Proposed ground RB battle rating changes

The T-90A is on the high end of bad for 11.0, if they move it to 10.7 and it magically over preforms move it back to 11.0 when decompression happens to make top be 12.3

Wrong, I’ll assume you made a mistake and didn’t do it on purpose to misrepresent thinking no one would check.
Type 90: 73kph or 45mph
T90a: 60kph or 37mph

What are you even talking about with accuracy? Once you research the accuracy increase all tanks shoot the same do they not? The t90a has way better optics.

Regardless of these both, dead wrong about armor. Don’t say you try to find common ground and take such a bad take. There’s no comparison. Type 90 is butter. The t90a has objectively better armor, it’s not marginal, it’s much better. There’s nowhere you shoot on a type 90 that is better defended than a t90 with most rounds for its. Not to mention when using 3bm60 means you’re using top tier round for Russia. There’s literally nowhere it won’t pen if memory serves right.

They are better in different areas. Type 90 works better for me and my play style. They both has differences in strengths and weaknesses. Doesn’t somehow mean it’s worthy of a drop because it’s not as good as a higher be tank.

I thought the speed was higher like t80bvm, you’re correct I was wrong. It was a mistake. Everything else I have said is correct.

Yes I was reading something else and typed 54 lol… anyways the torque and power of the Type 90 makes it accelerate far faster, with a higher top speed.

I don’t believe all tanks have the same accuracy once the modification is researched. I think they base it on real life dispersion values. As even with the modification I have noticed some tanks and definitely more accurate than others.

When I said common ground, I was merely talking about balance, fun, and fairness. I guess I wasn’t that clear.

The T-90a has better armor yes. It has a better round yes.

The Type 90 has better speed, better load times, better gun depression, and a good reverse gear, and a faster turret traverse.

I wouldn’t mind the T-90A getting 3bm46 instead and becoming a 10.7

But if they decompress a lot of the brs by making 12.3 a thing, it could stay at 11.0

In terms of the T90m vs leo2a7s btw, having played both, and I haven’t even spaded the leo2a7Hu I can certainly say it’s the better tank.
If I stop getting paired with terrible teams, I might have a better time in it, or rather a team that will spawn in spaa… since 90% of my deaths have been to CAS.
If I get paired with USSR it’s F-16s, F-15s bombing me.
If I get paired with the UK it’s Su-34s bombing me
If I get paired with Germany, it’s Typhoons bombing me…
If I get paired with USA it’s pretty much all of the above.
You get my point.

(CAS dominance is getting old, I wasn’t in favor of Ai spaa covering the battlefield before… but now? I’m really getting sick of getting bombed after getting 1-2 kills).

It has a 30 second aced reload, and you want it to go UP in BR???

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I got no problem if you drop the round to 3bm46 to drop its br. I use the tkx(p) at top tier fairly well, but it has the necessary elements to hang at top tier. There’s very little difference between 11.3 and 12.0 for Japan. All of them are paper, no tank at top tier is more paper than Japan and that’s how it should be for 4 sec reload with a good dart and optics and speed. Japan is just the ultimate light vehicles at top tier.

I also agree, I don’t think I said leo2a7s are worse than t90m.

If that’s the case then I didn’t write it clearly enough. Any tank with a hull spall liner can make the argument it should be 12.3. For the Leo’s case, I say at least that. The t90m I said you can make an argument for 12.3 because of the spall liner and armor.

I’ll have the t90m here shortly, but I doubt I’ll have a 2a7 anytime soon. Japan fits my play style exceedingly well and I use the tanks 100 deaths in a row to see how I’m doing. Whether I’m improving or not and I’m averaging like 3-4:1 with the type 10 so far this set of 100. I was at 6-8:1 playing in Asia, but just moved back to the U.S. for a bit and have been getting slaughtered because the games fold WAY FUCKING FASTER than Asia.

