I don’t see what you’re talking about.
Could you have thought I just misread?
It’s not. Lacks tracking for anti air, AP rounds are mediocre against ground targets, I-TOW is ineffective at 10.0 as it is.
I don’t see what you’re talking about.
Could you have thought I just misread?
It’s not. Lacks tracking for anti air, AP rounds are mediocre against ground targets, I-TOW is ineffective at 10.0 as it is.
thats usually rng and require to be close range, side shot arent quite good either unless its NATO tanks except russian mbts
and all has to be close range
I was able to kill a KPZ-70 at 1300 meters…
bro YOU killed
YOUR KILL doesnt always mean its 100% going to be like that
The begel has very good angled armor that can bounce many different rounds and do funky things, same with the tam.
The begel has proxy, and a high damage 57MM with good pen.
It has a back up ATGMs and great mobility.
This is true, but a skilled shot with the SAP round and it’s HE filled to his optic over pressured the whole KPZ-70
those things arent very armored tho so
its more like a light mbts
I can do the same to a Leo 2, abrams, T-72, etc.
I think the chally is the only immune one from what I remember.
M1A1 11.3 → 11.7 OR Ariete 11.7 → 11.3
M1A1 is actually better than the Ariete, but ignoring that for the sake of argument, they should be the same BR
anything that has like more than 38mm side usually resist it
if M1A1 is 11.7 it needs more accurate armor
The M1A1 with the initial armor package (same as M1IP) is pretty much accurate AFAIK.
Sure M1A1 Click-Bait is 11.7 but that is also undertiered because it’s a premium and can’t be 12.0
Your right ariete should go down. I mean tbf that’s the same with a lot of the upper tier Italian tanks.
It’s a marder 3 hull, literally. Found at 7.7.
I’m aware, yet it lacks auto tracking to utilize it on planes without heavy practice and for helis it requires you rangefind them which gives away what you’re doing or guess the range
refer to
refer to
You don’t need to laze helis… smh, if you do, none have LWS at those brs. Maybe 10.3 and above may have them.
Look at the hulls my guy, you’ll be surprised.
The AP rounds work wonders…
overrating it overall
So it’s just me eh? That’s why it’s spammed out? Same with the tams?
To be honest HC, M1A2 and Click Bait could go to 12.0 as well.
They should, but the Click-Bait is premium so it can’t.