Potential inclusion of Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg in the French Tech tree

I would ask for a source about this but well…

I would scrounge up the sources but I can’t be bothered entertaining this conversation anymore.

Do tell what it is called then? And why this poster has the UVZ and Renault Trucks Defense logo on it but not any Serbian company?

Oh my bad. I’ve mistaken it with the Lazanski IFV. Tho I have to mention. The Atom has a mockup turret.

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split them into different trees depending on Era maybe?

I am French and I don’t want to have “Dutch” vehicles in my tree which is so unique. We have no connections with this country. I don’t want to have German equipment.

In France we still have a lot of vehicles that have not been added, we do not need another country to complete the tree


Yes and i want some Zuckerbrot.

I don’t see any sense in the Netherlands being added to France. There is just no proper link that both nations have.

If they really wanted to add something to France then do only Belgium. But if you look at the larger picture then adding Belgium to France destroys the whole BeNeLux idea. So unless they plan to add the Netherlands on their own somehow, then I wouldn’t add Belgium to France.

The BeNeLux as a standalone nation is one of a few really good remaining options for new nations.


The best option to keep the majority of people happy is to either split BeNeLux or make it an independent tech tree.

There’s far more to lose with all of BeNeLux going to just France and plenty of people are voicing their opinion against it.

I would have much preferred adding the Swiss as a French subtree, but if the leaks are correct at least I hope there’s little to no copy-paste


This is a possible list of vehicles coming, but definitely not a definite source.
Not literally copy&paste stuff, but for some it might as well be.

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Switzerland and Belgium are equivalent for what they can bring that has value.

France has exported several equipment and they have their domestic equipment that fits French doctrine. But I think the best things Switzerland can give is either the Mowag FL-20 or Mirage IIIS.

Don’t tell me I have to start the French Ground TT to play the best Leopard 1 in the game.

The same argument could have been made for any other nation. It is what it is. (You have to play italy for the best M47, France or Israel for the best Sherman, untill last update Britain for the best T-90, etc…)

It was just sarcasm. I made the suggestion.

Personally I wouldn’t know enough about the Swedish modern defence industry to talk about a straight comparison, but that might come close yeah, with a bit more heavily leaning in Belgium’s favour in terms of variants and amount of unique stuff. (at least for Air it will be about the same for post-WWII stuff, although Belgium had more different fighters I believe.)

I hope to see some more swiss vehicles in game, their wheeled stuff is quite interesting, same for their tanks. Sadly it’s possible that the German tree will get them. (at least the french get the nice M.S. 410 swiss camo of 13 Fliegerkompanie aka 13ème Escadrille aka Squadriglia d’aviazione 13 )

Why I still say that Gaijin should rethink how subtrees work, they’ve been an imperfect solution and are quickly becoming obsolete.

But Gaijin seems to prefer continuing with the idea that a tech tree is a group of homogenized nations, rather then it representing technological origin.


I also am one that likes to think of TTs as ‘national’ instead of technological (like GJN). I do see the appeal of technologically separated TTs, however I don’t think that would ever be viable in game anymore.

The problem is that Gaijin is proving that they can’t commit to national tech trees either.
France previously had far more to lose to Germany, as they’re simply the tech tree and player base with more special treatment.

They tell us absolutely nothing either, so most of us still assume BeNeLux is Gaijin giving up on properly developing France and using them to fill gaps like Finland and Hungary.

The Germans still get upset at the idea of Austria being in France as well. National tech trees will usually mean that the exported version will be better then the domestic version. The Hunter F.53 is a great example of that.
Because the SK-105 would have been in the same situation as the DF-105 (Which is yet another example) if we didn’t practically riot.
I ask for the SK-105A3 because it’s one of the very few stabilized AMX-13 derivatives.

France completely losing Switzerland means losing the FL-20 as I keep saying. Germany already has the Marder FL-20, so it’s redundant and only adds salt to old wounds. What else would they get, the Mirage IIIS and AMX Mk62?

Which, I’m sorry for the examples that turned into a rant.


Yeah, Historically they tried to keep it technologically separated (like you see with Canadian vehicles, which are separated over the USA, Germany and UK since about 2015). But in recent years the Argentine and Austrian additions have also been somewhat technological based, like with the SAAB-105OE, SK-105, etc. They do sometimes state that X nation won’t ‘ever’ be added to current nation Y, but this can always be retracted.

And it has been a mixed use approach ever since. Sadly there isn’t a clear guideline of GJN of what not to add or what will be added to nations, as this has varies wildly throughout the years and also varies between historical periods and nations. There isn’t one black or white answer.

I try to not assume that, as for now, there isn’t much proof of gap-filling (the F-16s, Leopards and Mirage 5BA of the Benelux don’t really fill any niche BR that france won’t already be able to cover with additional prototypes, existing in-game stuff or non-introduced IRL produced vehicles). Most people that come forward with this argument are simply guessing at GJN’s aim (like me also).

Personally I think that Gaijin is trying to ‘bring new life’ into one of the least played nations in game, which in turn generates the least income and return of investment for them. Hopefully the BeNeLux will bring new players, if only people from the BeNeLux region, to the French TT.

It is simply a fact that most direct export variants of mostly USA vehicles in France have a far higher K/D than their original nations counterparts. More players means the stat-based balancing of Gaijin might work better because of the more equal sample sizes. (But this argument is a minor one ofc.) Luckily the gap between average French(TT) players and US(TT) players seems to have shrunk over the last couple updates, as most K/D’s have almost equalised in the extreme cases (not a 6.8 french K/D against a US 1.6 K/D anymore haha).

In my opinion, if BeNeLux were ever to be added to France, it should have been later. France does lack several iconic Armoured fighting vehicles in game right now. I hope they keep developing French vehicles.

Because I don’t think they’ll ‘properly’ develop any nation anyways (except for maybe US and USSR TTs).

A solution, like seen with the SK-105, would be to the add the same vehicle twice (Yes, I’m proposing C&P for these situations). This would mean ‘national-TT players’ would be able to make their nation’s line-ups, while some Technology-based countries would actually be able to play with improved or modified variants of their own vehicles without having to research a whole new TT.

Should this be retro-actively done? Maybe for the Hunter from Switzerland (to Britain), the Ram II (to Britain) and the DF-105 (to France) that would be a nice addition, but at the moment definitely not a necessity.

Indeed, France losing some potential swiss additions would not be a good thing.

I’m also ranting here, so as a conclusion TL;DR:

  • BeNeLux shouldn’t have been added in France this early. And would serve better as an Independent TT.
  • France definitely should be expanded upon by their own and technologically-close vehicles.
  • GJN should do a mixed-use of technology-based and Nationality-based placement of additions to the game.


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