Proposal to Enhance the German Tech Tree in War Thunder with Austrian and Swiss Sub-Trees and Unique Vehicles

I’m focussing on mainly the late tech tree models, sadly WW2 doesn’t make Gaijin money so doesn’t get the attention it could have.

The astonishing irony of having “Loss of Uniqueness” be the first reason for proposal then suggesting sub-trees filled with foreign copy/paste. Give Germany the mountain of German vehicles still available instead of jumping to foreign designs it has nothing to do with. Sweden getting a few good Leopard 2s doesn’t stop Germany being one of, if not the, strongest ground nations in-game with plenty of potential future additions.

Also what on Earth is “Former Commonwealth sub-trees.” meant to mean? The Commonwealth of Nations is still very much a thing and all the War Thunder-relevant nations are still active members of it.


Quite opposed


UK, Australia, New Zealand would have made more sense over adding South Africa to Britain as a subtree

Yeah, same here. But the reason why most of people just forus on modern stuff, we can thank Gaijin for that. When was the last time you seen a WT add that didnt had modern MBT, Helicopter and jet in it? Just WW2, cold war era tanks?

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How are Swiss vehicles copy/paste?

And how is Germany the best nation when Sweden gets the same Leopards, but also better AA, and also better light tanks?

C1A4? What tank is that? There is no such thing as a C1A4.

Canada was done dirty from the start its domestic tank has the wrong name and is in the US tree over the UK. (first Canadian thing in-game from what I could find) It has multiple aircraft it built in game yet not one representing it

UK as a UK sub-tree? Wha-

Because they made/used them? If Germany had good light vehicles, then yell at Gaijin that they rather add C+P vehicles instead those interesting vehicles.

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There’s more to the game than Rank 8.


C2A1 they have too many Leopard variants!

Yes the 2A4M CAN would have been a perfect “squadron” vehicle for the UK (Commonwealth) and we see a leak list confirm it for Germany as a premium [Sigh]

Perhaps instead of Germany getting Canadian and Polish vehicles, they can get Swiss and Austrian vehicles.

Meanwhile, the UK can get Canadian vehicles. I think that makes more sense.

UK as part of a Commonwealth tree.

I’m back with information. I changed my mine about SK i think it will be great to have. The New vehicles would add some different play style out to the US tech tree And hopefully some armor.

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But im affraied that they would end up like a Israel. Starting like at 6.0 with you needing to play different nation to unlock it. Or if it would have low tier, i would imagine it would be similar to China

That ship has sailed, we have the CANADATS but didn’t get the Leopard C2A1 for reasons. And leaks confirm Leopard 2A4M - CAN is a premium for Germany. (I know leaks aren’t always reliable)

Ah yes the USA another tree that doesn’t need a subtree

Ah, the C2 (Mexas) is also misnamed and doesn’t even speak English but German for a ‘Canada’ tank.

The C1 is a totally different tank variant.

I agree it would have fit more than the India T-90 or the MiG they are getting. Most UK players would tell you Canada, Australia and New Zeland would fit better than the South Africa and India they got/are getting. (tho actually getting the domestic stuff they’d like even more.)

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The leaks doesnt comfirm anything. Why everyone who take a look at leaks thinks that they are from Gaijin it self. No one is taking them with bit of salt.

Why does it not need one I think it would be very beneficial to have a sub tree in the US