Premium vehicle BR change

I want my money back for premium airplane that I already buy.
Reason: airplane was 10.3 now WT changed to 11.0
for airplane without radar and 2 average rockets? to put on 11.0 and meet 12.0 planes
U can take airplane back and also to give me back my money.


Lol if you already used it I doubt you’ll get your money back. Even if they did all your SL, RP and vehicles researched with it will also be taken back. You can try making a support ticket

Lol okay, you do you


Literally its in TOS they can change whatever they want and u cant get money back.

It plays against basically the same vehicles it did before, everyone got moved. This is just to help fix compression for top tier. It was also over performing and needed a br boost anyways.

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I think the only thing they cant change is the rank of the vehicle. But everything else is fair game.

We don’t play that game here I am afraid.
When you bought F5C you knew it was an strong or even OP jet, you knew BR raise will inevitably happen at some point.

I have the Vautour IIA IDF, we have to suffer

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They can change the rank as they did,just cant change rank down,but up is fair game. Like F-5C and others from rank VI to VII

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Firstly, along with the F5C, its main opponents also climbed the BR.
Secondly, it is worth waiting for the next planned BR change, if the aircraft is not effective, it will definitely be lowered by BR.

Finally! Someone else who also took a second to realize that everything else went up too!

All vehicles in the game are subject to the same rules and the fact that a vehicle is a premium one does not exempt it from these rules.
Premium vehicles have not and will not be treated differently when determining their BRs.