Proposed ground RB battle rating changes

Alright, so make both Tiger IIs 7.0 then? And IS-3 7.0 since the reload is the sole reason for br placement I guess.

I don’t believe you.

You currently have 17 battles in the Conqueror and 66 kills, for a kill per game rate of just under four. If we use an (extremely conservative) estimate of needing nine kills in a match to get a nuke, then in the 13 matches outside of the ones where you are claiming a nuke you killed only 30 people. Given that you used a backup in 10 of those matches and it is basically impossible to get a nuke with only nine kills and a respawn, you are barely above one kill per spawn in those matches. Either you are lying about the nukes or the Conqueror is the most wildly inconsistent tank in all of War Thunder.


That guy earned it with only 5 kills with a bunch of kill assists and cap.

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Sure, but that’s definitely an outlier. I’m pretty sure I remember watching a Youtube video where someone got a nuke almost exclusively from scouting, but I wouldn’t call that a reliable method for generating nukes.

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Given then fact that Conquerer main ammunition APDS is wonky as hell which often result in pathetic post-pen damage, so I would expect it to have plenty of kill assists which isn’t shown in stat card. 3kdr is pretty good, I could barely get past 2.0 lol

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That’s kinda my point, though. Guy is saying the Conqueror deserves to move up because the gun is a destroyer of worlds and kills everything no problem. If that’s actually the case, then assists wouldn’t make up a large part of any nukes earned in the Conqueror. If the gun isn’t actually as good as he’s trying to claim, then four nukes with those stats becomes a lot more believable, but his main argument for wanting to move the Conqueror up disappears.


I’m neutral and also think the Conquerer is trash, maybe I just don’t know how to play it, the only redeeming quality is it has two-planes stab, I actually prefer if it can shoot solid AP like the one on M103 even with less pen it will perform better than the APDS, too bad it doesn’t shoot them. Also I find the gun depression pretty bad due to how tall it is, and the recently added Germany artillery is a nightmare to face, you will pen it and often nuke one or two crews then it return fire and send you back to hangar lol

People saying the BMP3 and Begeit are on the same level are dreaming, and I’m someone who uses the BMP3 often as a backup for the 279. Begleit gets HE-VT. End of discussion. It’s the ultimate support vehicle. BMP3 gets a solid 30mm with less of the rate of fire than the BMP2.


Your way of looking at it is flawed, either way. You can be below 1KDR, 1Kill per spawn and still have a bunch of nukes. For example, I’ve generally sucked in the Puma, and my stats for the Puma show that. But it doesn’t mean I haven’t had multiple nukes in it, such as:


Getting a nuke has nothing to do with consistency outside of that individual battle. But then again… trying to justify BR changes by personal anecdotes of getting nukes in a vehicle is also silly. I personally much prefer the Caern over the Conquerer, but wouldn’t touch either as 8.3 Britain is life.

You’re lying through omission of facts. The reload is the 3rd longest in the game, tied to the FV4005. Pushing it up to 7.0 is beyond ridiculous.


You can’t do that with only 17 battles in a vehicle. The only way you’re getting nukes in a vehicle with an average of 1 K/D is by having multiple battles below 1 K/D to offset each nuke battle. If you get a nuke with six kills in one battle, the only way that vehicle can average 1 K/D is if you follow the nuke battle up with five battles where you kill nobody.

Horyshet bro I don’t know how you play that thing lol the Carnaevron has like no zoom, pretty much forced to brawl cqc to be effective, even though I think the Conquerer is bad and the Carnarvron is downright worse, I even hesitate to engage T29 or T34 point blank because they can also kill me as easily even though they are like 1br lower which is wild lol

Fair. Not to mention, most players are still learning the vehicle at that stage even when the stock grind isn’t as limiting in it as other vehicles.

I should preface that the last time I used the Caern it was 7.3. I only really bother with AVRE around there now. All I remember is I enjoyed using Caern and hated using the Conq, lol.

This is my memories of the Caern’s APDS the last time I used it back in 2021…


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You do understand there are caps, and assists too right?

Also, some matches I was unlucky and died 2 times without doing much of anything.

How’s that for your math? If you actually care to check the replays go right ahead. And while your at it, screenshot right when I got close to / had a nuke ;)

7 kills, typically, 2-4 assists, and 1-2 caps is how I’m earning those nukes.

Additionally, when the gun can kill anything, with a well placed shot it’s pretty good no? For those who can’t aim, I cannot help you.

Yeah that Germany arty is a bit OP in its own right, but if you can load a squash head you’re good. My biggest problem in the conquerer playing alone was the reload time.
I also always brought 12 APDS 2 squash head.

I did magically live a 122mm and 85mm to the side though. With only the commander dying.

Strangely, the T29, and T26e5 were the hardest to deal with because unless I was front on they would get some crazy side shots on 170° angles (which I really don’t think should’ve been able to penetrate)

but the APHE explosions haven’t changed, only the cap continuing after the explosion was added


The whole change did what I said before

but the whole change didn’t come through, only the cap was added


Why would they implement only one part of their plan?
Seems off track for them.

From what I can see in the protection analysis it doesn’t seem to have shrapnel coming out of the cone of the APHE rounds, but it would be something better attained on data mines.

Therefore I believe the changes have been done to some degree