But it would for now be the best solution
But it would for now be the best solution
not realy in the current state ahead wouldnt hit anything, the shrapnel only travels like 5m as well, the ammunition needs a whole rework
Do you not understand what he is writing? xd
Instead of having a shell that is utter useless in its current state, we get a placeholder shell, that can actually be used, untill they fix the shell. (which will not happend, lets be honest)
i understand what he is saying, but giving it an imaginary round that behaves like proxy is not the solution to it, in the end it would only result in people complaining once they release real AHEAD that behaves completly differently
So the better solution is have a useless round that doesn’t behave as it should in real life? (Which would make it imaginary)
So you don’t think they should fix the round because it’s only used by one vehicle and instead leave it in a broken useable state…or at the very least give it a round that is currently working in game as compensation…
But having a shell that can’t be used is better?
He must be trolling. There is no logic there…
it functions like in real life, only doesnt programm automaticaly , the puma is completly broken it has so many problems on it , it needs a complete rework which will propably only come with Puma S1 and i am not trolling i am part of the big group that worked on gathering the Puma problems on the old forum and discussed it Schützenpanzer Puma IFV: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly. - Light Vehicles - War Thunder - Official Forum
i propably want the Puma to be succesfull more then you guys, but fact is giving it a completly imaginary round isnt the solution in the mean time we just have to use the standard HE round simple as that, at one point we will get proper AHEAD, but your imaginary proxy round is not the solution, you would change the round completly from a shrapnel air burst round to a He proxy round, the fact that you dont see the problem there shows that you know nothing about it and have no logic
and then people would complain that it behaviour completly changes once they introduce working AHEAD like i already said earlier, besides that AHEAD is an AA round yes, but the Puma gun is limited to its low fire rate mode for increased accuracy (missing in the game), as a result the Puma cant effectively create an Shrapnel cloud like an dedicated AA system would like the Skyranger system.
I am stating facts and naming you reasons why it doesnt work like you would like and the only thing you are doing is complaining like a crybaby me not like they need change,
The whole matter was already discussed to death and i am only telling you the conclusion of those matters
Your facts and reasons mean nothing, when you’re trying to defend that gaijin shouldn’t make a hotfix for an issue that has been here for years.
“years” the Puma is 1 year and 5 months old, i am not defending gajin, they need to fix, but to a real working AHEAD not wo an imiginary proxy round you want
Good, and while they make the working AHEAD shell, give the players a alternative. :)
you are the troll nothing else, you see no reason, there is no point discussing this further with you
Its like saying you dont want to borrow a car by the mechanic, while your own are getting fixed.
You make no sense.
The round functions.
The only thing you’re required to do that AHEAD would automate is range find.
And no, they can’t switch to a VT round as it doesn’t exist.
If you can make automatic laser range find code that can be referenced without glitches by ANY ground vehicle, not just PUMA, go for it, propose the sale to Gaijin even.
So it doesn’t work as intended, good, we agree. :)
Except it doesn’t work. The damage from tungsten balls is non-existent (so is their penetration), if it hits and damages something, its because the whole round smacked into the target.
To claim AHEAD works is nothing short of fiction.
Like Shadow said, the round itself is underperforming as well, to few shrapnel and only travels like 5m when it is supposed to travell 100 of meters which is the main problem , the round itself needs to get buffed as well
The round doesnt work in its intented role, i never said it did, but making it an imiginary proxy round is not the solution like already disscussed
i found a simple fix.
the devs only have to do this one thing.
when we laze the target for setting the fuze on the AHEAD round, just subtract like 5 meters from set distance and make sure that the shrapnel reaches the target in a cone projected directly AHEAD of the shell. (the pun was intended)
Yeah, or just do so you can manually set the fuze. Its not rocket science, snail. xd