Proposed ground RB battle rating changes

so tiger 2 H to 7.0 IS2 to 6.3? sounds good to me man.

i mean have you seen them? its not even a joke ive had guys drive right past me even in top tier using 2a7s and what not just blind af

pff had l27a1 bounce off a tiger 1 once. then he proceeded to break my barrel xd

Something like that.

UK is biased.


The ush is annoying to fight but in raw perfomance is 7.7 or 7.3. it unlike the rat has significantly more limited ammo, armour that can be pened by 7.7mg’s only 2 crew an underpowerd engine and no stability meaning it needs to come to a commplete stop before firing.

Ok so apart from you getting tanks and basic information such as the type 61 having an autoloader and the m4a1 fl10 having a 10 rnd readyrack, most of these suggestions are horrifying. The t92 bounces if you can’t aim. The t30 is a worse, not better, t34. The m50 is completely fine at 6.7 but counters stupid and blind players. However, I agree with the t34, t26e5, m551 and t29 going up.

The 2 tigers should not go up, while they are better they still have the intrinsic tiger H weakness. The tiger 2 105 is worse or at best on par with the kth. The luchs is already fine to mediocre at 7.3. The rest are fine. The gepard can maybe go to 8.7 but 9.0 is too much of a stretch. The begleit is also fine where it is. The kv1 is one of the best 4.7 tanks and absolutely should not go down. The finnish one should go back up to 5.0 where it was already good.

The IS-3 should never face 6.0 tanks. The IS-6 and t54’s going down is a joke because these are already good enough and well balanced at their respective brs. The rest seem fine but a the t80s could move up after the buff.

The fox counters blind and deaf players, the conqueror is mediocre at 7.7 and the za can go up.

The sta3 (this is the one with an autoloader) and type 61 are completely fine where they are. The ho ri prototype is not that good of a tank vs anyone that has a clue of where to shoot it. The production is good at 7.3 but not 7.7 worthy, same situation as the prototype. The type 60 sprg is a MUCH worse m50, and the type 99 could go up.

The obj 122 can go up, but the aft, once again, is not that good.

The dardo going down to 9.7 is absurd, it is completely fine at 10.0. the aubl buff without at least a 2-step increase in br is nuts.

The amx50 to90 is at 8.0 for a VERY good reason. It has almost double the other fast french mediums’ readyrack size, with their speed, reload and great aphe. It should absolutely NOT go down. The m4a1 fl10 is good at 5.0 but not incredible, due to poor depression, armour, mediocre mobility and a shell that is not particularly reliable in terms of damage.

The bkan is completely fine at 6.7, it’s not a particularly good vehicle. The ush is also fine, while the pbv could go up but it is not necessary to move it up as it is very easily counterable. The itpsv could go up to 9.0.

Overall this seems like a very knee-jerk reaction to vehicles that you either did not do well in when playing, struggle facing or just simply do not have a lot of actual experience with. I do suggest getting more experience, maybe look at a few guides or good streamers to start improving your gameplay a little.


The tiger 2s bar the p already are under BRd at 6.7
They should be 7.0.

The t29 is about the same as the tiger 2 H sl16 prem
Swaps reload rate for a bit of fire power, the fact it sits so low is the same as the tiger 1s.for so long.

Conq is a good balanced 7.7 man, love it.

The t29 is noticeably better than the sla premium, since you can just click on it’s turret and instantly kill it. The added 12.7s that the tiger does not have is also a factor. I already assumed that the guy referred to both the tiger 2 H’s at 6.7 as they are similar in performance as the sla is not noticeably more capable than the basic kth.


I think that is an unpopular opinion, not to mention it just got a buff that very much benefits it:


Alt + E for a good time. Bkan has always been fun to nuke tanks and SPAA in, but its increased reload rate was always held back by its lack of ammo capacity. Well… no more, it can refill its own ammo.


The ammo crate is nice, but it still doesn’t change the fact that you are stupidly lightly armoured, loud, massive and a casemate.