I think better players and worse players are in NA by distribution, but your average player in Asia is much better. The games last longer and normally only Russia and U.S. suck, with US being worse by far. Seemingly in my last 2 days back here in the states, every team folds no matter who’s on it. Nations have made no difference. One side gets folded in a minute and it’s annoying and ends up in a slaughter quick with CAS being overkill and spammed. which is impacting my play style and I gotta find a new way to use them.

It was more enjoyable to play in Asia, seemingly more methodical and well thought out players.

I see no reason to move to a Leo. I just use the other nations when I want a break or leave a game and am penalized. But Japan is my golden goose, sticking with it.

T30 is actually a meme vehicle like KV-2, the reload is way too long for it to be effective, note that at the same br we has balkanon which has identical weapon but the reload is 10 times quicker and received the benefit of extra ammo crate. For me it’s the worst of them all compare to T29 and T34


I have a 2:1 KDR in it, probably my favourite “gun tank” vehicle. But in no way shape or form is it worthy of 7.0 like OP suggests. Its effectively a sidegrade to tanks like the IS-2, with some improvements in armor protection.

Id like to tack onto the conversation, that I’ve noticed a trend of gun tanks getting pushed up, paticularly soviet heavies.

The IS-2 early and late are inferior to the Tiger 2 and especially AMX M4, yet share the same BR for some ridiculous reason.

Object 248 is inferior to the T-34-100 in armor penetration, is far slower, and the “armor” of a KV is effectively obsolete beyond 5.3, yet it sits ABOVE the T-34-100 and is apparently equivalent in effectiveness as a Tiger 2… LOL.

KV-2 ZIS-6 is, for some reason, the same BR as the VK3002. Because a well performing gun (of which has had multiple nerfs in armor penetration) on a KV-2 chassis is somehow as effective as a panther or a 76mm sherman with their superior mobility and gun handling.


after coming back to the amx m4 i could see it being moved to 7.0 even though it would hurt the 6.7 lineup

I would rather they give the option to add track armor to the tech tree tigers and remove the pesky mine lauchers

Yeah. The cons on the T-90A are a bit too bad to stay at 11.0 in the current br arrangement, the slow turret drive, general “slowness” means if it’s at a far distance it’s okay. But less and less we have open maps it would seem.

So… funny thing this the T90M which I’ve had happen to me many many times now, and I’m sure you’ll experience. When spading my T-90M, as you would expect, I died mostly to ammo explosions. And I only took 18~20 rounds. But what kept getting me killed was, enemy APFSDS will go through the LFP, bounce off the 20mm floor plate, and skip right into the ammo. And boom you’re gone, because the 20mm ammo protection plate… won’t stop just about anything.
I get the T-90M does have a spall liner, but the Leo2a7 won’t be ammo racked unless you bring over 16 rounds. No matter how much you bring in the T-90M it seems that one lone piece of ammo is hit. And now with the auto loaders being super easy to break, I’m sure it won’t be any better.

If you want to play your T-90M while I spade my Leo2a7, I’d be down to play.

Idk, a lot more cheaters on those servers. They infect all servers, but I almost get killed exclusively by cheating individuals from that region… there’s a certain time of night they all hop on to NA servers, then I’m getting hit by the most insane things.
Like two days ago, instant invisible arty killed me, every single round landed on my XM803’s ammo rack. And the guy was in a gepard… the worlds most survivable one I might add. Musta been a gepard2a7v lol

I like the Fuji, yes I get its premium, but it’s a good tank. The only time it’s not good is when 3-4 people rush me at the same time.

What they really need to do is limit CAS, or make it cost even more to spawn, which as annoying as it is already, I’ve only spawned my Su-34 one time as it costs 1094 SP last I checked to spawn in

Are you talking about the T30? It’s a good massive 155mm which arty tanks usually have, but stuffed into an armored behemoth

I do agree, but at the same rate, putting the IS-2s any lower in br to face faster firing tanks will hurt them, and simply expanding the more dominant heavies out of the 6.7 bracket gives every nation a bit of a breather.

