"Premium" PBM "Warbond reward" Mariner in realistic air battle

Have tried it and my conclussion is…

  • you will disintegrate above 400-460 kph (can’t dive for your life)
  • have no defense in the belly sector (and can’t dive to hug the trees)
  • all your enemies have autocannons which will disintegrate you with any passing shot (BR 3.7 baby)
  • Full tier 5 + Expert gunners can’t get a shot on enemy before you’re blown to pieces if anything ressembling a 20 mm shell sneezes in your direction from under 3000 m. 30mm shells are expected to trigger self-destruct upon spawn

I want my 77,000 SL back (10,000 for the crew +67,000 for Expert).

Now gonna try in Arcade but oh boy is this poor thing out of its league at BR 3.7…

Edit: tried to spawn at airfield to hug the trees in RAB. Su-6 blew my ass in 2 seconds


Expecting AI gunners to hit anything in this game is like expecting modern US politics to be anything else than a circus

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Gajin hates bombers for some reason so it’s not surprising.

Large, long range Flying Boat patrol bomber with artificially high BR due to large weapon load and multiple 50cal turrets that use Gaijins AI gunner logic…what makes you think the experience would be any different?

Bombers do better, but still not great, in arcade but half of them still aren’t worth their bombload.