Pre-order: MiG-21 Bison

But F20 doesnt used any amraams just ony for proposal ? or am i wrong

Do you remember the F-20 entering service? Me neither.

yeah, make sense actually merci

Not too mention the fact its already had to go down from 12.0 to 11.7. Giving it 2x R-77s and whacking its BR up to 12.3 would leave it even more DOA

12.3 Fine if gets R77 honestly.

Sim is going to be so fun now…

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[DEV] Mig-21 Bison missing 2x R-77’s / 4x R-73’s // // Issues
4x R-73 when

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Why would you even want 4 R-73s instead of 2 R-73s and 2 R-27s?

there are so many amazing aircraft made by the British and all the tech tree gets is a soviet copy paste marked up as indian air force, can we have a top tier premium that isn’t a copy?


MiG-21UPG or MiG-21-93 is not in game at all in any tree yet.

I agree. Even South Africa has more interesting aircraft they could have added than a Soviet C&P

But what I felt Britain needed the most was a good solid CAS aircraft. either 10.3 or 11.3. Instead we got a kinda useless fighter at 11.7


would be cool to see something like the Vulcan or Victor but we get a fighter that’s meh at best and teamkilled endlessly in sim

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theres actual unique airframes that could be added, instead we see something that’s barely notable in differences

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Yeah. Im fearing them in SB. At least at 12.0 Id never have seen them (for now) in the Gr1. But now I’ll see them 50% of the time. Im gunna loose a lot of SLs to TKs.

God Id kill for a Vulcan. Premium might be the best place for it, either that or an event. Hard to place in the TT.

But even a Jaguar, Harrer II, Buc, Tornado ,etc would have worked really well. heck there is even the TSR2.


vulcan as the nuke plane at top tier would be a must

Well, maybe not top tier. But as a replacement for the Canberra definetly needed. Would also love strategic bombers as objectives in SB. Escorting a flight of Vulcans would be awesome fun

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Nobody talking about the fact that this $75 premium is not only basically a spicy copy/paste, but they also couldn’t be bothered to include a preorder camo. Especially since there’s a really cool option.


Top tier should be a tornado or an Aussie Vark for the UK


Still can’t use the MiG on the dev server

Wouldn’t be such a problem if sim wasn’t still using WWII teams lol