Proposal on the abolition of the air spawn point of WWII attack aircraft

The World War II attack aircraft use the initial altitude and speed of the air spawn to form an absolute advantage or dive over the fighters at the ground spawn point in the World War II minimap mode, and quickly destroy the ground target to form an unbridgeable score difference, resulting in the defeat of the other side. It is suggested that the air spawn point of the attack aircraft should be abolished or the spawn point of the attack aircraft should be placed 10-20 km behind the fighters, so as to put an end to the problem that the attack aircraft too much influence the battle situation at this stage

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Nah, just be more aware of your tickets. Strike aircraft energy advantage doesn’t mean much when they can’t go as fast as fighters, too.


There’s a general problem with tickets and plane classes in air RB.

A team gets the most ticket advantage from destroying ground targets, thus it forces everyone to fight at low level.

We need medium and high alt AI bomber targets which affect tickets as well, so that fighter can fight at alt and attacker down low.

It’s also a bit silly that we don’t have any naval targets anymore. Can’t remember the last time I put a topedo on a plane.

Good old Norway. I was always intercepting boats with my Hs 129 to stop them from capturing the air field.


But we you play air realistic in br 3.x-4.x,map like Mozdok or Ladoga,when you engaged,those attackers will easily 1-2000 meters above your head

You cant Rely on speed to escape,if that attacker target on you

good idea!

You are talking about ground RB. This is an air-rb topic.

Whole reason for the airspawn is so they can attack ground targets. The only maps with a real ticket issue are Tunisia and Vietnam (props).

Unless it’s a Wyvern or Do-335, you’re wrong for the most part.

There are no tanks in air RB. What CAS?

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That’s where your spatial awareness and game sense come into play. Assuming you’re in a fast plane, like an F6F, if you see an attacker way above you, you enter a shallow climb away from his flight path. If you see him diving on you, you enter a shallow dive. If you let one get too close, that’s because you didn’t maintain a proper speed and distance, so you would die from any well turning plane that gets too close to you, and it doesn’t matter whether they’re coming from above or below.
In a fast plane like an F6F however, you have the ability to make sure nobody CAN get close to you in the first place.

Try playing the He-100 or P-400 to develop the skills necessary to deal with slower, better climbing, and better turning planes.

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At around BR 4.0 where this issue arrises the most, there are at least 3 maps where it is impossible to intercept air spawned attackers before they begin an irreversible ticket bleed.


Hear me out
We give everyone an airspawn instead

Ground units. My guy. He’s referring to GROUND UNITS. Which are Tanks, Armored cars, Anti Air and infantry.

The premise of this sentence is that in the case of Mozdok or Ladoga, you have no choice but to run back to the airport. If you choose to fight against the attack aircraft occupying the altitude, you will die.

I don’t quite agree with your statement. Let’s take F6F as an example. If the opponent’s attack plane follows for a long time, making it difficult for you to support your teammates in a timely manner, and the opponent kills all of your teammates, it will be difficult for you to achieve a comeback. And this is exactly the disgusting thing about attacking planes leaving room for straight climb suppression.

At least your suggestion is fair to everyone.

Mozdok and Ladoga should frankly be removed from ARB over like BR 3.0. They’re shoebox sized tiny maps where right after take off, you’re already near the enemy airfield. Ladoga isn’t as bad as Mozdok, but it’s still a rather painful map to try and find space and position before engaging.

Mozdok however? The 2 airfields are so close together you basically get shot at by enemy AF AAA after like 3-4 minutes of flying including take off.

They’re only suitable for early war and interwar aircraft that struggle to reach 250-280 km/h.

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But see, if you occupy one of their space warriors, it means he can’t attack your other teammates either, and while doing so you can build up energy in a shallow climb. Depending on your skill, you can do both shallow climbing and supporting your team, while keeping the higher, slower opponent in check.
If your opponent goes hard after you, the longer the engagement, the further it goes into your favour, making it a much faster kill, and in addition, that would open a door for your teammates to slap your opponent out of the air.
If your team gets steamrolled fighting the enemy team, that’s an entirely different RNG matter that you can’t really affect. There were so many battles where my US team would have energy advantage, I’d think “we can’t possibly lose this”, only to see them all dive and turnfight zeros/spits/Italians, throwing all their energy out of the window, or go for full commit headons against planes with 10x 20mm cannons. No amount of help you give them will keep them alive, and it’s up to luck whether they get their jobs done.

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If you lose a dogfight (assuming you properly set it up) to an attacker (most are very heavy) then skill issue on your end.

Why run so long? Your choice there is the problem (and ultimately your team’s loss)

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