Potential inclusion of Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg in the French Tech tree

France won’t benefits much from Dutch lower tier either since most are copy pasta from Bri’ish or American with some small addition from France. Not to mention most of their higher tier are Leopard or Leopard 2.
Franch need more of it domestic light tank which Gaijin still haven’t added yet in favor of copy pasta tree like Hun.

It’s not the absolute number that is the problem, but the lopsidedness. That has more repercussions than you might think.

Everyone’s getting them, as far as I know, so I doubt it will have a nation specific impact.

On the dev server, it also didn’t exactly revolutionise gameplay - hugging the ground worked just the same as a counter - so I think their arrival is being over hyped a bit at this point.

What are these “light tanks” you speak of?


having played a lot on the Dev server, the mica stands out a lot and will make the mirage 2000 one of the best planes

Do you see any light tanks? I only see a blank page without any vehicle, it’s strange : )

(I really want the Panhard CRAB)

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Man, I just want the Vextra POLE and EBRC Jaguar. Unironically the best wheeled tank destroyer and IFV that could come to the game…


I would’ve preferred a Benelux tree but i’m not mad. Now if it is 100% copy paste i will be mad, i’m expecting a decent chunk of copy paste at first but i hope it’ll be more unique in the long run


personally I expect a 100% copy and paste given what Hungary received

it’s true that it’s still funny, the only nation without a modern light tank is the one that has the most efficient vehicles in this area

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Benelux has a lot more unique options than Hungary, though. Like South Africa

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I’d argue Belgium alone has much more, to be honest.


even if Hungary has fewer proposals, the period of the Second World War is full of unique vehicles in planes and tanks and yet we still received almost only copied and pasted ones (the Toldi tanks, the different variants of Turan… )

A lot of them already came with the battle pass

in total there are only 5 unique Hungarian tanks 6 months after their introduction, it is far too few, this number could double or even triple but since their introduction, no new vehicle has been offered

and among those 5 unique vehicles, the Zrinie (I don’t know how it’s spelled) are the same with just the rocket launcher changing

There is not even a possible debate about this idea : France doesn’t need a subtree, it need its own equipment that is plethoric.
Putting a subtree would just harm it by making less room for actual french stuff, replaced with copy pastes, and would also make it less unique.
If you play France, it’s surely not because you are expecting to play american or soviets copy pastes, you come for the Mirages, the Leclerc and so on. You come because it is something different, and it should stay that way, for the health of the tree.


Unfortunately, its already been decided. The leak list from the guy who’s gotten all past leak lists right already stated France is getting Benelux. I’ve also heard the French are getting the Orange Dutch Leopard 2 as a premium, though it wasnt on the list so im not 100% sure about that claim yet…

Behold! The “french” rank 7 premium!


i know, but as long as it’s not official i would still say a strong no, because this is actually wrong to do this…
Making something leak is also a way to take the temperature, but maybe it’s just me that is coping about this


with all honours but france has no tracked ifvs in the class of Cv90s not forgetting that most ifvs they have are protos or wheeled

wheeled > tracked

I also hope theres enough backlash for them to reconsider, but i doubt it. Wouldnt be the first or last terrible decision made by gaijin

dam making your name all honours… nah jokes aside wheeled ifvs cant compete with tracked ifvs