Pre-order: MiG-21 Bison

Do you know what SARH means? Semi-active radar seeker

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Semi Active Radar Homing missiles have a Radar seeker too

just a Passive one, you could say It’s just a reciever that seeks for radar pulses

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SARH missiles don’t have a independent radar unlike ARH missiles, they use the radar of the aircraft to detect reflections.

It is quite literally just a receiver, it doesn’t search for aircrafts independently so it’s not really a radar seeker and hard emphasise on the seeker part.

It only does half the job which is receiving reflections which is were the part “semi” comes from I’d assume.

Does an IR seeker actively emits it’s own EM waves or simply receives + interprets the energy from the target itself?

Well, I have to say that I am not surprised. Britain has the worst top tier premium plane (F-4 Junk) so Gaijin solution is to add another bad premium plane, while the solution was the Tornado (RSAF for example), there is no more iconic modern British aircraft than Tornado.

But Gaijin said no, it’s Britain, you’ll get more crap. There are never enough premium Mig-21s in the game, we’ll add more.

if it isn’t a seeker how would you call it?

Never said it wasn’t a seeker, all I said was it lacks half of the procedures to make it a proper radar (lacks a transmitter but has a receiver). If you want to class it as anything it would be a parasitic radar or like I said earlier just a receiver. It’s up for interpretation on what you want to call it but it’s not for sure a complete radar.

This is getting off topic anyways, went from me quoting a CM to us talking about radar class

If the MiG-21-93 could fit it I don’t see why the MiG-21 Bison shouldn’t get it, one is developed from the other and they use the same countermeasure pods (I think idk). If the F-5C was allowed to get its ahistorical countermeasures then the Bison should get its semi historical 120 countermeasures.

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I agree. However, this is Gaijin and they will pick and choose what suits them.

I’ve tried my darnedest to zoom into Mig-21 Bison pictures and see the countermeasures, and all I see is just white paint :<