Pre-order: MiG-21 Bison

This is 21-93 on your photo, not Bison

ok then show me pic of Bison dispenser


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is that Mig-23?



If followed link, you’ll know that this CMDS have been integreted on MiG-23/MiG-27 and MiG-21Bison in Indian Air Forces (referred as IAF)

The IAF was in deep need of modernisation for low cost, and easy integration.

It have been made between 2002 and 2008.

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oh ok

At least it gets flares

Guys I sold a vehicle for Gaijin Coin, Should I pre order the Mig21Bison?

I mean, if you really like the MiG-21 and desperately want a premium to grind britain with, go for it

I would pre-order it as the MiG-21 is a pretty cool vehicle but I’m not sure how good it would be and especially at 12.0.

It would also be nice CAS since it has the Kopyo radar which has access to ground search modes

For a 12.0 its gonna be adequate, but nothing special, just like the F-20

As a CAS plane its gonna be better than the Tornado F.3 and Gripen, but not as good as the actual Strike planes (Harrier GR.7 and Tornado GR.1)

It’s 11.7, at least it was the last time I looked on the dev server. Despite that though It’s going to be one of Britain’s weakest CAP aircraft at that rank I reckon.

Unless that gets fixed, I think the radar is a placeholder

Whilst obviously it will better than the F3

It’s probably the weakest CAS aircraft we’ve got at that rank. Even the FGR2 is better equipped than the BISON if I’m not mistaken

Gripen has TPod and guided weapons so is a lot better

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when Mustang Mk.III


yes im a mig-21 fanboy

I’d pick the Bison over the Harrier GR.7 and Tornado any day of the week, you need to take into consideration what platform is carrying these ordinances and with my MiG-21 experience overall it handles nicely.

I’d take the better handling and 700 CMs and MAWS of the Gr7 over the 60 CMs on the bison especially as it will see ARH all the time and tornado F3 has better radar, more CMs and more missiles. All in a package that is faster and at a lower BR where it will barely see ARH.

But each to their own. I won’t be wasting my money on the BISON at least

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I have the Harrier GR.7 and the MAWS on it is absolute trash, the 700 countermeasures won’t be saving you if you fly at the speed of my Grandma whilst bleeding all your speed in one turn. The Bison will have the ability to carry the KAB-500Kr which should be pretty useable and in combination with the Kopyo and R-27R it should be significantly more competent as a multirole aircraft.

Aircraft with radars and especially TWS are pretty big for Ground RB, having the ability to easily detect enemy aircraft and combat them is something the Harrier GR.7 lacks.

I’d take the better handling

And lets ignore the part were the Harrier GR.7 is a sub sonic aircraft.

TV guided bombs, yeah nah, I think you are overselling the Bison a tiny bit