Pre-order: Leopard 2A4M CAN


thats not calling spall liner

cause its protection vs KE will be around the same as leo 2 pl, with some extra armor on the side vs CE, basically this is 2pl with pso side addon armor

I am not saying it has spall liners, I am saying that it has no business being rank 7. And even the Pl is rank 8

It’s not linear, it’s a pick and choose when it suits. It should have gone to Britain.


why not instead take the arjun ? :)


Please provide examples. Cause it is pretty linear, as the examples show.

Lets just wait for the next devs blogs the real slapstick announcments werent the fist once in history

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No it shouldn’t have. Britian already has an 11.0+ premium and they have plenty of challengers to choose from.


Real, waiting for Russia to get a T-90 or smthn that’s gonna be ethereal hell to fight

I am worried, to say the least

you make it sound like challys are actually competitive…


Yeah, forgot Germany only has like 1 leopard to choose from.

Excellent point.


If used correctly I’m sure they are. I know my British friend would wipe my ass in a challenger. And if Britain needs a leopard to improve it’s top tier do you want it stuck behind a 70 Dollar pay wall?


It’s still a A4, so the gunner’s sight is still a rather easy to hit weakspot.

What’s your point?

Just because they made a stupid decision the first time doesnt make the 2nd time better


I see those goalposts moving, nice.

“Britain doesn’t need a leopard.”

“Well if it did, do you want it stuck behind a paywall.”

Okay, so does Germany need a Leo? If it does would you really want it locked behind a paywall?

He might but I bet hed get wiped clean by a leopard 2a7 or strv 122b+… premiums are what they are, they have paywalls but I wouldnt go around claiming UK has enough challys like its a good thing when there competitiveness are some of the worst tanks at top tier (gun and mobility wise)


The salty tears of british mains that have spent the last year+ trying to steal this tank from germany taste so good today

Can’t wait to see all that composite armor on the side add 30mm of KE protection lmao