Pre-order: Leopard 2A4M CAN

Why should Britain get it?

You got your challenger 2 OES though, the worst variant (tied with TES) of already one of the worst top tier MBTs.

You wanted more?

I’m sorry what word in that sentence says “Great Britain” because so far it is none

because of the damn common wealth

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Because it actually ends up giving them something competitive to there lineup… is it realistic no, but ide rather balance and nations having competitive stuff than nations just wasting away because they cannot be assed touching them and wonder why nations dont get played :D

Do the people here not know what the common wealth is???


Canada is currently, unlike Finland, split amongst three tech trees. Following the current rules for Canada, the C2A4 going to Germany makes complete sense. When Canada decides to buy and upgrade a Challenger, that will most definitely go to Great Britain.

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Do you not know the leopard is German

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Australian abrams was an upgrade designed and manufactured by americans in america. Canadian 2a4m was bought as 2a4’s by canada and then upgraded in canada. Its much closer to something like a strv 105 where they bought the base vehicle but upgraded it on their own rather than a strv 101 where its just a full upgrade that they bought from another country

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Do people not know what country of design and build is???

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And in what word does it say Germany… if we take your brainrot argument then I guess sweden’s Leopards go to German then because they are Germany Leopards using Swedish upgrades… no different to the 2A4M CAN then is it.


Just like the Swiss hunter is a British plane but that didn’t go to Britain. The problem is gaijins complete double standards like the Canadian adats going to Britain but their leopards not it’s just dumb and unfair for Canadian people to have their tanks locked behind a paywall and split across multiple trees


what is its BR? this reminds me of Leopard 2 PL , can Leopard 2 PL go to 11.0?

So because we dont have a horde of brainless buffoons to click “i also have this issue” on CR2 bug reports we might aswell just sit tight and do nothing? and just accept the massive spit in the face the british top tier ground got, right.

I will accept the Challenger 2 did see some improvements in the rework, but it is far from done imo and yet gaijin believe it to be basically done and dusted, ignoring completely how they fucked the challenger 3 TD damage model by returning to the pre rework CR2 DM instead of its own unique DM.


I dunno, “Leo 2A4” is pretty apparently Germany to me

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Ignoring my swedish point… nice because you got rebuttalled and now dont have a counter argument lmao

using the same stupid rules more doesnt make them less stupid

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imo a german upgrade for a german designed and built tank should go to germany.
unless it is directly in service in a country we have ingame anyway*


No, but it does make them consistent.

So sweden to to the german TT then?