Proposed ground RB battle rating changes

Yeah… no. The Is2, is3, is4 and is6 cannot kill a T32E1 pretty much at all.

Meanwhile that same T32e1 can kill the is’s
and that’s not being fair

As for top tier the hstvl just got buffed and went from good to great. And the abrams is good. USA top tier suffers due to the teams, not the tanks.

Less that half a kilo of explosives, and pen that doesn’t like to go through 7.0 US heavies, let alone 7.3’s or 7.7’s.

The “BMP-1P” upgrade gives you a much better SACLOS missile that’s pretty good.

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do u see any difference between our screen shoots? no? bcs they both have problem to pen each other XD (is6 have even more pen btw XD) apcr wont change anything same spots and even lower damage so gl.

and hstvl went from garbage to playable still should be move to 11.3 or some buffs (also 2s38 deserve 11.0 atleast same with t80ud).

edit: is tanks can use he btw

seriously u said that i should bring amx 10m or auf1 to play 8.7 stabilized laser range finder tanks?
they are not even good on br they actually are. so why u dont say to author of this br suggestions to take su 122 54 or 2s1/2s3m to 7.7 line ups and use heatfs/he if they dont have pen? thats very smart wow we repaired his lovely 7.3/7.7 is tree we can close it right? NO bcs in my opinion is3/4/6 are same garbage like other heavy tanks bcs of UPTIERS they meet too strong tanks its not like tiger1/2 or is2 have same problems they can be pen but they still fight fair tanks (no laser range finder no stabilized fast tanks). there should be huge decompression in that br.
well balanced uptier for heavy tanks is 8.3 usa they also are stabilized or have apfsds but only 1 of that thing
sheridan is stabilized but have heat or atgm
m60a1 is stabilized but dont have apfsds or laser range finder
t95e1 have apfsds but nothing else
m60a2 is stabilized but using heat instead and thats not that great (Edit and have laser range finder)
even if we dont send these heavy on ur lovely t55amd in food role they can fight leopard 1 or centurion in much healthier games, still a bit unfair but thats how uptier works it should be harder but not unplayable

That wall of text sounds awfully like a USA suffers attempt. No sir, not today. Not ever. And keep the AMX-10M’s name out of your mouth if you can’t say nice things about her. She’s lovely.

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oh someone spit a facts to russian main and he pretend to not hear that? ah classic

I’m a 279 main. But I play most nations, and one of my favourite lineups is Britain 8.3, so have at it.

That’s why the Soviet one is 8.0 already…?

It is easier by a good margin to kiss the is2, 3, and 6 the can be commander / loader hatched semi easily. The most common shot is the gunner optic which almost always kills the tank.

Meanwhile, I’m praying my HE or APHE round doesn’t skill off the roof, let alone if I can even hit it since the is6 is so short.

You are mostly right here, but soviets tank pretty much lack everything at this br range for their heavies. No gun depression, no reload, not tons of speed, okay armor if they’re only firing APHE at you.

Sheridan HEAT is quite good. Atgm is usable.
M60a2 is a better Sheridan with a LRF. For a trade off of speed.
T95e1 is a very good tank, even without the stabilizer.

The T-55amd is really only good vs frontally attacking ATGMs or slow munitions.

But that’s way different than say, a Krisentema or BMP-2M at slight range vs a Black knight or Merkava Mk.4, where was their APS defeats pretty much everything. Rendering the Krisentema totally useless and the BMP-2M only able to engage at close range.

Pretty legit list.

The SIDAM at 8.3 is mind boggling. Got to be a legacy BR. It is crap compared to the ZSU 23-4

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Which is why it shouldn’t be bumped

Yeah lol. No idea why the Sidam is nearly the same Br as the Gepard. Gepard is infinitely better in all aspects except irst lock.

I would say out of all the 7.3 - 8.3 aa the best to worst are:
Chieftain marksman (may be 8.7, not on warthunder rn)

And considering it’s Italy’s only option it makes me want to vomit. It it got a bigger APDS belt, then sure it could stay at 8.3, but stock HE only with 7mm pen is dumb.
Although… with 7mm HE pen… I somehow killed a T-80U in the side yesterday, both myself and the guy I killed were super confused.

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Soviet bmp-1 with atgm: 8.0
Sweden bmp-1 without atgm: 7.3 seems pretty fair.



I don’t see this as justified, the gun is already pretty mediocre at 7.0 and its one of the only upsides of the tank (the fastish reloading decent pen gun)

[quote=“UniqueScorpions, post:1, topic:199302”]
T26E5 6.7 > 7.0 Maybe. The gun is very weak for the BR though so making it to where the armor is more “balanced” may make the tank weak.

I’m kinda ok with this?

It isn’t better, it’s worse. The gun isn’t as good because the reload is ginormous.

should try 7.0 first, its not that hard to deal with and it has goofy gimmicky issues that other tanks dont deal with

nah its really just worse than the 88 version cause the reload being longer really offsets the damage/pen you get, especially when 88 is already good there

I heard this thing sucks but idk havent played it yet or seen it much

Only gets it for 2 shots then the 3rd and beyond is 7.5s+, not as good as you think. Still wouldn’t mind it being a higher BR.

it’s effectively a lot worse at doing this because the AP 57mm shell is much larger than darts and gets caught on things easily that cause it to lose pen and fail to do damage. It also isnt explosive so you have to shoot people a lot. Not having autotrack anyway to track air targets also means the HE AA capability is very skill based cause you have to actually know how to aim it fully manually which isnt as easy as it sounds. The ATGM it has is also dogwater.

Nah you can’t ask for Tiger2H, T29, T34, etc to go up and then ask for this to go down, makes no sense. IS-3 is far more difficult to engage than those above tanks in my experience.

Same as above

Same as above, this is heavy compression to put a T54 and a Tiger2/T29 at the same BR.

This thing kinda sucks actually.

Also lacks any gun handling to speak of, which is why I think its fine at 9.3

full on gimmick that doesnt do anything for you really, it detects dead tanks and teammates too. It also doesn’t always see enemy tanks for some reason.

No to compression

[quote=“UniqueScorpions, post:1, topic:199302”]
T-90A 11.0 > 10.7 (Good armor if facing 11.3s or lower, difficult to play above that. Long 7.1 sec reload and poor speed overall).
No to compression

You didnt uptier M103 so this makes no sense

not a high performer at 8.0 currently

big one trick though, like jagdtiger

this would just make it pointless

its not that bad (not worse than m163, it is worse than the other two)

Dardo is better than M3A3 bradley for most things tho, just not atgm camping behind a ridge


Apparently there is a size difference in the ammo and it literally can’t carry more than 60 APDS rounds. That’s according to the researcher for Gaijin at the time. I am fine with the “realism” but it belongs at 7.7 not 8.3. IRST is great but it is slow, a big target, virtually no AP and obviously no search radar. It’s worse than any 8.0 or 8.3 SPAA easily.

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Ive done this several times. pulling off funny shots which arent the normal kind of thing to happen arent equal to they should see each other in normal cirumstances

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Irst doesn’t work 75% of the time on the Sidam as is, so yeah 7.7 would be nice, but seeing 6.7 planes may be a bit much.

Which of these that you mentioned, have you played?
I’m just gonna ask this first.