Proposed ground RB battle rating changes

Most., 80%~, mainly the newer additions that I havent

Please define most. Because you told me a dardo is better than a Bradley. In fire rate? Sure. That’s about all.

Okay so 80% which haven’t you played?

Dardo is far more mobile and the autocannon is far better, and they have the same ATGMs.

I have a counterpoint. those soviet SPAAS are very undertiered. also isn’t the SIDAMs IRST broken at the moment?

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I’m not going to go through the list and pick out which I haven’t played. I’ve played 80% of what I talked about there and the other 20% is majority made up of stuff added in the last few patches

The dardo is not much faster. Myself and a buddy were playing 10.0, me in the dardo, him the Bradley, although I had better acceleration he was keeping decent pace. The dardo also has worse ammo layout, no irst, worse armor, and lacks spall liners.

In my experience it very much is.

getting shot = die in both, except dardo often lives with the crew layout in my experience leaving you with 2/4.

yeah bradley isnt shooting down anything either with its low rof autocannon though.

this matters… why? what is bradley stopping?

When does this matter for an IFV? i have never seen it save the bradley once on either end of that

I just factor in the BR of the M163

I’ve had the spall liners save me from rear spall / the ATGMs being hit.

(Keep in mind this is thunderskill)
Tiger 10.5 stats:

Tiger II (H):

Tiger II(sla.16):





Per life, the USSR tanks have far lower efficiency.

The Tiger 105 is rather high.
The T29 is slightly behind the Tiger 105 but still quite good.
The T26E5 is good.
The normal Tiger II is on the lower side of good, but still good.
The Tiger II sla. Is better efficiency wise.

So what does this say? The lower br tanks are preforming better. The Russian heavies more and more encounter HEAT FS which they are extremely allergic to a single penetration

Yeah that’s true. Not sure why they made the m163 a 7.3… kinda nuts

The issue is not the IRST. The issue is that it has virtually no way to fight ground vehicles and no scanning radar.

The Gepard and Type 87 both have that in spades.

Now the ZSU is kinda shit. But it’s still better than the SIDAM.

The M163 is even worse, but still better than the SIDAM because you can actually kill vehicles with it.

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I form my opinions based on my own observation through years of playing as well as objective analysis of the vehicles. I do not care really how the community plays them, but I am aware of how gaijin balances vehicles.

I forgot about the type 87 too oops

SIDAM was kinda fixed in this regard when they added ammo crates. It has infinite APDS now as long as you are holding a defensive position.

I’m basing it off of effectiveness and stats, (or data) if you will.

Which makes a fair argument.

The ammo crates run out. Trust me. I know form experience

then you just build another, from experience you dont run out of apds if you just camp

You get more than one? I only ever get 1

it recharges for me pretty sure

If you go to a cap I think it does.