That goes with the territory of being an SPG. A vehicle doesn’t have to be meta to be good, a vehicle doesn’t have to be meta to be over-powered or need to go up in BR (not saying the Bkan is either, but still). If you want a good all-round vehicle, stick to your MBT. Non-meta vehicles are all about the trade-offs.


I never said it should be, but in my opinion the bkan is just simply not good. There are multiple good to very good spg’s that are casemates, but I do not think the bkan is one of them.

the SLA premiumm can do the exact same to the T29? theyre far closer performance wise than youd think.

highly situational and against one another no its not a big deal.
the tiger 2 H is a 7.0 tank in reality.
while the loss of one MG and them being 7.62 is a minor annoyance the tiger 2 also reloads far, far faster than a t29 both with aced crews the tiger 2 is a full 5 seconds reload faster than the t29
with a round thats nearly on par with the T29 bar in explosive filler.
The tiger two is also faster

it very much is.
and is one im actively working towards.
though the additions of these new ones with spall liners, stabs, LRFs etc is just ridiculous thier BR

1v1 it is a large deal, as the 12.7s quickly track the kth. I have a lot of experience in both, and the t29 should not be at the same br as the kth.

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KTH can just trakc the T29 with a round.
they are very, very similar tanks ive got experience with both of them as well.

or we could get some real decompression and it would allow things to sit where they should.

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If you think that’s a lot, see the Leclerc and T-72 Moderna lol


I do not think you understand. The t29 does not need a round to track. The kth does. This is a massive advantage. I see you have experience in both, and you are negative in both. I would suggest that you improve a bit and then come to another conclusion.

both vehicles i purchased with less than 100 hours in game.
both vehicles ill need to go back to and bring the KD up to that similar of the ztz’s I have or chieftains etc.
around a 1.0 area is where I would be happy.


I do understand, ive got over 3000 hours on the game, and have played most nations to top tier bar a select few and im in the process of that.

The T29 itself is slower, overall worse armoured , bar in the mantlet area, slower reloading, only a marginally better round, whith a 5 second slower reload.

It has 3 .50 cals, which yes is an advantage, but its not as if the tiger 2H SLA has no MGs it still has two MGs.
the situation youre talking about tracking with the .50s doesnt happen as often due to the way the maps are, I have hundreds of games in the T29 its no longer what it used to be.

Firstly, shockingly I didnt use the vehicles as good as I can now, as I bought them with less than 260 hours in the game for both.
And spammed them like i was playing WoT as i had came from there.

Secondly, the stats in WT do not show, captures or assists, or anyother form of way to help the team, it is purely kills. ive made over 350k RP with the T29 and 4 million credits with it in under 500 games. Thats substantially more than what the kills net you alone.

Thirdly. I do not see the T29 in your used vehicles for america, at all. Do you even have the tank?
the closes vehicle you have to the T29 is the T34 in which youve played only 22 matches.

And lastly I checked your stats as well, as impressive as they are, it begs to wonder why you do not have a single rank 8 other than the Adats.
Now I see the appeal of lower BRs the tanks, lineage, history etc, hence why I play the chieftains as much.
However you? it seems to me you would rather sit in lower Brs as club.
every one of the vehicles that are your top used were somewhere cracked at somepoint since their addition.
or can we remain on the topic of the tanks that @UniqueScorpions has brought up.
I can go through your stats bit by bit and make assumptions.
or we can discuss the vehicles based on their performance and metrics in the game.
Not how I or you, or anyone else performs with the vehicles.

How much does outloading really matter if you can’t hit get them right away but for them your armor is butter?

My brain might be smooth but I’m not that stupid

My “Cherry Picking” is simply me trying to show some of your abysmal ideas here and I love how you have 0 counterarguments for it either.

It’s already at 7.7 last I checked

Until you’re at range, and realize that consistently hitting driver ports isn’t a very smart decision. If you die to a Tiger E in an IS-3 that is a major skill issue, out load or not.

Once again, I’d much rather have a genuine debate with you dismantling my points than you just brushing all it off and focusing on one thing


Beautiful decal setup you got there


Cheers, I usually have Oxy spending his days drooling over anime pillows and the like. Zoltansultan is another good one for that. Have never even watched his steams ever, just like his decal.


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