It’s fine at 9.7, and it gets uptiers constantly. It only gets the A mavericks, which are quite hard to get locks with and require you to get to close ranges. The walleyes are nice, but not the best, and the bullpens can leave you vulnerable to SPAA. Not to mention it’s still an A-4 with lackluster flight performance.
Also, the Merkava Mk.2D is at 9.7, and although it’s a 9.3 vehicle that gaijin said “oh it haz mor armor, must be at higher br” yet in reality it’s all around worse due to the added weight, it’s still another 9.7 vehicle you can pair with it.
Nah, just because you dont have a tank to tag along with your cas it doesnt mean that it needs to go donw in br, by that logic the super mistere should also be 9.7 or even the 2000d, which either would be insanely broken, the br is and always should be based on the individual vehicle performance not in the overall line up. If you want to use the alyit uptier your line up slightly, a single br step is not the end of the world.
Seriously, you can’t understand that since Ayit is 9.3 it fights against 10.3 vehicles?
Bloco de Citação
Does anyone still use the Ayit in GRB now that it is 9.7, Israel doesn’t even have a 9.7 tank… the A4E has to be 9.0 and the Ayit 9.3
Oh my god, it’s a shame that few people play with Israel, because not one of them comes and reads my question to someone who, like me, fought to get to 9.3 and put together a good lineup because of Ayit, no longer has any reason to play with him in GRB… what are these players from other nations doing here? lol
One question, you, like me, don’t play with Ayit anymore, right? Next, I’m dying to find someone who still plays it in GRB, so far not one has appeared, only guys who are afraid of Ayit appear, lol
Do you need any more commas or are you professing your love to me
no i just don’t have any desire to grind out 15 different M48/M60 variants and a second French/US air tree and you literally only have 2 Israeli vehicles researched
Why don’t you have it you came in here trying to defend a busted CAS plane while spouting off that nobody replying to you owns it yet you yourself dont own it
More than half of those games were in ARB spading the A4E ive only played 3 games with the walleye you should’ve used my A10 stats instead ive actually used it slightly more in GRB than ARB mind you i fight Pantsirs almost every game in my A10 because im using it with my M1A1 thats the only SPAA ive died to besides one time against a SANTAL
Since im talking about the A10 i get to post these
Funny thing is that the Ayit would be able to attack from even greater range than the A10 because it can launch the mavericks at a higher speed and from a greater altitude since you wouldn’t need to climb as much
I’ll tell you the same thing I told the guy that wanted the IPM1 put down to 10.7:
“the game is balanced by performance, not players line up wishlist so “But I wan’t to put it in a line up with my A-10 and not get the A-10 up-tiered” is not a valid argument for balancing.”
If having it in a line up is so important I propose up tiering it to 10.3 so you can use it with the Namer and the Chaparrel as if you compare the Ayit to the SU-25K that many claim is to low BR at 10.0 the Ayit has 5 fire and forget weapons and 2 MCLOS compered to 6 SACLOS with no auto tracking and 2 dumb fire hard points, the ayet is also faster and more agile with the trade off of less CM and armour, which the SU needs due to having to fly straight at is targets to guide its weapons.
You do realize that Maverick and Walleye seekers will auto acquire and then track a tank the enters their FOV even when locked on the ground right?