts etc.

TLDR Its a logistics thing mate, its not that deep, you are just plane wrong and are holding to what ifs without proves.

We would have seen live fire of thoise modes if they existed by now

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PSM is a less credible source when it comes to RLS and KNDS. Additionally the 2023 magazine contradicts the Bundeswehr statement.

Projekt System & Management GmbH is just a subsidiary formed by KNDS & RLS. The true developers of the weapon system, so it makes them infinitely more credible on what fire modes the weapon has as they’ve stated in 2003-2009 having three distinct firing modes, if you do not want to acknowledge anything I’ve linked following up on this then sure, you can stay in your corner.

Are you going to acknowledge that the “email” response is just a citation from a Tankograd publishing?




ZBG Clearly having 3 fire modes

Central control unit | KNDS Deutschland Mission Electronics

2003 Press Post by Rheinmetall stating new PUMA cannon will have a fire rate of 700 rpm.
Rheinmetall Defence - 23.05.2003: Mauser MK 30-2 wird Bordwaffe des neuen Schützenpanzers für die Bundeswehr

2004 Covering PUMA stating 3 fire modes and fire rate options.
Rheinmetall Defence

Rheinmetall Defense Brochure on the MK30-2/ABM explicitly 200/700 fire modes.
Rheinmetall AG - Maschinenkanone MK 30-2/ABM (30x173 mm)

Rheinmetall Munitions GmbH stating two firing modes 200/700.


20023 Bundeswehr Magazine Stating 700 rounds per minute.

But better yet, the moment I show the Bundeswehr’s “email” is contradictory to something else they posted on their site, we are going to back peddle to PSM which is a subsidiary instead of the primary company who is building and developing everything, RLS?

This email no longer holds water and needs to be re-evaluated in my opinion. As previously mentioned, the ZBG physically has the modes, and Rheinmetall has plenty of sources stating otherwise. KNDS and RLS, again partner companies who formed PSM. Much more credible.


I believe this is half the truth to the reality, I’ve found reports whole turrets on PUMA’s have been rendered non-functional after 150 shots, but is mere here-say. Ammunition is just an operational problem. The integration of MELLS also caused a ton of issues. The reverse gear on it was also locked because turbo-charger had a tendency to brick the engine. In reality, the initial vehicle had a reverse speed of 40, but was reduced to 30 after these incidents.

The vehicle was always intended for Recon in the true aspect of things. But thank you for your two cents.

Oh, and there was one but it got scrubbed. RLS posted a video initialy of it back in 2011 but it seems to have been removed.

I’ll eventually find it in my spare time.

Sorry to say this.
But the Puma was only declared bundeswehr ready and tested 2015.

So even if you find that video it would be useless cause its of a pre / prototype model and not the ones in game.
In those 4 years a lot can still change.

Just search for a Puma crew member yourself fiest and maybe ask. Dunno if its confidential but u might get the answer you are looking for

Quite literally, the MK30-2 is a variant of the MK30-1.
All that was changed is the MK30-1 only has a continuous fire mode. The MK30-2 was specifically made for AFVs initially with a “REDUCED” fire rate mode at 200 with the addition of being able to switch back to the full 700 rpm.

The email itself, says this and even mentions burst fire. It’s just taken out of context.

There’s nothing saying the full fire rate was removed, they just normally operate using 200 rpm’s because of costs and longevity reasons.

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ZBG is physical proof. If you have nothing to refute the three firing modes it has a very simple explanation.

Apples to oranges.

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Have you thought about how it just doesn’t make damn sense to cap a gun that has a specific AA designated capabilities to 200 RPM without the ability to switch back? Oh yea, oh boy our IFV is versatile, but yea, gun is a pom-pom-pom only, just because you’re not allowed to have fun.

yes for anti drone usage, where its more then capable even at 200rpm

it is not a dedicated spaa, the skyranger uses a completly different gun for a reason

KF41 and Puma are limited to 200rpm with a special breach catcher mechanic to increase accuracy
A feature missing in war thunder, but it does not have the increased fire rate mode capability.
The controll panel has the buttons yes, but they arent connected, its just logistics for ease of parts for easier production etc.

Swiss and finish F/A 18 have the buttons for A2G as well but cant use them.
The existence of buttons doesnt mean they do sth

The email says that the bolt is held back for a specific time before released, which sounds like the fast single shot option ergo 200 RPM, while single shot would mean that the bolt stays locked until the trigger is pressed again.

200 RPM can hardly be called bust fire and what is fast single shot supposed to mean when you can get easily 120 RPM with a single shot mechanism?

Then again the Pumas fire control system should be so advanced that a higher RoF shouldn’t really be necessary against whatever it can fight.

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They just explain how the MK30-2 achieves a lower fire rate. It actually doesn’t say anything about burst fire does not exist.

Rheinmetall has information already covering modes. 200 is referred to as fast-single, 700 is referred to burst or continuous fire.

I’ve posted these sources three times already, read them.

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How do you know they’re not connected? This is some next level gas-lighting.

KNDS literally says the interface is designed to the customers specifics. If they didn’t want that firing mode it wouldn’t be there.

It would have an entirely different panel, and it’s physically seen that they’ve changed the panel from the pre-series panel, the current one has been seen on all VJTF PUMA’s.

I’m growing tired of the apple and oranges argument. If you aren’t willing to read any of the documents or links from the manufacturers there’s nothing here than just you being disagreeable without proof otherwise.


And you cant prove any of that. They might say its customisable. But leaving it in might be cheaper for logistics.

I gave hard examples where that already is the case

U simply dont have any proof besides your theories thats your issues.
They can be simply argued and denied. You would need a video of live shooting in the increased fire mode for anyone to believe you.
It is as easy as that.
Germany loves showing of stuff like that for advertisment. But we never saw either Pumas or Kf41s shooting at an increased fire rate.

Only skyranger is shown with 2 fire Rates, but thats a completly different cannon

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Calling something out as a what if when it’s shown on the manufacturers website, not in the sand or anything but carved in stone on their website mind you.

And you’re making what if’s after making fun of what if’s? I already made it clear I intend to find either a statement or a video showing so. You came here bumbling in saying nah bro trust this source I made up in my mind cause we compare apples to oranges.

I already said I appreciate your two-cents originally, and I disagree-respectfully. That’s it, I could care less talking about the KF41 since it uses a WOTAN. There’s barely any information on it. And there’s nothing substantial to post on it. PUMA is a different case.

I’ve posted plenty of information and don’t intend to just keep reposting it so I’ll be ending it here. I don’t intend to continue doing the apples to oranges conversation, since you’re rather disrespectful as well saying I’m hallucinating-I don’t think that was necessary.

Have a good day!


Kf41 uses the same gun as the puma.
Only prototypes with 35mm were the wotan

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And Wotan for sure have only 200 rpm in 30,35 mm versions