Provide directional info with "Follow me" and "Cover me" and "Attention to map" quick messages

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Right now, when you use “Follow me” and “Cover me” quick messages (T 4 1 and T 4 2 with default key bindings), it only provides your teammates with positional info (i.e. your position on the map). It doesn’t provide directional info (i.e. Your heading or the direction of the threat relative to your position).
This is also the case when marking a point on the map using left-click (“Attention to the map”).

I suggest adding directional info to these two quick messages (“Follow me” and “Cover me”) as well as when marking a point on the map (“Attention to map”).

The directional info could be displayed in the form of an arrow on the mark circle/shield (Of course this is my 2 minute attempt in MS Paint and perhaps a proper redesign of the mark circle/shield would be required):



And perhaps the arrow could be on the outside of the circle/shield:


16 compass directions (with 22.5 degrees spacing) should be enough, and easy to implement:


1- As for the “Attention to the map” (marking a point on the map window using mouse left-click), the directional info will be provided if the player holds down the left mouse button after pressing it, and drags the mouse to the desired direction. e.g. If he presses and holds the left click and drags the mouse to the left, then the direction arrow on the mark circle will be to the left, and if he presses and holds the left click and drags the mouse to down-right direction then the direction arrow on the mark circle will be to the down-right direction.

2- As for “Follow me” and “Cover me” quick messages (T 4 1 and T 4 2 with default key bindings), the directional info could be either:
A: where the aircraft’s nose or tank’s hull is pointed at, or it could be
B: where the player’s (free look) view is pointed at.
I argue that providing the direction that the player’s (free look) view is pointed at (Implementation B), will be more useful.
Because not only can it be used as a substitute of Implementation A, by simply sending these quick messages while looking to the front of your vehicle (nose of your aircraft or front of the hull on your tank), but can also provide more useful information, that the implementation A cannot provide.

For example, in aircrafts, by looking at an arbitrary direction while sending the “Cover me” message, you can for example indicate the direction of the enemy aircraft that is engaging you or the direction that you are getting radar locked from.
And by looking at an arbitrary direction while sending the “Follow me” message, you can for example indicate the direction of the hostile or unidentified contacts that you have spotted and are going to engage/investigate.
And by dragging the left click in the desired direction while marking a point in the map window, you can indicate to which direction the hostile/unidentified aircraft that you have spotted, is headed to.

In a tank when sending “Follow me” message, by looking at the direction that you are watching/guarding while sending the message, your teammates will know which direction is actively guarded and covered by you. Or when sending “Cover me” message, by looking at the direction of the enemy tank that is shooting at you while sending the message, they will know where to look for the threat and from which direction the enemy tank is shooting at you.
And by dragging the left click in the desired direction while marking a point in the map window, you can indicate to which direction the hostile/unidentified tank that you have spotted, is headed to or his turret is pointed at.

In all cases, the directional info will also be provided in the text chat along with the positional info that is currently provided, when you send one of these quick messages (Or mark a point in the map window while dragging the left click). It will be provided in terms of compass directions (N, SW, SSW etc and/or additionally/alternatively 0 deg, 135 deg, 157 deg etc):



3- This could/should also be extended to the “Returning to the base” and “Leading for landing” quick messages (To give both positional and directional info, when sent).


Very good suggestion +1


we need more team support in game

+1, this would be AMAZING in Sim where position callouts are often the best way to figure out where your teammates are.


Especially in Sim this is very important, as those radio messages are fundamental for communicating within the team, calling your own position, identifying friend and foe,…

I’d actually go a step further - or many steps - and propose a general overhaul of the system.

What would also be nice if the Messages and map markers would be more complete, is to show both the players position as well as the position of the map ping: “I am here, and mark a target/contact/position there”. Maybe connect with a line/arrow.

This would help in the typical scenario where several players mark the same target for attack: if everyone sees where the other players marking a target are, the team can better decide who’s closest and should get a go…

Also, I’d like to see that the map markers/pings are shown a bit longer.

And finally, why not put the name of the player who made the ping or the callout next to the map marker (optional)?


I’m still susrpsied we don’t have quick messages for things like “bingo fuel” or other actually useful information to share and yet we still have attack/defend the d point


For a greater overhaul, I’d welcome some rewriting of the voice lines and maybe re-recording. While one would expect people going into a sim to read up about it, many new players still find themselves confused by “Follow me!” and “Cover me!” and make either confused/apologetic comments in chat, or potentially less than friendly ones too.

Strong support the OP either way.

Something like “Contact! + coordinate + direction” and “Position coordinate + direction”

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They even removed the “Reloading” quick message.

Nuh uh. It’s on Report section. Number 5.

T, 5, 1. Most used keys in Simulator lmao.

But, going out of topic, Simulator Ground needs a revamp ASAP. Removing name tags, limiting the visibility and enabling friendly fire doesn’t means a whole game mode.

Same with Arcade Ground, could be more fun, more chaotic. But considering that the game itself born from Arcade, now the mother of all are Realistic, which now, Simulator and Arcade are just simplified versions of Realistic.

Would be cool for them to add something like XVM map.

yes, basically the cover-me-mod that exists just in the base game

You are right.
I’m pretty sure either “Reloading” or “Repairing” didn’t work for some period though …