Pre-order: MiG-21 Bison

Well thats because its the C&P from the F-111 and a placeholder

I will beat a Mig-21 in a dogfight every singel time in the Gr7 with ease

Assuming that A2G radar isnt being removed

Id rather be in a sub-sonic like the Gr7 or FA2 than the Mig-21 with no CMs

i doubt it as it is the same radar as the su39

C&P placeholder or actually the same radar though?

I’ve used the KAB-500Kr before with perfectly fine success, people underrate TV guided weapons including the AGM-65 (without a targeting pod).

TV guided bombs are fine, but this is 12.0, you are gonna face plenty of SAMs that can easily kill you before you get into range to drop the bombs

Yep, not a soviet Mig-21 that is only against a ADATS and the odd german SPAA. Vs a pantsir you will never get into weapons range

I will beat a Mig-21 in a dogfight every singel time in the Gr7 with ease

Yeah you can beat MiG-21 pilots in your Harrier GR.7 but only the ones missing their frontal lobe.

Assuming that A2G radar isnt being removed

They wouldn’t remove a feature specifically made for that type of radar, the ground mode is still functional in the developer server and there is no reason to remove it.

The MiG-21 Bison uses the same radar in real life as well, why use the Kopyo as a place holder over than the RP-21 Sapfir anyways?

Unless your fighting something like the Tor-M1 most missiles you’ll face will be absolute dog poo including the one found on the Pantsir.


So basically anyone who plays soviets then… :D

Id still rather take the vastly superior A2G loadout of the Gr7 for GRB and even in A2A combat, the 700 CMs will actually provide suffecient protection against something like an ICE slinging AMRAAMs at you. (Assuming this mig-21 can even detect an AMRAAM on RWR)

As for A2G radar. its a unique feature currently locked to a single radar. so maybe it wont be removed. but Tornado Gr1 should also get A2G radar eventually (in some form at least) and as soon as we start entertaining aircraft like the Harrier Gr9A with HMS and Brimstones… not really a competition.

(oh and Harrier Gr7 and Gr9 should have 6x Aim-9Ms, not 4, recent bug report)

(Also the currently 1520 missing CMs of the Gr1 should be coming soon)

Anyway. Its gunna be a pretty weak and niche aircraft. Id also avoid taking it into SB. M29 RWR pings, Mig-21 silhouette. You’ll be TKed constantly by everyone

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You can evade them basically unless you got 3 fingers missing.

Assuming this mig-21 can even detect an AMRAAM on RWR

The MiG-21 Bison should have a digital RWR like on the J-8F or J-7E and evading AIM-120s are extremely easy if you know what your doing.

Anyway. Its gunna be a pretty weak and niche aircraft. Id also avoid taking it into SB. M29 RWR pings, Mig-21 silhouette. You’ll be TKed constantly by everyone

The SU-39 is one of my most favourite Sim vehicles and just due to the strong Kopyo radar which holds TWS lock very well, the Bison should inherit this and with the R-27R and a good RWR it should be pretty solid but teamkilling is a general issue.

Perhaps. Anyway, Out of all the aircraft they could have chosen, we got a Soviet Mig-21 C&P instead of something actually decent and interesting aircraft. Rather large disapointment.

A dozen better options, but nope, gotta get that Soviet C&P

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The MiG-21 Bison should perform somewhat close to the J-8F and this is the gameplay I got from the developer server.

I honestly believe its an amazing addition, the MiG-21 is a legendary aircraft and Britain getting debatably the best one is amazing. I’d pre-order it but Xbox account holders must be punished or whatever Gaijin says.

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It’s one of the worst additions to britain yet

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Maybe 50-70 years ago for the soviet nations. But compared to the British aircraft we could have gotten its rather outdated. Such a shame. Saudi Tornado IDS or ADV (former RAF aircraft sold to Saudi Arabia) would have been awesome. Failing that Harrier Gr5 would have been very good.

Then South Africa for something like the Cheatah or Mirage. Heck even the Buc S50 would have been awesome premium, those RATOs would be fun on a Buc.

but nope. We got an outdated soviet C&P that is so bad it got a BR drop before it even made it to live. Kinda funny actually that this “legendary aircraft” has the same battle rating as a sub-sonic ground attacker that is only due buffs, like the ability to carry 6x AGM-65s or 6x AAMs, Gen 2 or Gen 3 Tpod, Better MAWS, BOL Buffs. The list goes on

Its a bad fit for our TT, adding an aircraft that does not belong, from a nation that does not belong. It adds nothing that isnt provided by something else already on our TT, often better. Its a bad premium with limited potential as a grinder (far worse than the F4-J(UK) that can carry far far more ordinace for base bombing at the same time as being a better equipped A2A fighter). Its a weak CAS for GRB, carried only by a ground radar and TV guided bombs. Its a weak CAP fighter, carried by HMD and BR12+ missiles.

Overall, one of the worst premiums ever added by my reckoning. Such a shame. Though it has done one thing I thought impossible… its made the F4-J(UK) look like an outstanding premium which I may actually get this summer as it should be on sale.


I thought the F4-J(UK) was a really bad aircraft when it was added (so much so that everyone called it the F4JUNK) and was somewhat disappointed by it. But now. Im actaully tempted to buy the F4 as a SL printer (I no longer need a RP grinder) as its unlikely we’ll get another premium aircraft for the rest of the year at least. This is our first premium aircraft in 18 months.

This Mig-21 has made the F4JUNK look amazing.

though I am surprised the F4 wasnt pulled from sale a few months ago to force everyone to buy the Mig-21 instead

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Sir, Wheres the R77?

It wont get any, just like the F-20 doesnt get AIM-120s