Problems with ayit's br

Does anyone still use the Ayit in GRB now that it is 9.7, Israel doesn’t even have a 9.7 tank… the A4E has to be 9.0 and the Ayit 9.3

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It deserves to go higher 6x mavericks at 9.7 is still busted


it doesnt get 6x mavericks


Yes, it is incredible CAS at this BR.

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3 mavericks 2 walleyes and 2 bullpups it should be 10.0 arguably 10.3


9.3 for the E and 9.7 for the N/Ayit are definitely deserved and in comparison to other nations A2G loadouts still under-BR’d (same goes for the Hunter F.58, but at least that one has to give up its Sidewinders to carry Mavericks)


Israel’s lineup is 9.3 to 11, if I make a 9.3 tank lineup I carry the A4E… if I make a 11 lineup I carry the Kurnass, there is no reason to play with Ayit anymore, and most of those who are guessing here I bet do not play with Israel, so what are they doing here?

Mate, the Ayit has a too powerful A2G loadout to be 9.3. It doesn’t matter that Israel has no 9.3 tank lineup


yes but the question is simple, does anyone still play with him since before you get him you will need to use a tank or 9.3 or 11, if I use a 9.3 tank in a 9.7 game I will play with 100% disadvantages with enemies up to 10.7, if I play with 11 why would I get him if I can go with kunas, I know he has a great loadout, but the anti-area in a 9.3 to 10.3 game is already enough to kill him

There are like 3 10.7 tanks total, you won’t get uptiered any more often if you take the Ayit with you

Edit: there is a total of 5 10.7 tanks currently, the KF41, the ZTZ99-II and III, the T-90A and the 2S6.
If you get a full uptier at 9.7 chances are the 4 players that actually have 10.7 vehicles brought a 10.7 heli or plane and not a 10.7 tank
plus: at 9.7 you can bring a better heli with you as well

yes and I am forced to fight with a Gal Batash 9.3 against a Т-90А, I personally don’t see the slightest sense since I can fly with the a4-e at 9.3 too, that’s the question > I want to know if anyone who plays with Israel sees any advantage in using this aircraft still in grb … in my opinion it’s simple, they both went up respectively, 8.7 and 9.3 to 9.3 and 9.7, a4e at 9.0 and ayit 9.3 would already be the most certain because from 9.0 there are already several options to counterattack these aircraft

I literally see no issue with lineup, Merkavas are still pretty good.

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Then use the A-4E. The Ayit is at a higher BR because it has a better loadout.

The A-4Es shouldn’t get lowered to 9.0, if anything they should go up to 9.7 and the Ayit to 10.0, considering how much better their A2G loadouts are compared to other nations.

That’s how BRs are supposed to work.

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Gtfo, no system at 9.3 can engage ayit throwing walleyes from orbit.


XM975 9.3
FlaRakPz 1 10.3
LAV-AD 10.0
SIDAM 25 9.7
ASRAD 10.3
Ozelot 9.7
Gepard 1A2 9.7
not being able to kill it is a lack of skill

First of all, all of these vehicles except for the Chaparal are above 9.3

Second, do you know what they meant by “throwing walleyes form orbit”? They aren’t talking about someone making a flyby at 3km altitude. This is the same problem as with stuff like the A-6E and AMX, they just climb far enough to either be completely outside of the SAMs range or just far enough to easily be able to flare and dodge the SAMs.

Walleyes don’t lock on to heat signatures “from orbit” so unless you’re the typical noob SPAA player who sits exactly where he spawns all game, walleyes aren’t an issue.

They don’t lock onto heat signatures, they are TV seekers.

Also this isn’t about people dying to these bombs, it’s about the fact that SAMs can’t touch a plane that lobs Walleyes

If the plane is too far to get SAM’d, it’s too far to lock onto you.

Ayit is fine at 9.7 ground.
Either use something else, or make it a 9.7 lineup.

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