Proposed ground RB battle rating changes

The point is that you do not need to angle the turret in the swedish kv. If you want to shoot someone with the zis-5, you need to present your weakest armour to them, whereas you present the strongest armour when shooting at someone in the swedish one.


Guess its just my force of habbit to angle the armor so for me I’ll still take the Zis-5. Again i see both as sidegrades, neither one has any right to be higher than 4.7 or lower.

Weaker armor = lower br…

Thats for gaijin to determine, imo
We dont need anymore KV-1B/E vehicles
Regardless its my opinion so no reason to be so upset if gaijin thinks its underperforming then it will go down in BR.

On the topic of armor why does the T34 1941 get to be the same BR as the version with armor? (T34E) Or the same BR as the KV-1B/E so that armor idea falls flat.

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I’m not upset. It’s a fact it has worse armor

And great we agree that it can be the same BR thanks to the T34E and T34 1941 being the same BR. If there was more decompression i might say that the Zis-5 could go down in br, as it stands now i dont see any reason to.

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Do you own that tank?

Also you edited your comment after I responded. Gimme a few mins I’m in a game

Which comment did i edit? I dont think it was a recent one, so i have no idea which one you’re talking about.

Edit: Also own? I Own all tanks in the current mention aside from KV-1E, i have the B so i have no need for the E.

Let’s see your stats for them then

Hmm guess this must be you?

Strange, you’ve only played the KV-1 1942, yet you declare you own them all except the KV-1E which would make you a liar

I can only thus assume you are biased. You don’t want the worse vehicle to go down in br, while a tank you clearly do quite well, you don’t want a spotlight on.

Nope i have the KV-1E still sitting in my inventory as a coupon. Had no reason to play it for the longest time though i also have a fe other vehicles sitting in my inventory that i haven’t claimed.

Regardless i have played the vehicles both my Zis-5 is spaded, i dont play either nearly as much as the 220, considering i grind for SL most of the time. Russia is my more popular nation for that. Again if we bring it stats youve only played Russia so you have no actual experience in the 1942 so how can i yrust your opinion?

Regardless considering you’re only in favor of getting another vehicle with yoir KV-1E it only proves the point that your entire opinion means nothing as you again have yet to play other vehicles, when you own the vehicle ill be willing to continue this pointless discussion for now you’ve only proven to me that they do belong at 4.7 considering you’re KD in both the E and the Zis-5.

Clearly you don’t understand, and like to lie.
Kv-1e is 4.0
Kv-1 zis-5 should be 4.3 since it has a better gun and slightly worse armor.
Do I need the KV-1 1942 to know how the armor preforms? No, I have the German one which is the same turret but with a different gun.
Nor did I ever say I played the 1942 did I?

Different turret armor, the KV-1C has the lighter turret yet has the 105mm armor. The KV-1A has the heavier turret with 90mm armor so you actually don’t know what you’re talking about. Which is fine, again when you actually know what you’re talking about and have played it then we can continue until then enjoy your day.

The irony is you’ve only played one of the tanks lol.

lol okay. So did you come here with an actual argument as to why a certain vehicle should be a certain br?

@McPlopish do you speak with anything other than your bias? If you took any actual note, many nations mainly got nerfed in my list. Italy actually prospered the most.

my bias?

Dude… looking at what you propose and then see you call me biased makes me giggle.

Thanks for the laugh bud

and yes, i do remember your silly defence of the Yak mega round.

You my dude, is pure bias.

so again, i’m happy you aren’t in charge for balance :)


You do understand it’s a working list subject to change?

You clearly have never played certain vehicles, or don’t care for balance and instead love broken ones.

Like I said feel free to make logical suggestions
Don’t make nonsensical worthless statements.


Almost everyone is laughing at your suggestions.

Just accept very few people share your point of view


Not really. The logical people agree with most, some things, not exactly. That’s to be expected.

But when you have a whole 6.3 - 7.7 bracket dominated by one nation (USA) of course you won’t like it if your most played nation gets nerfed

@Forum Moderators
Can the off topic comments be removed? Please and thank you.

Telling you that you’re wrong isn’t off topic.

Aside from attempting to nerf every nation you don’t play, you have also included a number of arbitrary “buffs” eg. +16% spall damage to the M300. Do you have some kind of source for this or are you just asking for it to be improved for gameplay purposes?

I think you need to make better arguments.


It’s off topic when it’s pure slander for no reason.

Better check my stat card, and the games I played Today.


It was USA


Spoiler, I have top tier USA, Germany, Russia, and Italy. Almost top for Sweden, and getting close with France / Japan

So should a 60mm spall as much as a 30mm cannon? No. That’s what is currently happening with M300, the spall is equal to or slightly less than the Rarden 30mm