Proposed ground RB battle rating changes

Youve insulted him a few times.

You came into a topic we where all having nice pleasant discussion and started having a dig at many people for their stats. Hence why so many dug back at yours.

Your attitude is not fine at all lad. It’s a passively aggressive attitude towards other forum members who were literally here to discuss BR changes, IF ¡YOU didnt like what we where saying and YOU didnt like how we used the vehicles, why didnt YOU leave. seeing as YOU are such the good player and veteran player?

you chose to start an argument over nothing and now when told youre at cause you take a childish response and tell me to leave? . you massively derailed scorpions post, almost every other commenter has went quiet since you piped up about stats, and needing 2.0Kds etc

No one cba with that sort of stuff mate. If we wanted that kinda chat wed bounce on over to our repsective squadrons.

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You have 27 battles combined between Dardo, 1A2, Rad90 and VCC 80/30.
Now take a look at literally every USSR/UK vehicle you played.

You do well in meta vehicles like M1A1, 2K, 2A4, KPz-70 and such, but massively fail to recreate that in anything that’s not considered to be one of the best tanks at their BR.

You can surely go take a look at my stats in Type 90, TKX, 2A4, Rad 90, XM-803 and such.
Those are definitely really strong for their BR.

These changes are mostly good - except for Russia, which imo should stay as they are for the time being.

Lol, no.

Honestly it should be 5.7 along with the Panther D. 5.3 is still too low.

Funny how most of the Russian vehicles are going down in BR while almost everything else is going up. Also the fact that the 2s38 is not on this list and going to 11.0 is hilarious.

Fine. But give the US m829a4. Reload is a balancing mechanic. If we go by historical data, the US should get better ammunition.

No. the reload is too long.

Could be a lot higher. It would be fine at 10.0.

As I said, I looked at the ones I played recently. I will be the first to admit that I was horrible for much of my time spent playing, as is quite visible, as you can see, from my high tier tanks, and actually a lot of my mid tier tanks as well. It’s only through the personal guidance of a very good CC and multiple other good players that I improved.

good, we have infighting now

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They would pretty much be the same tank, but the T32 would be a bigger target

Well the 2s25 really wasn’t a hard choice to uptier, it’s got a good round and good mobility.

But since you want to go by stats and not pros / cons, I can start playing my German KV-1 and have far beyond all my other kds. I could also pick up the new Swedish one and do the same.

The reason I didn’t move the KV-1E is it has maus syndrome, it’s awful in an uptier, semi godly in a downtier. But, the German KV-1B is incredibly better as it rarely sees any high velocity guns which can easily pen it, unlike the KV-1E which mostly fights Germany.
Add in the fact, most people just randomly aim and fire at it, doesn’t help.

Again, the IS-6 stat is less than my T29 stat by a good margin. But how come you didn’t bring that up?

My T-54 stats come from when they were all lower br.
If you want an accurate stat look at the Swedish one.

Abrams and Leo 2a4 Pz. Bt stats are pretty high too, so why are you cherry picking so hard?

I never said anything about one death leaving lol

And if I recall, your profile said you had over 30k matches.
I have 10k matches or so.

you need literally the barest knowledge of maps to get that

^ this just solidifies that you camp. I aggressively push to secure caps as most teams now adays do what you do.

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Isn’t the Finnish KV-1A held back since its the only 4.7 tank? Im pretty sure the LVKV 42 is the closest vehicle BR wise and its a spaa/TD
Compared to my 4.0 German or Soviet lineup which has a lot more vehicles to pull from.

Also why even mention the Finnish KV-1A? Its a worse Zis-5 since you have round turret edges unlike the 127mm angled edges of the Zis-5. Seems a bit odd but im willing to hear it out if you have a reason why that thing is special.

The 2s38 lacks survivability, it is better in fire power than say the Beglit, but no where on par with an hstvl.

The abrams already reloads faster than its irl data suggests. Sure, give it M829a3, but also bring the reload back up to 6.3 secs (this is lower than average btw, if I find the most in which I did the math, I think the average equated to something above 6.5 secs). So an “ace crew” would have to be 6.3 or higher, yet I don’t think the abrams is all that bad tbh.

Yes the Finnish KV-1 has no line up as far as i remember, but at the same rate, it had the up armored rounded turret which is either volumetric hell or really good, but it has the lower pen gun over the German KV-1 with the 75mm

Kv-1C 5.0
Kv-1 fin 4.7
Kv-1 Zis-6 4.3

It’s understandable why they should be those brs. Especially with the different turrets alone. A M4a3e2 cannot pierce the turret at all on tbe KV-1C pretty much.

And considering the KV-1 for Russia has the weaker gun, and the weaker turret, I’m amazed it’s right under the god tier KV-1C

What about the KV-1A is more amored than the Zis-5? Rounded turret with weaker armor than it should have irl which is 105, it has 90mm and since you can’t angle the turret like the Zis-5 ill take the Zis-5 over it. Maybe the chassis has armor but last i remember. Finnish KV-1 has 70mm hull armor over the 75 on the Zis-5, i may be wrong though so if you see a difference let me know.

Also both the KV-1A and Zis-5 have the same gun, maybe it comes down to preference but i prefer the stronger box turret for angling vs the turret which cant angle. Another bonus is lineup, id say for lineup alone the KV-1A is kinda worthless, most ive seen get bombed then leave since they have 4.0 TD’s with no armor and a T-34 1941 that weighs more than the soviet version since gaijin copy pasted the spaded weight with the track armor.

KV-1 Zis-5 is the old box turret with the Zis-5 gun.

Fin KV-1A is the older cast turret which should have 105mm armor all around but some docs put it at 115mm-120mm as the later cast turrets were made with less armor to put less stress on the turret ring.

So you have the same tank with the same gun, but the Soviet version has 5mm better hull armor and a better turret for angling the 90mm to about 127mm, the KV-1A can angle about 100mm so worse armor, volumetric maybe when it first came out but the vehicle got a armor fix a while back to nerf it so idk if you’re using older knowledge or not.

Is the Kv-1a the Finnish one?

KV-1A is the 2nd finnish KV since the KV-1B is on germany and will never be added to finland.

Also both the Zis-5 and KV-1A have this hole, ive actually killed them with the AMX spaa a few times lol.

Oh sheet I didn’t know the Finnish one has a roof mg.

But in terms of sheer bounce ability, the rounded turret takes the cake.

The square one is okay for anyone taking pot shots at you, but is typically frontally penned with ease.

Honestly i advocated to remove it, since gaijin gave the stupid tiger as a replacement for them deciding the KV-1B will never go to Finland. Literally imo the KV-1A is worthless since the KV-1B would’ve had a lineup lol.

I gotta disagree with your opinion on the bounces but to each their own. Perhaps its because i feed the snail with my soul daily lmao

Regardless i think its silly to think either one should be below 4.7

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Are you talking about the Kungstiger? I love that thing.

I hate it, i don’t care about it, trust me i have it but id rather Finland get their actual vehicles. Where is the Sturmi? Probably gonna sell it to us…

Again imo the KV-1A needs an actual lineup to warrant existing since 4.0 TD’s on sweden are basically just jokes lol.

Sturmi and T34-76 (the one on germany at 4.3) would be good additions to the finnish continuation war lineup, also the ISU-152 with the Lahti 20mm rifle on the roof

I’m honestly surprised. As Sweden bias in the KungsTiger has done some crazy things, like penning the roof of the KT H from 300 meters. And so on. It bounces quite a lot. But I don’t think it should be the same br as a KT H.