Proposal to Enhance the German Tech Tree in War Thunder with Austrian and Swiss Sub-Trees and Unique Vehicles

Its a german Leopard 2A4 upgraded by the germans with a german armor package for the canadians. Germany has way more of a link to it than Great Britain. Especially they already have the Chally 2 OES

So why did Germany get the Swiss Hunter? Lets see your double standards get you out of this one.
I dont disagree the point remains Britain has tech tree and premium Canadian vehicles.

The CR2 OES is a copy and paste mess, that needs massive work (as its unplayable at those BRs) The fact Gaijin took the CR2 TES THE WORST CR2 in game and copied it stuck a 50. cal on it and sold it as a premium is shameful enough.
This would have been a perfect time for Gaijin to remove it and replace it with the 2A4-CAN. Now there is no way ever for Britain to have a competitive premium tank.

I said earlier Germany could have taken a 2A6 from Switzerland which would have tied in with Hunter they stole, and opened the pathway for the Swiss FA-18

They got the swiss Hunter because Gaijin wanted to fill a CAS hole ( which they should have filled with the Alphajet instead). Pretty much everyone agrees that the swiss Hunter should have gone to britain

Yet its in the German tree, still in the German tree.

It’s ok for Britain to have every other Canadian/Australian tank aircraft ingame until something cool that Gaijin can sell comes along and it gets farmed out to the big 3.

C2A1, M1 AIM and now the 2A4M-CAN you wonder why British players are fed up.

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i am against most sub-tree

I am willing to accept the Finlander in the Swedish, I am also willing to accept the Hungarian in the Italian. and I am willing to accept the Thai in the Japanese

but that is it.
France does not need BeNeLux and BeNeLux does not need to be a sub-tree, it has way enough material and unique material to be a tech tree on its own.

Switzerland also has a large number of vehicles on its own. for both aircraft and ground forces. on the ground alone, I identified 110 vehicles of which 95 are unique to them. and Austria are a natural subtree for Switzerland to fill the gap and fit their history.

Germany has way more vehicles than is needed already. adding Switzerland and Austria would not enhance the tree, it would saturate it. Switzerland has enough material to fill 4 lines well crowded. Austria can make 2 lines. how many research lines does Germany need to be competitive? 10? at this point, I would just say to delete the national system and let people play whatever they want.

besides, from 1918 to the present, Switzerland has been working closely with the French to develop its armament. the only exception was the Mowag Tornado and Pirat and the Panzer 87. The Panzer 58, 61, and 68 used French tech and incorporated many parts from the AMX 30.

adding Austria and Switzerland to Germany sound more like an idea from greedy bias boys than a rational one to me


it‘s mainly about air rank 6+. Germany has only 2 Eurofighters, 1 tornado and the f4f Ice left.

Tell me why germany doesnt deserve a subtree there if france gets a subtree there despite having more planes than germany rank 6+?

It‘s a double standard by the community that for some reason germany despite clearly lacking jets doesnt deserve one.

Switzerland had tons of german equipment aswell. Hungary has tons of soviet vehicles and are now in italy

With france getting benelux that doesnt matter anymore. They already have not one but 2 countries as subtrees.

i do not think France and UK deserve a sub-tree either, both are fine with what they have and what they have to offer. there is no double standard.

and with the few planes they have left for the top tier, they have quit enough. there is also the F-35A who are coming up. they will probably have their first when Gaijin will be ready to add them in the game.

by ton you mean the Panzer 87?

maybe you forget they also have a lot more British, french and American equipment

hetzer, bf109 aswell and more

yet britain has a subtree and france gets one aswell. Cant change that fact.

yeah no. Considering other nations have much more options while having aleady more planes see france even without an subtree

despite its not only top tier its rank 6 and above aka only 4 planes left for 7.7 and above. that‘s probably 7.7 to 13.0 soon

nobody wants the BeNeLux to France. neither the French community or the BeNeLux community. i do not know who thought it was a good idea but I would have fire him to believe it would be one.

France does not need to have Leopards tanks to be good. it need to have Gaijin to create the new models and add new tanks that are completely French. but someone just wanted to take a shortcut apparently and give France tanks that are almost complete copy-paste and anger at the same time the French community and the BeNeLux community instant of doing a proper implementation of the BeNeLux at their own tech tree and give France the 2-3 vehicles they need to fill the ranks.


it‘s still gets added if you want or not because gaijin thinks france is lacking and thus they get 2 f-16s.

So even if you dont want a subtree for germany, they will get one even if it isnt switzerland because if france is lacking in air germany is aswell.

so to fix a small problem, do you think creating another one would be a good idea?

every tree has its downside, you can’t have it all. Do the German top-rank aircraft have little option? so what. the Japanese, Italian, and British as well. the Germans also have their strength, and this is in the large choice and complete line-up in their tanks. adding those two nations will mostly just double and triple the choice of tanks for the top tier. and add dozens of vehicles in all the other ranks.

Germany’s late tier is mostly for ground, deal with it.


not yet confirmed and not yet final. so far it’s just a rumor and one that I do not like. i even consider just dropping the game totally at this point. many did in the community when Gaijin made a similar decision. i didn’t play in many weeks. i stoped when I hear that rumor. and I am not sure if I want to return to play anymore

The gap germany will have in air will stop either the swiss tree or the south american tree depending if they get an F-18 or F-16. Considering argentinia just bought f-16s swiss is more likely. Not even mentioning the random placed swiss hunter

Germany will get with high possibility vehicles from on nation which makes them extremely unlikely to get added

ah yes. The leaker who was right everytime is now wrong. Gzabi is wrong aswell for some reason.

All vehicles till now were true but somehow the benelux subtree is not sure?

i talked to Gzabi about it. he said it was likely real, but it wouldn’t be the first time Gaijin changed their decision on the way. i would say to postpone the release of those vehicles and build a tech tree for BeNeLux when they have enough vehicles instead of messing the game further more with bad decisions.

and no, it’s not sure as the BeNeLux sub-tree is a very unpopular one.

the only time gaijin changed their decision was with the sk105 and minor stuff like the spall liners iirc

I dont really like the concept of subtrees either. I wish they would add these nations in extra taps in which you can take their vehicles and play them in the main nations which are right now ingame (the 9 right now, maybe change israel though). For example benelux and swiss vehicleswith france, UK and germany. Poland with with USSR and the US. But it seems subtrees are the way and I am just saying that it is unlikely that especially a popular nation like germany gets left behind.

Japan should have gotten an subtree first and that is what makes me angry. I dont really mind benelux for france though