you cant manually set the fuse BOToo1
you can hypnosys
? how? ive tried to but no effect
like i said earlier trough the rangefinder, the rounds just suck so much it makes no difference
Okay, so I can just adjust the range with the mousewheel right? Thats manual.
Using the laser rangefinder is NOT manual, thats automatic.
Yes you can point at a house and rangefind that and use it that way, but that isn’t the intended purpose.
Besides, you starting to trash talk just shows how much of an imbecile you are. Stop gatekeeping the forums.
But nothing I have said have been wrong though.
Using the laser rangefinder isn’t a usefull method, when the target are moving.
oh i thought u meant you can set the fuse by manually increasing range. nah i know you can set it by laser rangefinder but not manually as in setting the fuse distance value itself
Yeah, thats exactly what you can’t. But x_Shini seems tired, I think he needs a nap
you have found the problem congratulations, yes it isnt a useful method
you can with mousewheel not necesarily with laser , but just isnt useful and actualy feasible
you only said i dont like this give me a proxy ammo as a hotfix which isnt a solution
but then what did you mean by this?
(by laze i meant lazer rangefinder) the issue is the AHEAD round ‘detonates’ too late and too close to target. its supposed to act like a directed airburst munition.
i would like to know as well, as far as i am concerned what he wrote makes no sense, what i said is setting it manualy
If the snail could make it possible to manually set the fuze, that would be very nice.
but that is possible??? what do you mean with manually
Adjusting the fuze, then you could actually make it work somehow.
No its not possible. You need to rangefind to set the fuze, that is not manual.
Lets say I have fuze range set on mousewheel, then I could set it to 1000 M and adjust it.
using the rangefinder now, you can’t adjust the fuze, you can only range the target or something that you think is close to its range.
But not having a shell is not better than having a placeholder of something that works as an AA shell.
You seem to think that because its not the same ammunition type, it shouldn’t be there instead of a shell that DOESN’T work as intended.
I’m baffled
no i just dont want imignary ammunition that never existed
as far as i am concerned the Puma should never have been released at all at its current state, because it has so many problems, if everythings fixed it propably will be 10,3 or 10,7 br at least
nothing spam on this post, dont abuse flag system
How do you do that?
I agree, they didn’t do their research.
It feels very lazy from Gaijins developers.
Camera controlls: mouse wheel: sight distance control
Below Mouse Wheel Multiplier is a slighter how far it jumps, if very low the range will only change by like 10m if very high the change will be very fast with mouse wheel by like 200m at a time
Of course lower multiplier is more accurate but needs an eternity to set
This feature is very useful wore anything pre laserrangefinder