Proposed ground RB battle rating changes

Yea you’re right, this man doesn’t want a normal conversation but only wants to push his view.
No point in wasting time on him if he acts like that.

Have a good one man

Please keep in mind that there’s no need to take things to a personal level. Even though there may be some disagreements, a respectful discussion is always possible, please keep it that way.


It has been that way.

Then why did I nerf Russian vehicles???

Way too good vehicles went up,
Bad ones went down.

Simple as.

USA: 4 buffs, 7 nerfs
Germany: 1 buff, 14 nerfs
Russia: 7 buffs, 4 nerfs
Britain: 3 buffs, 3 nerfs
Japan: 1 buff, 6 nerfs
China: 1 buff, 2 nerfs
Italy: 5 buffs, 1 nerf
France: 1 buff, 2 nerfs
Sweden: 2 buffs, 5 nerfs

Italy got the most buffs, least nerfs on this list this far, again, it’s a working list. @AllNationEnjoyer

T20: 6.3 → 6.0

Why was this vehicle moved to 6.3 in the first place? Like, okay it’s got a good reverse gear and low profile. But in every other regard it’s basically just a 76 Sherman which is at 5.7.

Arguin is part of a discussion.

Tell me the last time, when you disagreed with something where you didn’t argue.

Also start moderating the OP posts too, he seems to need the last word on everything, that’s where the majority of arguing comes from.

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Arguing is a part of discussion but here we have to keep it civil and do not argue even if we disagree.

we do have rules: FAQ - War Thunder — official forum

Now let’s get back on topic.

thank you.


Yeah, that’s why I bumped it down

It is not a Paladin, it’s a domestic Japanese howitzer, it is auto loaded at 7.5 sec per shot (M109 is 13.3 secs ACED). It has a higher velocity shell @ 940m/s muzzle velocity (M109 is 684 m/s). and it has the L15A2 shell with 15.8kg TNT equivalent (M109 has 9.14kg TNT).

I am personally of the opinion that SPAAs should have AP rounds removed or be limited to air belts with only 1 AP per 4 rounds and be re-tiered based on their anti air ability and their rewards for air kills needs to be massively increased.


Movility buff in update

Is much better than any Sherman.

You are suggesting move up vehicles with very poor perfom ratio like Raketenautomat with a extremly low 30% win ratio meanwhile tank with good perform like Is-6 or Kv1 zis-5 according to you need even lower BRs.
Your suggestions are mostly based in a extremly biased point of view.

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Post 7.7 IS-6 has become its former self, it was great during the time the matchmaking put it up against mostly unstabilized enemies, now 70% of the matches it is seeing apfsds as strong as DM23 and most are fully stabilized and has good protection against APHE ammunition, think of what the magach 5 with M111 going to do to it and it’s only .3 br apart lol

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The Rakentenautomat and the USh are usually called bad, if it’s any measure I was able to, in my first game get enough kills to drop nukes with both. The Raken has more ammo available but slightly slower, you play it like a sniper tank.
Seriously if you think this is bad, play any atgm only tank post nerf lol

IS-6, 3, 4, etc all face heatfs and APFSDS or APDS that makes their armor inert. The whole selling point of those tanks is the armor.
Their reloads are far slower than any other tank, they are less mobile, have less pen, but make up in explosive a tiny bit I guess.

The reason I put the KV-1 Zis-5 down in br, is look at the other kvs. The strongest one is the German KV-1c by far, it’s 5.0.
The Sweden KV-1 1942 has the far better turret and same gun as the zis.
The Zis, is 4.7 same as the Sweden one… with the worst gun and turret of the three… so yes, it should be 4.3

It is not being biased, it’s being fair :)

How is fair this:

Rakentenautomat = 38% win ratio, Op tank need move to 8.3.
IS-6 = 59% win ratio, underpowered tank need go to 7.3.

You only wants club hard with russians and destroy at any cost germany even right now is mostly unplayble. You are a hard russian main and this topic is just your personal biased and senseless dream.


Lol he/she is definitely biased. Compares the IT-1 to the RakJPz 2 Hot and leaves out that the IT-1 can shoot on the move what almost no other atgm vehicle can or wants to move the luchs up which is one of the worst vehicles at that br


LoL, just check this:


Win rate of a vehicle isn’t the sole reason for balance you know?

Look my Russian bmp-1 is lower than the German one. Maybe it should go down in br? No.

Df105 win rate is lower than rakenten, but the df105 is far better.

Your logic makes 0 sense unless it’s a 100% we

Shooting on the move was always a gimmick, and still is.
The RakJPz is also 8.3
While the IT-1 is 8.7
The shturm S which is effectively worse than these two, is also 8.7

I will agree perhaps the Luchs should be removed from the list, but you provide no evidence towards that option.

Having used both, yes the M163 is a better vehicle. It’s also now a mere 7.3 or 7.0 I cannot remember

It isn’t. Shooting on the move is a huge advantage, and it allows atgm Carriers to be much more effective overall. Not having to brake and be stationary allows for a much greater capability.

Also, can you add the KV-1E and KV-1B to your list? They’re both incredibly overpowered, and they should be 4.3.

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