Proposed ground RB battle rating changes

isnt spammed

lol okay. Neither is the turn III I guess

You just a USSR troll? Get real with these comments before you end up on my ignore list


Your the one being a troll my guy, and here I thought we agree on things quite often.

M163 >7.0 Tracking radar is a joke. 50cals is better for Heli kills then this shit vulcan
XM800T > 8.7 Stabilized apds autocannon is unfair against unstabed no armor tanks
Kugelblitz >6.7 its WWII machine. bad traverse, bad rate of fire. for 7.7 lineup worth nothing, but i dont wanna uptier the good 6.7 lineup, because an SPAA
PZH2000 > 8.3 or slow the reload speed.
Turm III > 8.7 OP as hell

Object 906 > 8.3 Now same br as the french APHE autoloaders, but stabilized, and have heat. really gaijin?
T-55AM-AMD >9.0/9.3 The tanks ruins the life of many 8.0s. way bigger jump in technology than 1.0br
ZA-35 >9.0 worst rat
Type99 >7.0 its a paladin. why 1.0br higher?
R3 T106 >7.0 same as a Fiat, but 1 more gun. this worth 1.3 br?
ITPSV > 9.3 really fair fight now vs leo1s, of-40s, centurions? cmon gaijin…

This man is a russian main for sure lmao


I have a hard time understand why anyone still think the vehicle is overperforming when they also played it and has negative kd in it?


M163 is better than a zsu-23-4 at 8.0, and is a Vietnam era spaa. Even without the tracking radar it’s pretty decent in anti light tank and spaa.

Xm800 is good but 8.7 is a bit much.

Pretty sure the kugel was a paper tank no? But 6.7 probably wouldn’t make it too op.

PZH2000 I agree
Turm III I agree

Obj.906 I disagree. It’s a slower reload by 0.3 secs, and worse armor, which I would say equals the lack of a stabilizer for the Char. The char also has a bigger gun to compensate for slightly worse pen.
The size of the obj. 906 is like a bus vs the char, but the char has better armor.
If anything they are on equal footing.

T-55AMD could go to 9.0, but this has to be justified properly. T-55AM-1 just has addd armor, while it is a good tank, it doesn’t survive uptiers if at all.

ZA-35 I agree.

Type-99 has an auto loader. With a 15 Kg he warhead, with a decent speed for the vehicle.

R3-T106 probably is best to stay where it is, it has a decent lineup around it.

ITPSV definitely deserves a nerf I agree. It’s so easy to blast about the battlefield and get easy nukes in, just as easy as the fox.

This man literally gave no opinion on the brs, and instead tried to attack character. I know what main you are lol.
Also, if you hadn’t noticed, I nerfed many vehicles, in fact Italy got the most buffs.

If you want my opinion on the matter. A lot of what you want to change seems based on your own personal experiance and opinion instead of overall game stats and feedback of other players.

I’m not saying all of these br changes are bad, but the majority doesn’t need to happen. Each tank and/or tank class in the game has it’s pro’s and cons and unique playstyles. And learning where to aim and how to handle certain tanks eliminates most of the complaints for the changes you have listed above.

Congrats! You can read a stats card.

Besides that, i’ve played the majority of the vehicles you’ve listed. And thats what i based my reaction on, knowing how to play and handle a lot of these tanks.

Wouldn’t call 5 vs 8 the most but alright.

Again al lot seems based on your own personal experians and opinion. You’ve been comparing open top to closed top, ww2 to cold war and heavily armoured to less armoured (also firepower wise) and vice versa.

And what you are suggesting about buffs for italy, for example the decreased reload time for a vehicle that can’t be loaded reloaded much faster due to ammo placement and lack of comparment space in the real thing seems out of place.

On top of that just randomly increasing damage of rounds isn’t going to fix anything. If you look into the way the game calculates accuracy and penn for rounds, you will discover that increasing damage can actually make a round perform slightly worse then it already is.
And knowing the snail, it won’t accept or rework a round without solid unclassified documents backing up your wishes. Old bug reports show that the accuracy is currently closest to historical if we have to believe it.

No hard feelings and really appreciate people trying to improve the game in their own ways. But please learn to take some constructive criticism from the 1000+ comments above this message.
Sincerely hope you have a great weekend!

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It’s almost like this is a discussion thread…

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Was just scrolling through the tread reading different opinions on the matter. Just said what i saw but if he wants another person to disagree on his proposed changes then he can get a reaction. Never said i wasn’t open for a discussion ;)

What do you think this thread is about?? Finding balance in the game. You didn’t want balance, you saw me nerf X nation and then just flat out said:

What tech trees have you even played?

If you’d have used your eyes and actually read what i said you’d have noticed i said i agree with some and disagree with others…
Blindly saying i don’t want balance in this game is wrong.

It’s just the way you think to balance stuff that doesn’t make much sence. My reaction is based on the little discriptings you put behind every br change or rework and the comments with replies i have read.

Idk what you label as nerfing but lowering a bunch of good tanks into places where they don’t belong or would dominate doesn’t fit the term nerfing. And looking at the your stats card you don’t seem to have a lot of experiance or playtime with some of the vehicles you suggest the br changes for.
And yea everyone wants balance in the game, but it has to have a propper reason behind it and actually fit the bracket you want to move the vehicles to. This involves looking further then just a hand full of tanks facing eachother and involve all parties from the rank.

And i agree that things like a PzH’s are no brainers that belong higher but don’t forget this game became more a money milker lately and thats the reason for it, and we know it will get changed eventually close to the next major update.

But talking about finding balance in the game, you don’t really seem to like a lot of the input you received from the others aswell.

In the nearly 4000 hours i have played this game i have played:
US air/ground rank 7
GER air/ground rank 7&8
USSR air/ground rank 7
GB air/ground rank 6&7
JPN air/ground rank 2&4
CHN air/ground rank 3&5+
ITA air/ground rank 6
FRA air/ground rank 4&5
SWE air/ground rank 3&4+
Haven’t gotten into israel yet.

So it’s not that i main any nation or be bias for a specific one, i’ve just played long enough to have used a wide aspect of vehicles in the game.

But going back to the joke i made:

Looking at you stats card/service record, i was not wrong since it’s a bunch of soviet flags back to back. So idk why you’re being so defensive about it…

so true, xm246 is here so tbh move it down, its very bad for the br

that would make it actually better because it can side shot everything


Just move PZH up, reload is eh
Turm III isnt that op brah
The rest i agree except itpvs leopard

It’s wrong because you use it as a point to try and discredit me.

Btw yes I have more time in Russia, but you fail to see I have the top end of USA and Italy as well

Have you even played the tanks you think are biased? / OP?

Yeah at this point I’m writing him off, he comes off as reasonable sometimes but other times just spouts obvious anti-everybody else but ussr type mentality comments. Earlier in this thread I tried to have a conversation and he goes off topic with troll comments

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Discussion of balance, which should not have any sense of bias.

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Everyone has different biases, it’s impossible to be 100% objectively correct 100% of the time.

You can only control the degree to which you are biased.

I always say that if an argument is unreasonable, you have to be able to explain why, or you’re the unreasonable one. (Too few people do this these days IRL but that’s a topic not for this forum…).

And if you really think a stance is so stupid that it’s beneath you, there’s no need to reply since it’s an internet forum.


Yet it’s evidently clear when one is using a lot of their personal bias when discussing details…