Premium vehicles that were destroyed by FM or BR changes

I’ll start the list with 11.3…
Kfir canards. J35XL and f104s TAF.
They used to be incredible and super fun planes, today there are 70 (each) dollars of frustration sitting in my account.
kafir canard and j35XL were planes that gave me a lot of fun for almost a year, but now that they have gone to br 11.3 while the J7D is a 11.0 plane, and you play against the a10C and f14A, in addition to the nerfs on these planes, they are a waste of money.
These planes should be 11.0
the j35XL and the kfir canards, no better than the j7E or D, which are two planes that maneuver very well, they are delta wing planes but with 30g missiles, while the kfir has aim9g and the draken has rb24j, the case of the draken is even more serious, as the plane doesn’t even have a rwr.
these planes don’t deserve to be in 11.3 and play against f14.


It has been 5 months since last ground/navy BR change.
We need BR change.

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F-104S TAF has not changed relative BR in years. It’s perfectly playable currently. Great missiles, good enough flight performance, and 2+ bases of ordnance if you use it like a bomber.
Kfir Canard also hasn’t changed relative BR in years and is perfectly playable currently, though an 11.0 might not be unbalanced… F-5C would have to go to 10.7 for sure if that moved to 11.0.
J35XS while it hasn’t changed in BR, its previous flight model was already mid and its change deserves 11.0.

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All 3 planes mentioned had FM changes, which in this case were nerfs.
the br changes of all 3, which were previously 10.7 and 11.0 (f104), have a huge impact on the match up of these planes, you face many uptiers against 12.3 planes.
One thing is you take one of these 3 planes and face an up tier f4s, mig23 and mirage f1 which are already extremely difficult match ups.
Another thing is you fight against f14, mirage 2000 C which are impossible match ups


Faces J7D and E are already difficult match ups because these 2 planes are better in all aspects than the 3 mentioned, and the J7 are 11.0


The Kfir Canard flies identically to the last time I test flew it, and C2 hasn’t notably changed performance in years as I flew that one out due to owning it.
I flew out F-104S a minimum of 5 times since this last major update and it’s performing effectively identically to when I purchased it. FM sidegrade at best.

J35XS is the only one that was nerfed.
J7D’s FM is “as-bad” as J35XS.
And J7E lacks the fuel if you bring no external, and if you bring external it gets a performance hit.

All 3 of the aircraft you mentioned always fought against F-14A and Mirage 2000C, the Mirage being under-BR’d.
Mig-23ML is not as good as you think. F-4S is though, it’s an F-14A that turns 2 degrees less per second.

You must live in a parallel reality and not use these planes

both the kfir canard, as well as the J35XL and f104 S TAfF had their flight models nerfed by bug report, all 3, in addition to the addition of 0.6 in the br of the j35xl and kfir.

This plane is 11.7, it is not even being discussed here.

Man…his FM was nuked.
All the changes made to FM were negative changes, it was one of the biggest FM nerfs I’ve ever made in this game


There are so many absurd things written here that I don’t even know if you are just a troll, or if you are really disconnected from reality.

with f104 it was rare but it happened, with the kfir canard and with j35xl I never faced f14, I already faced mirage 2000 when it was 11.3 when it went to 11.7 it never happened again.

it should be 12.7 together with the f14, the f14 is the most under br plane

Mig 23 It’s a fair plane, for what it delivers, and it’s in a good spot on 11.7 after its FM changes, but it’s still better than the 3 mentioned, that’s a fact.
f4s is far inferior to f14 in every aspect, it is a completely unfortunate comparison


Kfir isnt that bad, but the J35 certainly is suffering


It’s really not as bad as the J35 currently, but both of them didn’t deserve to be on 11.3, but on 11.0
Edit: all 3 mentioned should be in 11.0 after all the changes made


Kfir in pure term of FM is more akin to 12.0 than 11.3, it’s lackluster weaponry is what is keeping it down.

J7D get smashed by a Kfir the same way you are gonna energy trap the shit out of a tomcat.

While the Kfir as been pain due to the F-14 and the obnoxious fakour, it’s probably the better of the 3 plane.

J35XS was fixed as it used to overperform like crazy.

Same for 104. Does the J35 need to move down in BR ? Absolutely, could you move up the J7D, J7E tomcat M2K etc, yes.

It’s more of a compression above 11.0 has been crazy than anything else.

If you’re not happy with you favourite plane getting dunked on because it was unrealistic, cope.

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Yep, and they’ve ghosted questions about it. Im not sure what is going on

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I mostly agree with you here, but there are some little tidbits I’d like to pick apart, so please indulge me :)

As someone who has the (tech tree) F-104S, I disagree with you on this point. It is an interceptor, not a bomber. The AIM-7E is frankly not worth sacrificing the Vulcan for, and the AIM-9Js are a one-flare missile, and lack any really solid range. The kit is about average for the BR, if not a little worse. It’s not like the F-5E (and even the F-4E to an extent) where you can easily whip your nose to lead the missile. The F-104S is a brick, especially after the new changes.

It’s an aircraft built to blow other planes out of the sky. If the only way you can do remotely well is by blowing up bases, perhaps it’s time for it to go down in BR.

100% agree here, I think it could absolutely go down in BR without being an issue.

Honestly, the J35XS could go back down to 10.7 without being an issue. If it had the old FM it could sit at 11.0 without an issue. (When I refer to “Old FM”, I’m referring to the one that would let you flat spin yourself if you pulled too hard. It’d be nice to introduce a skill floor for a premium without making it hellish to use for once.

Overall, I think you make some good points here, however I do disagree with some other points you made as to the FM of the J-7D as it’s a MiG-21MF (if I remember right) in flight performance. Good engine, decent missiles, you just can’t whip the nose around like crazy.

Only if F-5C goes back to 10.3, which honestly means removing the decompression for most jets.
J35XS still out-fights Viggen, and fights as well as Mig-21SMT/J-7D with as good weapons as the J-7.
Sadly SMT/J-7D aren’t as good as Mig-21MF.

He is, its just a troll or someone with a completely altered perception of reality, dont wast your time on this guy


It’s sad that people like @Leinadmix9_ツ come in here and defend all these aircraft being 11.3.
Insulting and gaslighting us, and claiming us to be bad things when we want at least one of them moved to 11.0, with consideration for another to move to 11.0.

Not sure why your new post is suddenly against J35XS moving to 11.0.
“You must not use these planes if you think J35XS should be lowered in BR.”

As for your points. Kfir C2 is a Kfir Canard with Python 3s, that’s the primary difference.

Keep claiming that people are bad things for understanding the threat of F-14A and F-4S is to J35XS; though thankfully F-4S players haven’t realized how weak aircraft are to their AIM-7Fs yet.

You are also claiming F-4 FGR2 and F-4S are under-BR’d with that claim.
Will you double down?
F-14A uses the same radar type as F-4S, same anti-fighter weapons. The difference is F-14A can dogfight better.

J35XS should be 11.0 no matter how much you accuse us of bad things.

f5c also were destroyed because on 11.0 it have only 2x aim9e (faster aim9b) and fight against aim9j/l

It was undertiered at 10.3, so when the decompression happened it went up by 0.6.

Literally false but okay…
The main issue with the J35s has always been that swedish manuals only list regulation performance, not actual performance.

The J35 IRL could do some honestly batshit insane stuff… stuff which was (For good reason) probibuted by the manual. (They still did it very, very often.)

Tbh this is why I would support a uniform FM based on simulation data for all planes, but I digress.

Well 90% of the planes would get nerfed, but I would be down tbf