The only tanks that have these are the Tiger H1, and the heavy tank no.6
Guess which one is at the higher br without smoke grenades? The Heavy tank no.6

The luchs is worse than the wiesel why would you move it up, if anything it should go down in br the vehicle is pathetically slow and doesn’t have the thermals you get on the wiesel.

The 105mm is a sidegrade to the regular 88mm for the slightly better gun and slightly harder to hit mantlet you lose out on the extremely good 88mm reload the 105mm is fine at 7.0

No god no it does not need to move up further especially since gaijin said they’re going to change the RARDENs APDS characteristics which means its going to get nerfed its fine at 7.7

The gun most certainly isnt excellent the 120mm on the conqueror has barely more pen than the 105mm DM13
Shot L1G has 140mm at 60°
DM-13 has 134mm at 60°
But the conqueror has a reload thats almost twice as long, the armour also isnt great already and moving it up to 8.0 would make it even worse

Its fine at 10.3 just move the ASRAD up to 10.7


The efficiency as gaijin calls it, is more than enough to move it.
The APDS was never recalculated due to them not wanting to “step on any toes”

lol… ah yes the L1G is so bad, in a full uptier in my first game I was able to get a nuke and not die in it, what’s even stranger, is the Fox and USh are the only other vehicles I’ve ever had that happen in.
Strange stock vehicles could be so good right?
The armor is more than usable. The lower plate is a weak point but with APHE changes it drastically survives more as the commanders hatch doesn’t kill the turret crew as easily.

The Luchs is able to rotate its turret 360 degrees
Has good turret traverse, same pen.
4 crew, better armor and survivability, higher top speed… ah yes totally should be a 7.3 my mistake, I forgot it’s two cons are: it’s bigger, and has no stabilizer, and I also forgot they outweigh all the pros.

The Tiger II 105mm has double the explosive mass, more pen, and it’s slightly harder to kill… it would be effectively the same BR as the T29 still, and the same as the IS-3, if you think a bad reload makes a vehicles suffer, you really need to play the IS-3, which has an even longer reload.

Tiger II 105mm: 12.5 secs
Tiger II 88mm: 7.5 secs
IS-3: 20.0 secs
T29: 12.5 secs

A little odd the Is-3 has the highest reload and highest br in accordance with your views.

This would also work. But the long load times of the LvKv are a bit silly

The whole “well i got x and x amount of kills in my first game” isnt an argument first game i played in the J7W i got 5 kills guess that means it should go to 6.3 then ignore the fact that its one of the worst 6.0

Lmao no anyone with half a brain will shoot APHE into the cupola and it kills the turret crew also 122mm will overpressure it

The 88mm already has enough to oneshot 90% of the time losing half your reload isnt worth it also the shell is only 7mm more pen at 60° its not worth it

This alone tells me you have no clue what you’re talking about, it doesn’t matter if the listed top speed is faster the pile of garbage barely has an engine its unable to reposition like the wiesel while being massive compared to it also the turret limits on the wiesel aren’t an issue when you can spin the hull 360° in 4.3s

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It’s weird because repeatability of what I said in the conquerer has happened, got another nuke today in it, 2 more I was about 20 sp off.
So am I just a stellar player? Or is the tank very good?
It’s a tanky vehicle with a great gun with 509 pen. It hardly if ever non-pens or shell shatters.

Oh really? Care to show the class? APHE changes mean thats not as common there bud.

You keep pulling the 60° stat, how many tanks will have this magical 60° thick armor you speak of?

Flat or 30° angles are by far the most common

The Wiesel can be easily .50 cal’d the Luchs can’t. It rips, again you purposely leave out pros and or cons, when it suits your argument, so your either biased or generally untrue

wasn’t the APHE change just a buff?

And a much longer reload, which balances it out.

Why on earth would it be 7.3?


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No instead of exploding in a circular fashion, the APHE explodes if i recall in a 60° upwards and downward angle, with the cap acting now more like an AP round.

I think it was a good change. Commander port shots aren’t as powerful as they once were.