Are you sure this is a picture of inside the puma? If so, post a link
The second link is apparently an older version of the puma, only difference i see is that the console is a different model but still retains all 3 fire modes.
I wonder, IF those would be an Puma… why is the smoke placed next to each other?
Like the one from the KNDS okay, but the other seems very wierd for an Puma
I know, did i mentioned the Skyranger? Don’t think so.
The second picture is from a puma as well, some people commented that it’s the old model.
And some old models had smokes like this.
Absolutely not!
The Boxer with the Lance turret and MK30-2/ABM is in no way an IFV because it transports no infantry squad but instead ammunition for it’s gun!
The Puma has just 200 rounds in the rc turret and another 200 inside the Puma. And that’s the reason why every german source talks about 200 rpm for the BW-Puma.
The new variant of the Boxer as IFV, the Boxer IFV-RCT30, has a completely different turret what may contain a greater amount of ammo and also more ammo in storage inside the vehicle, so it may have the faster rate of fire…
This whole thing you wrote is garbage, they’re all IFVs, where does it state that instead of crew they carry ammo.
The Burst Fire mode which we know the MK30-2/ABM has is present as an option on the command unit in the puma, it doesn’t get more clear-cut than this.
The RCT30 turret is the turret on the puma, it’s not some new turret.
What German-language source are you aware of, and is there one that refers to the Bundeswehr and its vehicles or even comes from there? Let me guess: not a single one?
This Boxer, which ItzLollipop refers to, is a heavy weapons platform for infantry (sWaTrInf) that only has a crew to drive the thing and operate the weapon. This is to support the newly created force of the so-called medium forces in combat, which is why it carries a lot of ammunition for the machine gun. It is based on the Australian variant Boxer CRV and is also to be manufactured in Australia.
These new medium forces in our country will consist mainly of the Jäger and the mountain infantry troops.
“In contrast to the Australian variant and the armored personnel carrier that is also planned, the SWATRIF is not intended to transport infantrymen, but to provide fire support with the machine cannon and the anti-tank weapon, while the fighting compartment is used to transport ammunition (in the future also loitering ammunition).”
The Bundeswehr’s previous GTK Boxers were all procured in the APC configuration; it was only a few months ago that an IFV variant was ordered for the medium forces, the Boxer RTC30 (that’s the Puma turret).
Again, the Boxer ItzLollipop is referring to has a different turret than our IFV or the Lithuanian IFV Vilkas…
Before you write something about garbage again, learn to read and understand what I have written!
@ItzLollipop @WereCat888 do you guys think we have enough information for a bug report to further back up our findings?
Yes, while the sWaTrInf (Australian CRV) is meant to replace the wiesel as fire support (so it may get extra ammo in the hull) that picture that you responded to initially isn’t the sWaTrInf, it was meant to refer to how the boxer supports 600 RPM with both a lance 1 and rtc turret as well, the lance 2 turret (on the CRV and Lynx) has a different ammo load(252 Ready Rounds), the reason Germany went with the lance turret is because unlike the RTC-30 of the Puma it can be reloaded internally so it’s more suited for “cavalry”.
I don’t see why you think they would feature different fire modes, or why only the one with the Lance 2 would get burst fire, as we can see the knob can select burst fire in a Puma.
Do we know the exact number of rpm because i have two sources on my original report that says 700 rpm.
Well, gaijin refuse give accurate or rate of fire, because “muh uh”
The Waffenhq source wouldn’t be accepted but the other two should be good enough
Automatic Cannon MK30-2 ABM 30 mm x (221.8 KB)
Here’s another (primary) source too
Guys go upvote this so we can get a response:
Schützenpanzer PUMA Missing Automatic Firing Mode // // Issues
This is the best bet we have of getting that extra fire mode as gaijins reason for denying it is media stating 200 RPM and an email from the Bundeswehr where it’s apparently stated that “gunner can’t switch firemodes”, which may be true doctrinally but the puma has the physical knob to select burst fire.
Well i give you company with my report :
First image is a simulator cabin for training, look at the SBG screens-Its in a warehouse. This is the initial pilot simulator Bundeswehr was given back in 2006-7~ for training.
It’s the same LANCE turret. RCT30 and LANCE are the same exact turret lol. The predecessor to LANCE was E8 RCT. Which they later modernized 2-3 years later.
The only difference is the changes in modularity, LANCE can be fully customized to suit the customers needs whether that be a 30mm or 50mm cannon.
Here’s the PDF on the same page of the turret.
Does it or does it not state LANCE?
2015 Q4 Rheinmetall on LANCE. It was hosted at DSEI where anyone could try a first look at the controls of the PUMA.
2015 Q4 Press Release
Also MK30-2/ABM is developed by Mauser, a subsidiary of Rheinmetall.
The KCE-ABM is developed by Oerlikon.
Whoever is claiming they are the same cannon is genuinely wrong…They’re 300mm’s apart in length and use an entirely different method of loading and firing. They might use the same ABM kit, but that’s it.
RCT30/LANCE are the same turret. They just changed the barrel shroud for protection & stability of the ABM wiring, it’s literally the same mount just without the addition of the barrel shroud-Look closer. I don’t know why you keep saying RCT30 as if it’s some different turret-It’s not. LANCE is also referred to being a medium-caliber remote controlled turret 30 millimeter platform.
The only noticeable difference between them is most LANCE turrets are built with extra elevation, similarly seen with the SKYRANGER series.
Nope, you’re wrong. Very wrong actually.
Lance max has a capacity for 200 rounds with the 30mm cannon.
Only LANCE 2.0 can carry 252 rounds, which also SKYRANGER uses.
the 600 rpm is only for a burst, probaably 3 rounds. outside of that it’s a fixed 200 rpm.
LANCE can come in two varieties. Manned, and remote controlled.
Boxer CRV has not received any LANCE 2.0 turrets in any of the current blocks from my knowledge, but their LANCE turret consists of the WOTAN guns which are hard capped to two modes, single and fast single (200 rpm), which I think is where all the confusion comes from.
Anyways, Manned variants come with the benefit of reloading on the interior, however it comes at the cost of a turret basket, and ammo stow inside the vehicle. Realistically speaking, a remote controlled turret is just much safer.
They might try and upgrade the PUMA’s turret in the next five years, if they can’t find a way to modernize it, it’s likely the PUMA will begin to fade out of service.
Which to be honest, the BOXER is soon to replace every vehicle in the German Force for infantry support.
They are already working on a 120mm variant of the BOXER and laser guided munitions module.