Pre-order: Leopard 2A4M CAN

Im not. What I’m saying is they will probably decide to add a new challenger to Britain rather than a leopard.

ok sure


And thats precisely the issue… we dont WANT more challys they cannot even fix the current ones and non of them are competitive… this leopard should have gone to UK to at least give it something else to liven up there lineup. UK is just in a sorry state atm and its laughable

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Did the british personally attack gaijin devs or what

why do they hate uk getting anything good


“we don’t want the tank our nation made. Give us someone else tank in our own nation rather than fix our own tanks”

If you want Leos, play Germany. Not GB.

If you have a problem with Challys, keep bugging Gaijin for a fix. Don’t assume it gives you the right to an All German package, All German upgraded vehicle.


→ German Tank
→ German Upgrade package
→ Previous canadian leo’s have been in german tree

British mains: “Its our birthright, it belongs to us, reee give us the canadian leopards!”

The current state of WT’s tech tree uniqueness being diluted by rampant additions from other nations to tech trees to “fill gaps” and the likes has been one of the single worst thing to happen to WT. Every game feels like mixed battles now, and giving the 2A4M CAN to britain would have only made it worse.


No problem, if you want vipers or eagles, play US.

Yeah, I 100% agree with that

ok were getting all the p51s then because its a british engine and apparently who made this thing is all that matters now


Germany didnt even use this variant of the Leopard… so why are they even getting it lmao


The difference is Germany doesn’t need it to improve it’s top tier. Britian would greatly benefit from getting a leopard to improve their top tier which if that was their goal if they added it to britian it shouldn’t be a premium. They added the 2a4m to Germany to get that top tier premium money from people because Germany didn’t have a 11.0+ premium yet.


They may not have used it but it was their design entirely. German base, German upgraded package. So it makes 100% sense to go to them.

It’s not like GB used it either, as well. Only Canada did. So it doesn’t fulfill ANY qualifications to go in GBs TT.


because brits did not use it eighter


So then we can let Britains mains stop complaining about losing out on this right after they yoink back ALL the air from the other tech trees and keep it for US only. Until that point, I’m with British mains and this should have gone to Britain.


the germans didnt use the KV1B and they still have it

Gaijin was already moved to “fix” the Challengers.

They simply denied all attempts at buff/fixes, slapped the TES with a nerf, can’t add correctly and left the mantlet unfinished.


This had NO point being in Britain??? The only claim they have is they used to rule over Canada and so by being a Commonwealth country it should be theirs. Germany created the base vehicle, the upgrade, trialed it, etc. etc. for Canada.

This is starting to feel like the Kurraiser going to France, that just because y’all had rule over a design or an idea when someone else uses it or tries to help it its all of a sudden yours

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And it should go entirely to Sweden. I am all for that. Because Finland is with Sweden. Not Germany.

might want to do your research… the upgrade was funded by canada and commissioned by KMW on behalf of the Canadian government. Germany may have built the upgrade but it was still NEVER used by them…

So my question still stands, why are Germany getting the 2A4M CAN its literally intended for the Canadian forces

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You clearly mustve missed the multiple british mains who were basically made a mockery of in gaijins “adressing challenger 2 Bug reports”, most of whom spent hundreds of hours and of their own money trying to compile accurate data for said reports for most of it to be misconstrued or denied as not accurate.