Premium problem at 9.3

Will the 9.3 battle rating being ruined by countless premiums and br compression ever be fixed , players with no premiums play this game a lot just to reach get their time ruined by all those panzer btl 123, kvt , 96ap,turms spammers . They have access to modifications like apfsds from the get go just because the way premiums work in this game this is one of many instances where warthunder goes from free to play to pay to win on the other hand tech tree vehicles have to grind through over 50k research points to unlock apfsds to make their tanks border line playable because mobility upgrades is still locked , will this ever be fixed premium spammers are not only unfair to play against but are also are a pain to play with as teammates due to one death leaving . There are many solutions to this problem like decompressing to be , making premium modifications also being locked behind research points or one pocket hurting one which gaijin will never implement which is making premiums limited time only and can be brought back on events like independence days , victory days . 9.3 ( basically 10.7 ) due to br compression is basically unplayable and the man with the deeper pockets wins


Yes, this is going to help: Decompressing Battle Ratings for Top Aircraft and Accompanying Changes to Stock Weapons

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I visited and it was only for aircraft so i thought a new topic might be a better opt

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The deconpression for the 10.0 and above shpuld help 9.3 out a bit.

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I hope . Thanks for the memo

The strategy is for you to buy the 10.3 premiums, then the 11.3, etc. 9.3 games being ruined is by design.

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Yea, not that a majority of 10.0-10.7 are all going up so it will be better for 9.0 to 9.7.

People complain that the Abrams is weak at 10.3 but nothing is scarier than an Abrams in my AMX-30 Super - and I have a 2.5 K/D in that tank.


Its been an issue for awhile, and it sucks because i have some lineups that i love the vehicles but its a constant uphill battle. another reason to reduce mm br spread.


those people are insane, as abrams at 10.3 are one of if not the best tank in this BR


Leo 2A4 don’t exist? T80B also?

the game is turning into a p2w arcade


No ! the new decompression dont help the ground 9.3 struggle . maybe remove some aircraft from the Ground match but the main problem is still the tank compression

Premium tanks are just a problem not only for 9.3 br but just everything around 10.0 bcs games are too fast. people just rush in their premium tanks and die in 2/3 minutes from start so u cant even make a decent score in games.
trust me gaijin will not do anything for 9.0/9.3 tanks bcs premium players need easy targets to kill and enjoy the game :).
you just have to be better bcs even 9.3 tanks can fight agains 10.0 or 10.3 tanks maybe t80ud can be a problem because his side reactive armor can even block apfsds xd but hey thats smart (for company income ofc) to put 11.3 tank with lower pen (Still 457) and no thermovision on 10.0 xddddd