The conquoror is slow, massive and has a tempromental round that really isnt that good.
Its turret is easily penned by any hollow charge or apds round for breach shots.
The LFP is literally a one tap to anytning even 6.0 tanks can kill it.
All with a slow as hell reload, 15 seconds aced i think it is, thst tank sits at 7.7 alongside all the other heavies like is4m, m103 maus etc.
Theres no justification to move the conquoror to 8.0 and leave all them at 7.7
Also as a caveat your performance isnt an indicatoon of how a tanks br should be balanced.
Ive had more nukes with the type 74s than any other tanks, doesnt mean they are worthy of a higher br…
Same as leopard 2a4
It’s got double the pen of the xm800 pretty much, the xm only has a stabilizer, so it’s low skill ceiling. The fox is medium skill ceiling. If anyone with a good brain can drive the fox, it’s a real easy time.
Also, the other reason the auto cannons need to be recalibrated in penetration is because there is such a massive gap between the 2a72 and the rarden, which was discussed in length previously.
The conclusion was:
If Rarden is penetrating 110 mm at 0 distance
The 2a72 is far more likely to be between 92-96 mm penetration at 0 distance.
They are extremely similar rounds. The Rarden is actually shorter cased than the 2a72, and the Rarden is a slightly heavier projectile
Depends on how easy it is to get a nuke, as getting a nuke means you win the game.
Conquerer’s round isn’t as bad as you say. I had no problem killing 8.7s with it or 6.7s
The full stabilizer was super nice to get shots I wouldn’t be able to in a Soviet heavy.
Speaking of Soviet heavies, my buddy is grinding 7.3-7.7 USSR, so we played the 7.7s, I was getting genuinely pissed off at how I was unable to do pretty much anything. Every match we played was 8.7 and APHE can’t really touch things such as a Strv103A.
So I ended up playing the ultimate bully nation, France. Got a nuke in the first or second game, but not enough time to drop it sadly.
You say that, but realistically the XM800T is faster on more terrains, has better turret traverse, elevation speeds, faster reverse speeds, is quieter, marginally bigger, and a far more effective all round cannon…
The Fox is a 4 wheeled, unstabilised, slower turret traverse by a good 20 odd per second aced and its gun traverse is nearly 50 persecond slower as well.
Its massively louder. Its fire rate is abysmal.
Its literally only saving grace is the rarden APDS if it lost that or that gets nerfed its BR has to go down to reflect that.
Im not saying its a bad round, im saying its not as effective as youre saying it is.
Its spalling isnt great, it bounces off substantially more targets and angles than it realistically should.
And I have no problem killing 10.3s with an 8.7 chieftain, does not make the round good nor mean the tank should move up in BR.
Yes it as literally every single british MBT/heavy since the first centurion are stabilised.
However as ive said it is slow, loud and armour is miles behind that of the soviet or other heavies. bar in very select spots-
The 122 APHE of the soviets can very much one tap them Aim for the roof. Its what I did with my T10A and IS6 for years APHE is extremely effective from the 122s. Sure not ideal compared to say a HEATFS hollow charge but still good rounds, just need to try snipe more with it.
(also T10A is stabilised and 7.7 for USSR with more effective armour and faster than the Conquoror and im sure similar reload 15.0 in the T10 VS 14.9 aced in the conq)
i’m just gonna mention the tanks I’ve played here because I don’t feel qualified enough for the rest altough I do have an opinion about it.
DF105 cannot go higher. 8.0 is already a uptierfest everywhere, and all other nations at 8.0 have stab, or have them at 8.3. The 8.0 germany lineup is good, i’ve played it a lot and had fun with it, however, it only works because 1. you have better mobility 2. You have a quirk that allows you to outplay opponents with more modern tanks. DF105 vs T72A is just not possible. The heat is also quite unreliable. same for raketenautomat. it does good at its br, but you seem to forget the turret is literally penned by any mg.
Gepard: uncalled for, unless all radar spaa go up along with it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s amazing. But all gepard like needs then to go up. And the chinese one with AHEAD a full br above that. The issue is if you remove gepard like from this br bracket, helis are gonna be the absolute killer. the 8.3 german heli (i forgot the name) is already a menace when they have radar spaas. removing some is a bad idea.
Turm III: agree and disagree. It’s nowhere near as potent as a T-55AMD for instance. it’s gonna get eaten through by lrfs. I agree it’s strong, but most of its power comes from people at that br being oblivious.
Begleitpanzer: maybe 9.7. 10.0 is too high. All IFVS at that range start to get LWS, IRST and such. it would start to be useless.
IS3: idk I feel it is balanced at his br. 7.3 has an extremely good matchmaking. Almost every match is either a downtier or a same BR bracket match. I don’t see any reason for dropping it down. Panthers shouldnt go against an IS3.
you swapped STA-3 and type 61 but anyway
both have shit armor and mobility. 7.0 might work but they will definitely become even less relevant.
type 60 is fair. Iv’e played it all the way to 8.3 and higher, the only downside was low ammo, fixed by the new crates.
Ho-Ri production is fine where it is. The shell is just decent, and it’s survivability comes from people being buffoons and never loading HE then yeeting it on its roof.
Somua is a bit of a problem. It’s my highest KD tank as of now, however he does NOT fare well against stab tanks. It would get absolutely wrecked by 8.3 mm, not to mention full uptiers. Once again, at this br, french tanks are excellent because people aim for their hull (high armor) instead of the turret (paper).
the only foreign tank i don’t own im gonna mention is the LVKV940c. This thing needs to go up, not down. The proxy shell is devastating against aircraft, and the apfsds + fire rate is way too good to go down. before the 148 rounds being ready rack, the 2s38 was already very decent, and only had 20 ready rounds. IT did not stop anyone from getting kills with it, you have to manage your ammo. 150mm pen apfsds is enough to get kills. spall liners also make it a great ifv fighter as it will survive the first hits.
Also remember this is my personal opinion i’m by no mean an expert in the game, just wanted to point out how I felt about tanks I know a bit
Fox is faster in city, flat, and snowy terrains, xm800 is faster in sand and mud.
I have only had 2 shell shatters and 4 nonpens out of about 140ish shots first.
Yes the spalling is going to be slightly bad sometimes. Especially on light tanks, but it’s not all that bad.
T-10a is a low speed stab, conquerer is a full speed stab. Vastly different in ability.
For a worse round, it has the same reload as the conquerer.
You have to hope you can pen what your looking at in the t-10a
Also, the Strv 103 is not a constant kill shot on the commander hatch, often it may only kill the commander. Unless, the hull is angled poorly.
Also, I shot a Strv 103 in the back with an IS-6 it fuzed and only killed the driver / engine